When you have something to say about someone you haven't seen before..

lauralucks's Avatar
This goes for hobbyists as well as providers:

Just because X said blah blah about Y doesn't make it a universal truth. It may not even be their personal truth, let alone everyone else's.

If one provider doesn't like a clients style (as long as it wasn't creepy, unsafe or otherwise boundary crossing), I don't adopt their opinion until I experience it myself. One's boring and nerdy might be just what makes me hot. Whatever.

It seems like most hobbyists understand that YMMV, and one persons bust-down is another's 10, but what is with the trash talking amongst people that have no real experience with a provider?

This isn't from any personal experience of mine, or anyone else I know. Just an observation. Why does high school mentality seem to follow so many into adulthood?
lauralucks's Avatar
Also, this doesn't apply to the people who have page after page of NCNS reports, or similar.
Why does high school mentality seem to follow so many into adulthood? Originally Posted by lauralucks
It keeps us feeling young.
ginatrugfe's Avatar
within my experience i have noticed this also , i am guessing many variables are at place here...

A. likes the client and does not wish to have client visit anyone else (jealousy, control)
B. Tends to have personality clashes with other providers and strives to turn others against them.

determining whether the client either had a bad experience or a good one with the provider i am guessing this...

A. client wants no one else to see provider
B.client had done something wrong against provider and wants to turn tables to where she is at fault.

with that being said, on all the boards that i frequent there are alot of high school mentality members that are getting banned for this or that, you would think that once they get banned this would cease. but they just make up new screen names and start over.

lauralucks's Avatar
oh how i wish we could all just create new names and start over in the real world!
Cpalmson's Avatar
I think there is a fine line at times. When clients discuss a provider, it is usually to determine whether or not to see the provider in question. Sure, we have reviews and all, but some of us actually prefer a candid assessment. Sometimes reviewers are more apt to be selective in what they say in a review. I'll be the first to admit that I tend to always give the gal the benefit of the doubt when reviewing. While I wouldn't call it inflating a review, I tend to ignore some of the negative unless it really detracted from the experience. I'm sure there are other hobbyists out there that do the same thing-- omit negatives and positive. I've received some of the best insight into providers by communicating one on one with other guys. I find this flow of candid info very useful. I've had other hobbyists reach out to me as well. I try to be honest but fair. I'll never "bad" talk a provider out of spite or any other desire of ill will. However, I'll be honest about my opinion. Usually, my assessment is based on how I interacted and reacted. I'll usually tell another hobbyist that "yeah, she really performed well because I enjoyed this or that" or I'll say, "her performance did nothing for me, but with someone else, she maybe really good." We all have our likes, dislikes and expectations. While most of us guys realize we live in a YMMV hobby, we also realize the need for honest and fair feedback when asked.