Petruchio's Guide to getting ready for your session

You've set up for your session which is in an hour, what do you do now to get ready? There's more to going to a session and just getting laid, you need to be ready and a little preparation can handle a lot of contingencies.

First of all, and most importantly, you need to be clean. Clean all over. Take a shower. Go on, splurge and wash you hair again. Dandruff during mish could be a session killer. Make sure you scrub your privates. Get your red one-eyed starfish all shiny. You want your provider to be clean, you need to be clean.

Don't stop there. Use a moderate amount of cologne and spray-on or clear deodorant, girls like a guy who smells good but isn't doused in smelly stuff.. If you have time and scissors, a little trimming here and there won't hurt if you're not already man-scaped, especially your pits and pubes. I've never met a girl you said she liked dick-beard before.

Make sure you nails are trimmed. Not just your toe nails, which are dangerous rolling around on a bad, but especially your fingers. If you're going to be doing FIV, it's very sensitive down there and easily cut. Your nails need to be tamed, cut and filed down.

After hygiene, there are lots of preparations to make. You need to know where you're going, make sure you Google it before you take off. Most girls will give you a cross street in the initial contact, you need to know where that is. If you're unfamiliar with the area, Google what hotels are there so you have an idea of what the next step may be. After some experience you'll have a pretty good idea of what hotels are popular with providers.

Bring condoms. I can't stress this enough. Girls should have their own condoms, but sometimes they don't. I've heard it all, they're in the car with my friend, my sister stole them, I didn't realize I was out; don't ruin your session before it starts. Just make sure you have your own, then you can choose which one you like. Providers often choose cheap, thick condoms which can make the experience not so great. If you have something other thing you like to bring like a cock ring or little vibrator or whatever, make sure you have it. It's a good idea to have this stuff in your car so you are never without it.

Have the money ready. I always have the money in an open envelope labelled "gift" in the exact amount separate from my wallet. You'll also want a back-up plan ready. Cancellations are a hazard of the hobby. Sometimes when you get there you'll find the provider isn't what you hoped for or have a doubt about getting service. Have an idea of a second or third number you can call if she cancels or you need to bail. This gives "little head" (you know, the one under below your belt) options in case things go bad. Having other providers numbers in the immediate area is a bonus. Some of my best sessions started as plan B sessions.

Having said that, be prepared for absolutely no action whatsoever. Sometimes it just doesn't happen. Go home, beat off, and try again another day. Don't be the guy outside of the hotel desperately calling some girl you think is inside who won't answer you. For whatever reason, it doesn't work out sometimes.

Good luck, and happy hunting.
pyramider's Avatar
Fuck, you hang around some high maintenance providers.