Follow or Don't Follow...!

Good afternoon ladies and especially GENTS!!
Just wanted to say THANKS to all your welcomes and ladies for Screening help! You've been so welcoming ladies and I thank you.

Fellas ; well if your feeling IGNORED it could be on PURPOSE for Not FOLLOWING correct protocol Inn screening. Ur mssg is DELETED!
SoYou can follow or not Follow screening procedure or get ignored.
My procedure to screen is on my page and in My Signature replies.

Get S for those hat have followed I've been on a model gig An hope to be back later tonight or tomorrow. I HAVE BEEN screening you tho so I thank you for your patience!

Mods if this is a wrong place to post my apologies in advance but I believe I am ok to. Thanks and toodles all

I'm sure the ladies will appreciate your post.
My review of you coming. RW stuff delayed me from last week
ck1942's Avatar


Since you apparently have not set up a showcase, and,

Since none of your posts reveals a signature,

yours truly is a bit perplexed!

Pretty sure I pm'd you back when, but since there was no reply (a lot of that going around these days!) I'm not guaranteeing another inquiry until whenever my potential TDL cycles.

Hoping you are reading the Provider 101 manual. I think the first chapter is "Understanding the Importance of TCB."

NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Good Originally Posted by CashmereLove