What happened to Austin?

I've been in Austin for over 20 years. I've been hobbying here before ECCIE, before ASPD and before the internet. It was a much different place then. When the internet came into the hobby, for me anyway, it was a breath of fresh air. You could actually research a bit and get to know the provider through others and possibly even them, before spending time with them. It lessened the gap of it being a gamble to just showing up and hoping that you were meeting someone of your tastes, not just convenience.

Even in the ASPD days, there was a sense of community, to a degree. Our socials were respectful, fun and it was a bit of a chance to try before you buy. You could socialize in a safe place and see if said buttons were pushed before for a possible future endeavor. The fellas met up every month or two to compare notes, share a beer and a meal and reminisce about the monthly conquests. It was fun. Real fun. There were also a host of amazing options for just about every taste and flavor here. There's no way you could ever get through your "list" but, it was fun putting one together and chatting with those friends that have met providers on your list that you hadn't.

Fast forward to now. What a difference. Now we threaten each other. We call each other whores. We fight, we're rude, we're immature and narcissistic. I'm as guilty as anyone of this ridiculous behavior so I'll admit to that. We criticize new people, ridicule and embarrass them for not posting something correctly. We point out stretch marks, blemishes and other embarrassing bodily naturalities and we're quick to judge. Very quick. We see a weakness in someone and we pounce. We embarrass and we pass judgement.

As a result we've suffered. We don't have the variety in visitors we once did and our "community" here is depressed, narcissistic and demeaning. Our hobbying friends from neighboring cities ridicule Austin and laugh at us because of the immense drama here. Many quality providers won't dare visit for fear of getting wrapped up in all the senseless bull shit and negativity. I was recently traveling to the east coast and met a wonderful provider there. When I asked her if she'd every been to Texas, she smiled and said of course. She's in Houston, San Antonio and Dallas every two months. I asked her why not Austin? We're friendly and we'd love to have you. She kindly answered, "that's not been my experience or, anyone of my friends."

It's just really sad what we've become. It's just not fun anymore. In socializing with the few hobbying friends I still do have, most have quit or rarely if ever interact with eccie or their members or providers. Most have a few regulars they see but hardly ever venture into seeing someone new.

I'm not sure why I bothered posting this. I'm sure I'll get flamed and it will roll into another senseless, immature, ridiculous loop of nonsense.


You like memes right?
Little Monster's Avatar
You tell em FGarvin!!! Why the fuck can't y'all just be be nice to each other, huh??
winn dixie's Avatar
Another blah blah blah, sensitive hobbyist - carry on
russellevans's Avatar
Ah the good ole days, you're living in a fairytale my friend. I'm sure you'll find it though.
  • sydmo
  • 08-22-2017, 05:03 AM
unfortunately our little hobby world has morphed right along with the rest of society. Whiner's and assholes mostly. Still a few sweet Ladies here and there, keeps me goin
What happened to Austin?

All these fuckers from California moved here.
gfejunkie's Avatar
What happened to Austin? Originally Posted by FGarvin
It's called "the whispers effect".

It makes rude behavior acceptable. Although it does have it's consequences. As you have duly noted.
Smpslt7's Avatar
Good post OP, thanks.
sue_nami's Avatar
these are homegrown trolls not imported trolls. there are just 2-3 Austin local guys who think it is fun to be cruel and amusing to be hateful. Absolutely do not blame this on California, these are our own guys ruining it for the rest of us. 3 guys and their fake profile troll minions have done this. it ironic as Austin is noted for our tolerance and diversity and peaceful values of live and let live. here in eccie coed there is no tolerance for trans, older, bigger or kink hobbyists and providers because these few guys have made it normal and expected that those people will be attacked and ganged up on by the troll. if those 3 were gone and all the fake profiles rick creates were gone it would be a peaceful tolerant diverse community just like the rest of Austin is. we value tolerance in this town. let the different folks live and be happy. It takes all kinds and it is our local values we hold dear at stake.
GenesisNicole's Avatar

Thank you for posting, FGarvin.

these are homegrown trolls not imported trolls. there are just 2-3 Austin local guys who think it is fun to be cruel and amusing to be hateful. Originally Posted by sue_nami
There is one who used to live in Houston that infested Austin with the Houston-effect.
This is also known as the keyboard effect. Good post OP
winn dixie's Avatar
these are homegrown trolls not imported trolls. there are just 2-3 Austin local guys who think it is fun to be cruel and amusing to be hateful. Absolutely do not blame this on California, these are our own guys ruining it for the rest of us. 3 guys and their fake profile troll minions have done this. it ironic as Austin is noted for our tolerance and diversity and peaceful values of live and let live. here in eccie coed there is no tolerance for trans, older, bigger or kink hobbyists and providers because these few guys have made it normal and expected that those people will be attacked and ganged up on by the troll. if those 3 were gone and all the fake profiles rick creates were gone it would be a peaceful tolerant diverse community just like the rest of Austin is. we value tolerance in this town. let the different folks live and be happy. It takes all kinds and it is our local values we hold dear at stake. Originally Posted by sue_nami
sue we have every right to call you on your threADS and same old wore out topics!! You bitch and moan when we call you out on it. Just use your ignore button if you do not like what anyone is saying. Yes Austin has diversity just like many of the Austin forums do. Hell look at the Austin showcases; it looks like the crowd in ihop at 2 am.. very diverse. The real problem with coed now that we have rid eccie with 1 certain individual is, the few that constantly complain about everything and cannot take criticisms themselves, and cannot follow the rules. That is why you whores lost the snatch short notice thread, because you all cannot follow the rules.. -wd

sue_nami's Avatar
just keep restating your case rick. we all are buying into it.