chetmanly's Avatar
Too bad I can't view it on my iPad
Chetmanly - it is flash based. So you wont be able to view it on iphone or ipad
That is the problem 247, half of the population uses Ipad or iphone.... everything is going towards html5 or css3, flash is a thing of the past.

Websites now a days need to be able to flow from mobile to tablet to any computer type devices.
Looks cool enough but do u think ipad verses kindle or this asus it will comply with?
Andy, with respect I disagree with what you said.

Babybottlepop, what is the question?

Ps. We do develop in HTML. I do not feel that is the correct direction for a providers website.
Andy, with respect I disagree with what you said. Originally Posted by 247 Whispers
Ok, so Andy may be overstating the numbers a tad, but she does have a valid point. I don't think anyone can deny that the use of mobile devices has grown quite a bit just in the last few years. And the higher someone's income bracket, the more they use iphone/ipad as opposed to other mobile brands. So if you're a provider trying to appeal to upper-level clientele, having your site be viewable on those types of devices is a must.

I wouldn't go so far as to say flash is a 'thing of the past', it can still do things visually that other programming languages can't yet, which is why so many high-end product sites still use flash to set themselves apart. They usually address the device issue by simply having an alternate site version available. Problem solved, everybody happy.

I think people are trying to give you some constructive feedback here

chetmanly's Avatar
I really don't understand how 247 can say that Flash is best for providers - it isnt functional with Apple mobile products, it can't be read for SEO and Google rankings and you can't edit it unless you go back to the original native file.

Three strikes rule.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Flash is gone
It was fun in the early days and it looked really cool.

It ranks right up there with midi files for background music.
I like what you have to say GoodGirl. I kept my answer short because on web design forums you can find many post with on going debates with good and bad points for both sides. Just like the old debate of flash and SEO........I am really trying to stay away from that debate being this is not a web forum, and there are a lot of posters on this thread who are web designers. If someone is interested in using my services, then I would happily explain in detail why I feel flash is a good for a providers website. Why flash is not dead and can actually earn more revenue if done correctly, and with the right product (again keeping it general) Last thing I will say regarding the phones. 2013 stats for users who use the phone for web is gaming and social media. For majority clients who are targeting the phone users, it will be a 15% gain in revenue for now. I don't think people should dismiss 15%. As you Said Good Girl two sites and a redirect, problem solved. I think I will stop here, because I can go on and on It's always fun to discuss, but not in a thread on eccie. Belongs in a web design forum
247... Welcome to the initiation process of promoting your business at ECCIE... It's called welcomed by firing
You'll discover everyone here has an opinion and trying get your own across is futile and called feeding the trolls. So don't even try.

Since I have faced that firing squad and survived and as your competitor I say WELCOME.
Don't worry most survive the firing squad because many are only shooting blanks...

Bets Of Luck!
Arandomniceguy's Avatar
I'm going to add my two cents about this just because this is the one thing I can say of which I actually am expert at as I have been doing web programming since 1996.

Flash on a "marketing" website: It's true that flash isn't dead, but it only makes sense to use to accomplish things that are difficult or impossible without it because flash doesn't run everywhere and certain places in particular matter a lot. In this case from a business point of view I consider it unacceptable to have nothing for Apple mobiles. I also consider it too onerous for a small to medium sized business to commission and maintain two different websites.

No, the current "state of the art" is to have a single website that adapts itself to whatever device it is being run on. This is what is referred to as a Responsive website design. Providers: consider the money you spend on a website an investment. You want to get your biggest bang for the buck right now (which a Flash only website fails at), and future proof it as much as possible (Flash will only diminish from here on out, sorry Adobe) so you want to avoid having to commission another website a year or 2 down the road if Flash really gets even more marginalized.

Looking at the site, it is attractive, but there isnt anything on there that I cant do in straight web technology (without flash) that would run beautify on any phone. Check it out on an iPad/iPhone and you see a black page. Absolutely nothing. So maybe these folks know about providing alternate content to non-flash browsers, but they certainly aren't practicing it themselves even on their own site. There is not even a phone number available if you cant do Flash. From a business standpoint, it fails in important ways. I would guess its because they dont have that level of service available, they have to sell only what they have. So for $500+ you can start with a site that probably has a limited life span and will be completely invisible to iPhone users in their cars. Not smart.

Ladies, be smart. Think of the future, think of your customers.
Arandomniceguy……Really? I mean really?

5 post since 2010? Now you are giving your “two cents”

I chalk it up to a 2 cents post because you have the audacity to assume many things about my company. I really am having a laugh, because of the complete silliness of your accusations. You make it hard to keep my anonymity, as I am really trying to do.

I am done sticking up for my company on this thread. It is becoming redundant. Time will tell. I have a few new providers as clients. Once their revenue increases because of my companies work, I will politely bow to you and give you a wink
The Dark Passenger's Avatar

No, the current "state of the art" is to have a single website that adapts itself to whatever device it is being run on. This is what is referred to as a Responsive website design.

Ladies, be smart. Think of the future, think of your customers. Originally Posted by Arandomniceguy
Ladies, listen to Arandomniceguy. Your web presence needs to be viewable on ALL devices. That includes desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and even televisions.

That means your website needs to be "responsive". Responsive websites adapt or respond to the device that is currently viewing them. So the site layout will actually change, based on the users current screen dimensions.

To illustrate, go this site and type in any web address at the top where it says "Enter website url":

I tested, but you can test any site.

See how the website adjusts itself across different devices and screen dimensions? You want your website to do the same.
The Dark Passenger's Avatar
For the web designers and developers on here: Yes, Flash is dead. It has been replaced with HTML5, CSS3, and javascript libraries like jQuery.

Even Adobe is abandoning Flash. Time for you to do the same.