Voter fraudster gets just 100 days??!?!

Anyone else think this is just pure insanity? Someone caught on 18 counts of voter fraud, charged, goes to court and all he gets is a measly ONE COUNT of misdemeanor fraud and 100 days sentencing??
So they plea bargained down to one misdemeanor count. What's your beef? The prosecutor should have tried him on 18 counts? Blame the prosecution. The defendant should have gotten more than 100 days for a non-violent misdemeanor? Blame the judicial system.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Anyone else think this is just pure insanity? Someone caught on 18 counts of voter fraud, charged, goes to court and all he gets is a measly ONE COUNT of misdemeanor fraud and 100 days sentencing?? Originally Posted by garhkal
please post the article can't read it do to the sites paywall. not all sites share their news freely. Wall St. Journal and others have a paywall. sometimes they have a free offering, but its best to copy the article and post it here.

now you're finding out that voter fraud is not held to the same standard as counterfeit fraud.

there was a woman who committed vote fraud by going to the polls multiple times, and she was sentenced to 6 years but she was freed after 3 months.
bamscram's Avatar
Was he rich and privileged also?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are at least THREE MILLION stories like these, right?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-11-2017, 08:41 AM
There are at least THREE MILLION stories like these, right?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
One down, two million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine to go!
goodolboy's Avatar
To find voter fraud, one would first have to look for it.

"Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books."

There is no logical reason to not have voter ID laws and restrict early voting by mail. We should not have dead people voting in our elections.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-11-2017, 11:09 AM
To find voter fraud, one would first have to look for it.

"Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books."

There is no logical reason to not have voter ID laws and restrict early voting by mail. We should not have dead people voting in our elections. Originally Posted by goodolboy

Did you even read your own link you ignorant fuck?

Of course you didn't or even your dumbass wouldn't have posted it.

Or maybe you actually read it and can not
understand wtf you read....

