A little help from those with knowledge

It probably goes without saying, we are very spoiled here in Dallas. Soooo many lovely and wonderful women and having the advantage of our beloved eccie and p411 are invaluable tools of our hobby.

So to the point.....
I am planning on seeing a bit of Europe soon and wondered if anyone had any trusted sites for possibly finding trusted providers in places such as France, Switzerland and Italy.

Any past experiences would be very helpful as well. Life is too short not to take it all in.

Your responses are appreciated.

Daen1304's Avatar
Man, I have so much knowledge and yet no one ever asks a question about anything I know! Why won't anyone ask about crazy and dangerous animals?

Anyway, even though I don't know I do have an idea. ECCIE has a section for Europe. You may want to poke around there. At the very least if you can't find anything you could post this thread there and might get better luck. After all, who better to talk to about European providers than European Hoobyists.
Have fun in Europe man, I really wish I had some guidance for you, but to be honest when I went seeing a provider was the furthest thing on my mind. I just really enjoyed meeting all of the new people and seeing all of the new places.

Also, it was very easy picking up girls in bars out there, something about being foreign and there on business peaked the interest of the ladies in Europe.

Again, have fun and good luck.
The brothels are legal and very controlled. Everything will be covered, most times its like a 15 minute session for about $50.00 US and in the nicer brothels a bit more.
Daen1304's Avatar
Is that info for the three countries he listed? I know not all of Europe has legalized prostitution. Denmark does, so does Scotland, but England does not. I have heard a decent looking American man can have some real fun in France and Italy for free. But other than that that is all the info I have.
They do not call it the hobby or refer to people as hobbyists everywhere. As I understand it they use the term punters instead in some locations abroad. Knowing this might help. If you are discreetly curious about legalities where you will be you could probably call and ask the concierge at a hotel near where you may be staying. I am sure they are asked every so often especially if they have a high rate of business travelers.

Here is a forum and a link in the UK that might be a helpful beginning... or not.
I dunno


Good luck to you!
Gio's Avatar
  • Gio
  • 04-24-2012, 06:55 AM
Find a good cab driver who can speak english. He will help you better then anyone else. Plus, he does not know your room number or where you are staying. Just saying, keep it casual.
Don't hobby in other countries is my advice. You never know what yuou might get caught up in.

You won't like their laws, their police, their jails, or their court systems.

Especially if you work for the Secret Service!
Daen1304's Avatar
Don't hobby in other countries is my advice. You never know what yuou might get caught up in.

You won't like their laws, their police, their jails, or their court systems.

Especially if you work for the Secret Service! Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth
Except for Norway. Hobby the fuck out of Norway. They believe the best way to reform criminals is to put them in a normal enviroment. So they're prisons look like country clubs. And you know what? It works. So if there is a country you want to do hard time for getting caught in the hobby, I'd say it's Norway. But don't hold me to that since I don't even know if it's illegal in Norway.
If you go to Paris, look for Pig Alley along the Chante Lesue (spelling) some really nice looking ladies, its close to the Moulan Rouge. But when you are in Paris beware the street walkers and dont ride the Metro alone at night, just not safe. And they also have some incredible looking TS working men/women, I always did the old crotch check just to make sure it was a true woman.

Italy has many ladies to choose from as well, although I never really enjoyed going to Italy. Not sure about Switzerland.

And a lot of European women dont like Americans as you think. The best countries in my opinion for just partying and getting lucky with a "civilian" is England and Holland. Those Brits are freaky, some are quite lovely once you get past the pairy legs and armpits.
Just wanted to thank you for your responses. I most likely will just be busy travelling around on the trains and checking out the various villages. Just a thought.
Again thanks,
Neotek's Avatar
I agree with J.G. - don't "hobby" outside of the typical controlled environment such as Amsterdam (and I even avoid that).

The clubs in Paris and Berlin were very good for civie hook-ups. And surprisingly, so was Stockholm.

And I also agree that the anti-American theme can be a bit of a nuisance. I blend in nicely with the Europeans and have a bunch of friends who live all over the continent. So, no issue for me. Just tell 'em you're Canadian.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-29-2012, 03:59 PM
pmdelites's Avatar
punternet was a good resource when i spent time outside london in 2000.
lots of info about the women providers all over the UK [more or less].
just looked - they have more info than they had back then.

what i remember, either from reading or talking w/ the women i visited, is...
as long as one to three women share a place, the police generally leave it alone, unless some other illegal shenanigans are going on [or is that only in Ireland :^].

i visited several women in the Slough area [west of london] as well as in london and did not have any problems. mostly on the weekends, but once or twice during weeknights.

good luck!!