Who pays for sex, anyway? New findings offer surprises

I thought this article would be of interest to this group.


The study states that the men that use sites like ECCIE are mainly married, white, wealthy and intelligent!
Shocking! I had no idea!

In other news, the sky is blue, and scientists have discovered the moon is NOT made of cheese.
boardman's Avatar
I've been tellin' y'all that I'm smart. This proves it.
inctown's Avatar
Thanks for posting interesting read
surcher's Avatar
According to research I possess no unusual qualities that could be detected! Their research needs research! At least I'm in the 1% category, just not the right one.

Love the title, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. I've never had offender therapy.

"Arrested customers of prostitutes were found to be only slightly less likely to be married, slightly more likely to be working full-time, slightly more sexually liberal, and slightly less likely to be white than men who have not been clients of prostitutes."

"A small group of highly active customers, such as those who were never arrested and who sought out sex workers listed on a prostitute review website, were found to differ substantially from men who don’t pay for sex.""Many of these married white men earn over $120,000 annually, have graduate degrees, and are more sexually liberal than any of the other groups in the study, the study found." Really?!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
What types of men seek out pros*ti*tutes? Well, sta*tis*tic*ally speak*ing, it’s men probably much like you, your broth*er or your hus*band, a study has found.

Ex*cept they’re probably not any of those peo*ple. That’s be*cause the re*search found that at least in the Un*ited States, few men go to pros*ti*tutes to beg*in with, though those that do seem to be pret*ty typ*i*cal folks.

Only 14 per*cent of Amer*i*cans have ev*er paid for sex and 1 per*cent have done so in the past year, the study con*clud*ed. The ma*jor*ity of these men pos*sess no un*usu*al qual*i*ties that could be de*tected, ac*cord*ing to the re*search, pub*lished on*line March 22 in the In*terna*t*ional Jour*nal of Of*fend*er Ther*a*py and Com*par*a*tive Crim*i*nol*o*gy.

Some me*dia re*ports have ex*ag*ger*at*e the pro*por*tion of Amer*i*can men who pay for sex, the au*thors said. The new find*ings “con*tra*dict the ‘john next door’ no*tion,” said study co-author Chris*tine Mil*rod of the Uni*vers*ity of Port*land in Or*e*gon. “While it is note*wor*thy to rec*og*nize that the 1 per*cent of adult men who paid for sex in 2010 still re*sult in a large num*ber of cus*tomers, there is no cred*i*ble ev*i*dence to sup*port the idea that hir*ing sex work*ers is a com*mon or con*ven*tion*al as*pect of mas*cu*line sex*u*al be*hav*ior among men in the Un*ited States.”

Ar*rested cus*tomers of pros*ti*tutes were found to be only slightly less likely to be mar*ried, slightly more likely to be work*ing full-time, slightly more sex*u*ally lib*er*al, and slightly less likely to be white than men who have not been clients of pros*ti*tutes.

A small group of highly ac*tive cus*tomers, such as those who were nev*er ar*rested and who sought out sex work*ers list*ed on a pros*ti*tute re*view web*site, were found to dif*fer sub*stant*ially from men who don’t pay for sex. Many of these mar*ried white men earn over $120,000 an*nu*al*ly, have grad*u*ate de*grees, and are more sex*u*ally lib*er*al than any of the oth*er groups in the stu*dy, the study found.

“The em*pha*sis on teach*ing about ‘sex ad*dic*tion’ and ‘healthy rela*t*ion*ships’ to ar*rested men” may be mis*dir*ected in light of the find*ings, Mil*rod said.

In the paper, the researchers explained they carried out their work by “com*paring a new sam*ple of act*ive cust*omers who so*licit sex on the Inter*net with an old*er sample of arrested cust*omers, a sample of cust*omers from the GSS [General Social Survey, a nationally rep*resent*a*tive survey], and a nationally repre*sent*a*tive sample of non*cus*tomers.”

I've been tellin' y'all that I'm smart. This proves it. Originally Posted by boardman
It said nothing about cats... LOL
boardman's Avatar
It said nothing about cats... LOL Originally Posted by Syncial