question about the lottery as a gift.....

DallasRain's Avatar
I had a very sweet client this week give me a powerball ticket as a gift....I thought it was a nice thing for him to do!

My question is...............Have you ever given a lottery ticket or gotten a lottery ticket as a gift???
If you happened to win BIG,what should you do? Or would you do??

{I ended up winning 4 bucks on}
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I had one give me 50 of them as a gift ...won 12 bucks lol.

If I won big I would split it with him for sure!! If I didn't Karma would get me for sure

I had a very sweet client this week give me a powerball ... Originally Posted by DallasRain
Anyone else just naturally see the jokes in posts like this?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Anyone else just naturally see the jokes in posts like this? Originally Posted by JDNorthface
I missed that JD...but that would have made him sweet

burkalini's Avatar
Who says all providers are greedy. Kind of in the same line I had just finished having a great session with a provider I had seen many times and we got to talking and decided to go over to the casino to eat and gamble a little bit. This was off the clock. We pushed up to a table with carribbean stud and I bought in for both of us (100.00 each) She hit a hand a little later and won $1200.00. She looked at me and I told her she won and enjoy it. She went to the window to cash out and came over to me and said here is the 100 you gave me and here's half the rest. I never asked for anything but she insisted. I always remembered that when I just couldn't decide which gal to call and she usually won out. We don't see each other that way anymore as she is retired but we have remained good friends and talk all the time and still hang together on occasion.
If you win big on a Lottery Ticket given by a client or anyone else, Keep your good fortune to yourself. If your winnings are sizable after all taxes and other fees have been met invest a good portion of it in Gold and Silver. The rest assist your kids if you have'em and enjoy yourself take a Cruise with your SO. As far as telling the client that gave you the Ticket it's immaterial for him to know, it's not an obligation. Taking care of yourself and those you truly love is or should be your main concern.