A final message...

Cassie107's Avatar
Here is a simple message from 'Road Lizard' in his words saying "that they showed their true colors with who they backed after I begged for help in dealing with billyland/tomjunebay after they told me that I could not ban someone for outing me again. Damn idiots. I knew this may happen because I PMed DickEmDown and St. C last week.... and they did nothing to protect my identity but instead fired me once they read a 4 day old message. I made good friends there and will love all them forever but Eccie can go to hell for backing a troll. DED is a coward and I told so when I left Eccie. St C. is coward also. I busted my ass to improve their site and make user friendly but no more. I'm done with that group of assholes and I'm move on to something that benefits ME."

I'm sure I'm not the only one who will say they will miss you here on this board RL. Fortunately most of us here are on many other boards with you. Fortunately again those boards aren't abundant with trolls. But I have found in life that karma is a powerful thing. Those who are prideful and gloat fall EXTREMELY hard.
No one needs to bust their ass to make the forum user friendly . People seem to try and over inject themselves into what's best in their own opinions into the job . That's a mistake . You simply enforce the rules and guidelines as they are and do not deviate from the drawn line . Becomming personally over involved in disputes and defending a lady because you think the world of HER (but secretly hoping for a discount) is just dumb . That's why they should appoint a Mod from somewhere far away . I hate to say this but the last mod created the vast majority of his own drama drama simply by trying to be too nice , too white knightish for his own good and for the good of the board . Wannalickherright would be no different being the gallant knight he thinks he is . How do you spell suckass opportunist ?
Moonchild's Avatar
Haha, I agree with tempuser. Mod from somewhere else would be more objective.
Wakeup's Avatar
Careful with the side commentary about other members...be nice...because moderators have incredible leeway to enforce certain guidelines concerning that, and I’m too lazy to do much work. If people start making me hand out a bunch of points, I’m going to get surly...and no one wants that...
Moonchild's Avatar
Could someone get a point for agreeing with someone else lol
Wakeup's Avatar
Not for a simple “I agree”, no...expanding on that, possibly.
Moonchild's Avatar
Would it be pushing it if someone where to type “I agree with every sentence.” Hypothetically speaking
Wakeup's Avatar
Saying you agree with someone isn’t against the guidelines, even if what they typed is. They typed it, they own it. Whatever you type is what you own. If you add your own commentary that’s against the guidelines, you own that as well.
I think Mr. LR would be an outstanding Mod for any State(s). From reading his posts I'd bet he even has a College Degree. He's just as qualified as any Mod we've had or more qualified. A Mod from Egypt can be corrupt too. There are plenty members here not buddy buddy with everyone. If you see BS from a Mod call him out on it regardless where their from.
Thank you, Cassie for delivering RL's farewell message. He was definitely one of the good guys and one of the very few whom I trusted enough to let know about my personal life. I feel like Mr LHR would have made an excellent mod as well although that's just my two cents worth. There will always be trolls who can't help but start drama. It's pretty sad, actually.
Moonchild's Avatar
A person with a college degree = being a good mod? I don’t think so. It’s just a piece of paper that says they went to school longer than someone that didn’t.

A good mod is someone that is objective. If a provider is not able to be a mod from state she travels, I would say the same for male mods.

We guys all have our atf and will be biased.
annie@christophers's Avatar
And besides that...
No boobies for you!!!!!
Lol. Annie
pyramider's Avatar
Wait a minute ... where are the titty and taint photos you owe me?

I wonder about the flavor of Wakeup's points ... Pistolero had some badass salsa points and around the holidays the minty points were good, too.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
....I wonder about the flavor of Wakeup's points ... Pistolero had some badass salsa points and around the holidays the minty points were good, too. Originally Posted by pyramider
Thinking flavor of stale bread - two dollars extra
Cassie if RoadLizard got banned than they must have had a good reason or he wouldnt been banned.