Video Of It Snowing In Miami. Still Believe In Global Warming?

ICU 812's Avatar
I can well remember being six- or eight-years old back in the late 1950s and watching our new little black and white TV. The news thjat sticks in my mind's eye was about the orange trees freezing in Florida!

Al Gore can kiss my shivering white @$$!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-27-2022, 09:54 AM
Some of you evidently do not understand the various climate swings due to global warming.

You two do understand that we have been equipped for many decades with temperature gauges and the data suggest that the world on average is warming m8re and more each decade.

Maybe you two need to be reminded of the frog slowly being boiled to death in the pot of water....or is that a too difficult analogy to comprehend?
Some of you evidently do not understand the various climate swings due to global warming.

You two do understand that we have been equipped for many decades with temperature gauges and the data suggest that the world on average is warming m8re and more each decade.

Maybe you two need to be reminded of the frog slowly being boiled to death in the pot of water....or is that a too difficult analogy to comprehend? Originally Posted by WTF
So what are they going to do about it?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
So what are they going to do about it? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Talk about it as an issue and change nothing. Pretty much the same as immigration, healthcare or any other major topics that politicians emphasize to cull themselves from the herd.
Talk about it as an issue and change nothing. Pretty much the same as immigration, healthcare or any other major topics that politicians emphasize to cull themselves from the herd. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That's what politicians do best, run their heads about things they can't and won't change. Those that take these people seriously, I laugh at them.
HedonistForever's Avatar
In Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Palm Beach there has been only one known report of snow flurries observed in the air in more than 200 years; this occurred in
January 1977

Was there a date stamp on that video that I missed? It has only been below freezing ( 32 degrees ) twice since records have been kept, the last one being in 77.

At the Dolphins game the other day, a commentator said he was kind of embarrassed to admit that they had a heater going in their booth, it was 46 degrees and YES!!! It was damn cold, I left my house today for the first time in 3 days.

We Miamians don't take to cold whether like those use to it.

I do believe the planet is warming and I believe there isn't a damn thing we can do about it that won't wreck our economy which is fine with some people. Sure we will eventually get to a carbon neutral US....... in about 30 years!

Last summer in Calif., they asked people to please not charge their electric vehicles because the electric grid couldn't handle it. If it can't handle it now, how the hell are they going to handle it when every car is electric? You think windmills and solar panels are going to solve that problem?

California residents are being asked not to charge their electric vehicles to conserve energy amid a brutal heatwave — just days after the state announced a plan to ban sales of new gas-powered cars by 2035.

This is a joke that we are going to pay a heavy price for if we keep going down the road we are on insisting that we can just stop using fossil fuels. We can't.

The average American doesn't seem to understand that we need a BIGGER electric grid powered by fossil fuels to charge these electric vehicles.

Can't help but wonder how much energy widmills and solar panels have produced in the last few weeks. Will it be that we won't be able to charge these EV's on hot summer days and cold winter days? And how do we suppose that will effect our economy?
Some of you evidently do not understand the various climate swings due to global warming.

You two do understand that we have been equipped for many decades with temperature gauges and the data suggest that the world on average is warming m8re and more each decade.

Maybe you two need to be reminded of the frog slowly being boiled to death in the pot of water....or is that a too difficult analogy to comprehend? Originally Posted by WTF

You really don't understand how little accurate data there really is about climate temperature. The " experts " are not telling the whole story, and have manipulated some data.

Plus, there has not been any ice melted that doesn't have artifacts of man being there many years ago, thus the earth has been warmer and colder than it is now.
ManSlut's Avatar
You really don't understand how little accurate data there really is about climate temperature. The " experts " are not telling the whole story, and have manipulated some data.

Plus, there has not been any ice melted that doesn't have artifacts of man being there many years ago, thus the earth has been warmer and colder than it is now. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Well you should educate us then with some unmanipulated data.

What the Earth went through millions of years ago is irrelevant to what is going on now, and if you don’t think the Colorado River drying up is a result of lasting climate change, well I got some Colorado Riverfront property I’d like to sell you at inflated premium rates.
ICU 812's Avatar
Some of you evidently do not understand the various climate swings due to global warming.

You two do understand that we have been equipped for many decades with temperature gauges and the data suggest that the world on average is warming m8re and more each decade.

Maybe you two need to be reminded of the frog slowly being boiled to death in the pot of water....or is that a too difficult analogy to comprehend? Originally Posted by WTF
I get that there has been a change on the way for quite a while now. But I do not believe that the human race can do much about it. Just as Mars was once a very wet place, according to NASA, so too was North Africa according to climate scientists.

Archeologists have found cave paintings in the North African Desert that show rain and people swimming. There is a large flat rock in the Sahara that is engraved with Giraffes and Hippos . . .and so on. Geologists have found ancient shorelines of large bodies of water with Carbon-14 datable shells. No human caused that flip in climate, and it may have happened in less than 200 years.

In Norway and Alaska, archeologists have found the remains of human settlements exposed now by retreating glaciers . . .which implies that things were much warmer before it got colder and the glacier covered the camps. And then in historical times, there is the 500 or so years of the "Little Ice-Age".