Of the data available, though, machines tallied at least 388 more ballots, according to a Detroit News analysis of the records. That’s 0.16 percent of the 248,000 ballots cast in the city that voted for Clinton 95 percent to 3 percent over Trump.
Haroutunian said she didn’t know what to make of the trend toward over-counting because there was no explanation from Detroit poll workers. The city had another 34 precincts that were out of balance, but they included explanations for the discrepancies.
Under state law, those precincts could be recounted because there were explanations. The law states that original results stand in precincts that can’t be recounted.
Washtenaw County Elections Director Ed Golembiewski said discrepancies tend to “even themselves out” — there are usually about as many precincts whose machines report more votes than fewer votes. But he said the large number of precincts with over-votes in Detroit isn’t necessarily significant.
“It’s usually human error,” Golembiewski said. “I have not seen anyone intentionally try to run an extra ballot. You aren’t going to rig an election three ballots at a time. You’re going to need a far more systematic and thorough approach than a couple of people here and there stuffing three extra ballots.”
please post the article can't read it do to the sites paywall. not all sites share their news freely. Wall St. Journal and others have a paywall. sometimes they have a free offering, but its best to copy the article and post it here.. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
OK.. Here it is..
HARRISONBURG — A federal judge in U.S. District Court in Harrisonburg sentenced a former James Madison University student to prison Tuesday for submitting false voter registration applications.
On June 20, Andrew J. Spieles, 21, formerly of Harrisonburg, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor fraud charge. Federal prosecutors say he caused 18 fraudulent voter registration forms to be submitted to the Harrisonburg registrar in connection with the Nov. 8 presidential election.
The plea agreement called for a prison sentence of 100 to 120 days, but U.S. Magistrate Judge Joel Hoppe rejected the deal during Tuesday’s hearing, saying that a lesser sentence might be warranted.
Hoppe, however, changed his mind and sentenced Spieles to 100 days. Spieles, who now lives in Stephens City, will report to prison at a later date determined by the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
“This is a young man that has an unblemished background,” Hoppe said of the deal. “It was a one-time stupid act, but it undermines people’s confidence [in the voting system].”
Attorneys in the case say the sentence was negotiated so that Spieles would avoid a felony charge.
Before the judge’s ruling, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeb Terrien told Hoppe he should stick to the 100-day sentence.
Terrien said this case needs to send a message.
“This was national news for a very good reason,” he said. “His actions undermined citizens’ faith in our voter registration system.”
There is no indication that Spieles’ actions resulted in any fraudulent votes being cast.
Given the option to argue for a lesser sentence, Spieles’ attorney, Gene Hart, opted not to try to persuade the judge.
Hart said his client wanted to serve the time, rather than face a felony charge. He also said Spieles knows he did wrong.
“His actions highlight problems with the system that can be used to strategically do harm,” Hart told the judge.
The case
Prosecutors say Spieles started registering voters in October 2015.
“In early 2016, he worked on Democratic primary voter registration drives. Spieles worked primarily with another individual (Witness #1) in January and February, registering over 2,000 people,” according to a statement of facts.
In April 2016, according to the document, he started working with New VA Majority, an Alexandria-based organization that holds registration drives, receiving $150 in compensation.
Three months later, he began working for HarrisonburgVotes, a group similar to New VA Majority, for $350 a week.
The city registrar’s office had become suspicious on Aug. 5 when it received a voter registration from the deceased father of a retired Rockingham County judge.
“The registrar’s office called the named individual’s family and confirmed that the named individual was deceased and that no one else with that name lived at the address listed on the registration form,” the statement of facts says.
The registrar’s office found 17 additional fraudulent forms, including five that carried names of the dead, according to local voting officials.
On Aug. 15, HarrisonburgVotes advised authorities that irregularities were found in forms submitted to its office.
HarrisonburgVotes co-founder Joe Fitzgerald said Spieles confessed on Aug. 15 and was terminated. Fitzgerald, a prominent Democrat and former Harrisonburg councilman and mayor, founded HarrisonburgVotes with lawyer Tom Domonoske, a former member of the nonpartisan Harrisonburg School Board.
Spieles testifies
During the sentencing hearing, Spieles testified about why he submitted the forms.
He told the judge that he was trying to help a woman who worked for the Democratic Party of Virginia.
Spieles said that he didn’t have a quota but the woman had “goals” she had to meet. He said they would combine their forms to increase both of their totals.
Spieles testified that a problem arose at the beginning of August. He said there were no large events that week, and finding people to register was difficult. As a result, they were having trouble meeting the woman’s goal.
He told the court that he filled out forms using “walk sheets,” or information given to volunteers canvassing neighborhoods. He used that data and combined it with information he made up to create fraudulent registration forms.
Spieles entered that information into the Democratic Party’s database and placed the forms into a folder.
Each Thursday, he brought forms to the registrar’s office. He planned to get rid of the fake ones but was late to work that Thursday, so someone else brought the forms to the office.
Spieles testified that he was especially hurt to find out three people he registered were dead. Letters were sent to each dead person’s home notifying them they had registered to vote.
“I feel awful for the families that received those letters,” he said, adding that he plans to apologize to each of those families.
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And if you check, the JUDGE was an obama apointee, and since Holder 'recognized him for good work on tobacco fraud several years back, AND THIS FRAUD was for the DNC, its not surprising to ME at least, that he got such a light slap on the wrist.. HERE is imo proof of collusion...
I B Hankering's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There are at least THREE MILLION stories like these, right?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

but Mr. Potato Head, haven't you claimed all this is fake news?

it appears not.


now go get a spud shoved up yer ass. sideways.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
There are at least THREE MILLION stories like these, right?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There is evidence of tens of thousands of cases which means 100s of thousands probably happened but are prosecutable. Before you say something stupid (too late Assup), consider if Hillary had not won in New Hampshire where it thousands of cases of possible fraud have been found. What would have happened to her campaign if Bernie had put her away early like Obama did? There would have been no Hillary campaign just like there was no JEBush campaign outside the primaries. Voter fraud does have an affect.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
At the very least, anyone convicted of voter fraud should have their voting privilege taken away forever. If you can't be trusted, you can't vote. A minor felony conviction (with or without jail time) will make that easier to apply. Of course, that may well set that perp up for another conviction if they decide to vote again. This time, they get jail time.
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  • 08-11-2017, 03:32 PM