User Activity logs (employers)

Hi, if an employer was to scrutinize the sites that employees visit, is ECCIE listed as a no-no site (pornographic, illegal activity, etc) on whatever list they're using to check?
How can they see it if you’re on LTE using Incgnito browsing?
That is what you’re doing...right?
ck1942's Avatar
If you are using any employer resources, e.g., a computer, a phone, an internet connection, even an automobile, that employer has the option of instituting TRACKING! services that can trace and track all of your activity using those resources even if you try to cloak internet traffic with a VPN. Many newer autos have built in technology that can be tracked even if that technology is not accessible to the driver or passenger.

Most employers post a policy regarding proper and improper use of employer services. And, for the most part, anyone misusing those services is usually subject to immediate consequences including dismissal.

One should always assume that if an employer has an IT department that employer is always tracking.

One way around such tracking is use a personal smart phone to avoid the scrutiny and DO NOT USE the employer's wi-fi. One could also use the smart phone's "hot spot" access with a personal tablet but then if a supervisor or co-worker sees you doing that there may be questions or concerns.

btw, using a employer device off premises is not safe, either, since the IT department often has logging records being kept within the device and not user accessible to edit.

Best one can suggest is to avoid using any employer device or service for anything other than employer related work.
OP, if you are using your employer’s devices to log in’re fucked and good luck...
I thought you were talking about using your own device.
I agree. DON'T surf this or other related sites AT work, or using work computers/tablets..
Oh wow.....and very shocked this was even asked tbh...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Oh wow.....and very shocked this was even asked tbh... Originally Posted by Analeese
And btw, for those that use their personal handhelds, do not use the employers wifi either.

Any decent server system nowadays logs everything.
Even stuff sent to a printer.
So never, ever, whatsoever.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yep. Reckless to even risk checking this site or porn sites at work. If you INSIST on being a perv at work, bring your own means of doing so, as already pointed out.

There's someone out there who CAN'T WAIT for you to get fired so they can step in.
  • jma9
  • 03-21-2018, 08:25 AM
As an employer I can tell you we see everything. Our software tracks website info for each station; including, when and how many times you visited each site.

We receive a weekly report generated automatically on what sites each station has visited. We can then go in an get a more detailed look using keylogger software. We'll know your passwords and other stuff you don't want anybody to know.

When we hire new employees we give them a warning of our capabilities. After that, if they choose to visit sites such as ECCIE, its up to them if they want to get caught.
Just a word of advice. I'd stay away from any website even remotely related to sex. I've seen people let go for attempting to browse questionable websites on the company computer even though said website was blocked. Just don't risk it.