What I am deeply skeptical about is that the way this climate swing has been presented is founded in in what I feel is a distortion through pseudoscience. The "data" has been skewed and misrepresented to promote a social and political agenda. We all saw this sort of pseudo-science at work during the pandemic.

During the 1970s, we were told by the same "scientists" that we were about to enter another ice-age. I lived through that period and the hype then. At the same time social scientists told us
overpopulation was a boogeyman of the same magnitude, and the millennium was to be the expiration date for end of the world. As that dsatee approached and population would not be the end of humankind, it was the Y2K scare . . . .As the 1970s SNL character Rosnna Rosannadana used to say . . ."Its always something!"

No wonder many folks are just not onboard with the climate hysteria that insists we must drastically change our society, no matter the cost in treasure, standard of living or way of life. . .. before the world comes to an end in the now less than twelve years, they say we have left.

We have been lead aqround and lied to before.
Well you should educate us then with some unmanipulated data.

What the Earth went through millions of years ago is irrelevant to what is going on now, and if you don’t think the Colorado River drying up is a result of lasting climate change, well I got some Colorado Riverfront property I’d like to sell you at inflated premium rates. Originally Posted by ManSlut

The biggest problem is you don't understand statistics. There really isn't such a thing as enough data to accurately make the assumptions they are making.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-28-2022, 09:14 AM
You really don't understand how little accurate data there really is about climate temperature. The " experts " are not telling the whole story, and have manipulated some data.

. Originally Posted by farmstud60
You may have been right in the 1970's but we gleaned a ton more data since then.

During the 1970s, we were told by the same "scientists" that we were about to enter another ice-age. I lived through that period and the hype then. At the same time social scientists told us
overpopulation was a boogeyman of the same magnitude, and the millennium was to be the expiration date for end of the world. As that dsatee approached and population would not be the end of humankind, it was the Y2K scare . . . .As the 1970s SNL character Rosnna Rosannadana used to say . . ."Its always something!"

We have been lead aqround and lied to before. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I don't think you were taking a deep delve into wtf was being said then in context. I've touched on some things from my link.

Things came to a head in 1975, when the US National Academy of Sciences published a report that prompted a number of news stories. The thrust of the report was that climate prediction was not yet possible, and it outlined a plan of action for fostering a research program to change that. But it also summarized the state of scientific knowledge at the time.

But it is part of a sentence from a paleoclimate appendix that gets quoted today by those who seek to re-write the history of climate science: “[…]there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the Earth within the next hundred years.” Given the full context, however it’s hard to make this out as some kind of forecast.

There seems little doubt that the present period of unusual warmth will eventually give way to a time of colder climate, but there is no consensus with regard to either the magnitude or rapidity of the transition. The onset of this climatic decline could be several thousand years in the future, although there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the Earth within the next hundred years.

The phrase “there is a finite probability that” could just as well be written “it’s not impossible that." As a prediction of looming catastrophe, that would be some pretty weak tea....

.....It wasn't just magazines, either. A 1978 episode of the Leonard Nimoy-narrated In Search of… TV series also lives on for its over-the-top warning of an ice-covered North America within a lifetime. That episode was about as wrong then as it looks today, but it is hard to argue that we should expect a show that spent most of its hours exploring supposed “paranormal mysteries” would be expected to accurately and soberly summarize the state of the science. (The previous episode, by the way, warned in similarly dramatic tones of an unstoppable US invasion from the south—by fire ants.) Still, the “ice age” episode apparently left a memorable impression.

But people who obsess about these few instances of cooling-focused press are being a bit selective. It’s not as if the concept of global warming was absent from the 1970s media (or even the 1950s or 1960s media). A 1977 New York Times headline read “Climate Peril May Force Limits on Coal and Oil, Carter Aide Says,” for example. Two years later the same paper ran a story that began, “There is a real possibility that some people now in their infancy will live to a time when the ice at the North Pole will have melted, a change that would cause swift and perhaps catastrophic changes in climate.” And the better stories about aerosol pollution all mentioned the warming influence of CO2 emissions.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-28-2022, 09:28 AM
The biggest problem is you don't understand statistics. There really isn't such a thing as enough data to accurately make the assumptions they are making. Originally Posted by farmstud60
That is not was true in the 1970's but not now.
ICU 812's Avatar
"The present period of unusual warmth" is just as usual as the cold period of the 1970s or the cold period from ~1350 to 1850. I recognize that glaciers are melting and all that. I just do not believe that there is anything effective that the human race can do to go back to how the world was in the 1960s, the 1830s or any other decade.

Since the passing of the last glacial maximum, the level of the world's oceans has risen and fallen. In the recent pre-history of North America, Florida was largely under water. At that time, the Black Sea extended North into the steppes of Ukraine and Russia.

The overall climate of the Earth has fluctuated in the past and will continue to fluctuate in the future. The triumph of humanity in the past has been our ability to adapt to these changes and survive.
Some of you evidently do not understand the various climate swings due to global warming.

You two do understand that we have been equipped for many decades with temperature gauges and the data suggest that the world on average is warming m8re and more each decade.

Maybe you two need to be reminded of the frog slowly being boiled to death in the pot of water....or is that a too difficult analogy to comprehend? Originally Posted by WTF
LMAO. The frog in a pot slowly heating up to boil is a myth. Like climate change.

This is self ownage.