Are You SURE About 9-11?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
These people aren't. Do you believe the government's report?

I get sudden violent tendencies whenever I hear a 9-11 conspiracy, wanna whack their head against some cold and hard porcelain.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just asking what you thought of their comments. That's all.
It would be naive to think that every aspect has been fully and unambiguously explained and documented.

But it is also naive to take some quotes possibly out of context and make an argument from them.

I thought the question of how they collapsed so quickly had been well explained by engineers a long time ago?

So eye witnesses who saw the airplanes were mistaken, they were really missiles or military aircraft? I think not.

No doubt somebody will make a film one day showing it was all a hoax.

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.

I think not. Goldwater was whacko.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In your heart, you know he was right.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I didn't take a position. I ran across this, and thought it was interesting. So I asked what people here think about it. You guys read too much into things.

I guess you can photoshop terror onto live television.

Also no one talks about the benefits of faking a terrorist attack- what would be the benefit of invading oil bearing countries if we didn't take those countries over.

Now if they said we posed a fake attack as an excuse to take over these countries for their resources I'd give that some thought- but in reality gas prices got higher and I am sure financing this war did not help the economy.

So I don't get it, what's the motive?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who said the attack was fake? That wasn't in the article I posted. It would be hard to fake 3000 deaths and the loss of three buildings. I just thought the quotes were interesting. These aren't "truther" whackos, these are serious people. Republicans, Democrats and others.

Do they have a point, or not? Is the official 9-11 report accurate, or not? What say you?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Where do you find all these whacko websites?
COG, bad choice of reply wording. Skylar was talking as if OUR people had done it and blamed it on another perp.

My theory is the guys who staged the fake moon landing in Nevada pooled their resources with the 400-500 OTHER people who shot Kennedy from the grassy knoll and did it for the scavenging bonanza during the demolition job.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You's really hard to tell when your joking Little Stevie.
Where do you find all these whacko websites? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It is on the shelf next to the toilet paper!
Mr. Bill's Avatar
There Were No Planes On 9/11

...nor were there any hijackers. The 9/11 event was a military psyop facilitated by the media. The public watched as made-for-TV special effects depicted airliner jets (and purported pilots) performing feats which defied the laws of physics and even common sense.


There Were No Planes On 9/11

...nor were there any hijackers. The 9/11 event was a military psyop facilitated by the media. The public watched as made-for-TV special effects depicted airliner jets (and purported pilots) performing feats which defied the laws of physics and even common sense.


. Originally Posted by Mr. Bill

Oh Horseshit!

How much did they have to pay to all the networks and my Army buddy who was right across the street from the Pentagon when the plane hit there? Somebody forgot to pay them to keep quiet. I guess they are just playing along because...uh... they're as crazy as YOU are!

My buddy SAW the damned airplane that all the conspiracy morons are saying never hit the Pentagon and he hasn't gotten paid a cent yet! Hey, it takes a lot of money to keep people quiet! LMAO!

God, listening to people who weren't there tell people who were there and saw this shit unfold that it didn't happen is pure unadulterated lunacy.