Want to know your partner's STD status? Want to share yours while also safeguarding your privacy? Announcing CheckMyMate, a safer way to play.

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Hi Eccie members!

We're really excited to bring you a brand-new web application, CheckMyMate! We feel that it addresses a need in your community, to facilitate the sharing of STD status while also safeguarding your privacy.

Have you ever wished for reassurance that your partners bear no unwanted gifts? Have you ever been asked to provide your STD test results, but were unwilling to show a medical record containing your full name and address?

CheckMyMate (https://www.checkmymate.org) is a new site that addresses your situation. We developed our services for those who have a vested interest in knowing a partner's STD status, and who are also deeply concerned about privacy.

For any clients who (might) read this, our site offers the same advantages to you. Visit us and see what we're all about!

How It Works:

Our members' STD test results are sent to us from a doctor's office or lab. We create an anonymous online STD report, identified only by a Member ID and containing status (Positive, Negative, or Not Tested) for 9 common STD's. Members control who can see their STD reports by issuing Permissions (more about Permissions below).

The following is a sample STD report as it would appear to a CheckMyMate member (please visit https://www.checkmymate.org/sample_report.php for a live example):

Member ID: Username123

Most Recent Test: AUGUST 8, 2012

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 NEGATIVE
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 NEGATIVE
Chlamydia NEGATIVE
Gonorrhea (genital) NEGATIVE
Gonorrhea (throat) NOT TESTED
Hepatitis B NEGATIVE
Hepatitis C NEGATIVE


A member can't look you up unless you specifically grant permission to him/her (if they don't have a Permission, and try, they'll get a bland error message - it won't tell them if you have an account, or any other information, just that their query was unsuccessful).

If you want to let someone see your STD report, you must log in and issue that person a Permission. You must do this separately for each person to whom you want to issue a Permission.

If no Permission is issued, no information will be viewable. Nobody will even be able to tell that you have an account, unless you decide to divulge that information.

Your Privacy

Members will have to sign up with their full legal name if they wish to post results on our site. This is so that we can match the medical records we receive to the correct account. However, we keep the information encrypted in our database and it is never used on the site in any form. Basically, when you send us the results, we encrypt our query and look for a name/address or name/date of birth match in our system. From then on, we identify you by your Member ID.

Members always have the option to remove their information from our site, or to revoke the authorization they gave allowing us to post their STD report. We are very concerned that the information on our site stays completely private, and we have taken appropriate measures to ensure that.

Please feel free to contact us with questions by posting here, or emailing support@checkmymate.org . We are absolutely open to suggestions as well. We are very interested in your opinions and feedback.

We hope that some of you will find the site useful in the years to come. We hope that it gives you an added peace of mind as you go about your endeavors. We also hope that it truly helps to keep you safe from harm.


CheckMyMate Administrator

Have Fun and Play Safe!
autumlove's Avatar
How about putting in your ad that basic membership is $60 dollars a year and full membership is $80 dollars a year. That way no one is mislead.
CheckMyMate's Avatar

Thank you for making us aware of the issue. It hadn't occurred to us that we were misleading and we did not intend that at all.

The idea for the site came to us because we want to help make things a little safer for all who play. It would be great if we could offer use of the site and services gratis. But it would simply not be feasible...just like any other online business owners, we invested our own time and money and have significant overhead expenses (and we're far from millionaires, lol). It took a lot for the site to get from an idea in our heads, to a working, secure web application. Because the information our clients give to us is sensitive, we actually take a lot of extra security measures on the site. We also must remain in compliance with medical privacy laws, which are quite complicated and highly penalized. We are advised upon protocol & documentation issues by a lawyer specifically trained in HIPAA issues, to help us avoid falling afoul of US and Canada's ever-changing medical privacy regulations. We hope this clears things up.

It's a small fee to pay for your safety, health, and peace of mind. We hope you'll visit our site, and find out more about us. It is our hope that many of you will find it useful in years to come, and that it will help to keep you and your community safe.

We're always happy to personally answer whatever questions you may have. Please post here, or email us at support@checkmymate.org

CheckMyMate Admin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Check_My_Mate

Have fun and play safe!
CheckMyMate's Avatar
So here's a quick explanation of rates:

"You must be a CheckMyMate member to view information on our site.

An annual membership fee of $59.99 for Basic members, or $79.99 for Full members, is required when becoming a member of CheckMyMate.

Basic members may view any member's STD report for which they have been issued a Permission.

Full members may view any member's STD report for which they have been issued a Permission. They also have the option to share their own test results with other members.

If you plan to be tested for STD's, and wish to share your status with a prospective partner, you should sign up for Full membership. If you only wish to view another person's online test results, and do not wish to share your own, you should choose Basic membership."
This certainly sounds like an interesting, and unique service. For the providers and gents wanting to engage in BBFS and be safe, it may be indispensable. Unless you're a high volume BB provider however, I don't see the cost being worth the service though. Perhaps if using the service, (having tests sent and made into anonymous account) was pay per, and it was free to view the info, more people would be interested. I just don't see many hobbiest paying a fee to be a member of a site they would only use on rare occasion, if not just once or twice. Having this as an added nod to my reputation and status would be cool, but only if my clients could view the information without having to come out of pocket. The taboo and scary nature of having unprotected encounters is just too great for most to endure.
CheckMyMate's Avatar
Hi Calista,

Yes, we were completely expecting this reaction. However, our site offers many advantages to those who engage in safe sex each time, every time, which we will explain below. We do not recommend BBFS, or believe that our site should be used to encourage BBFS, for the following reasons:

1) Window periods.

2) Test results from, say, two weeks ago are not necessarily accurate if one party or both has had multiple encounters since

3) False negatives. Very common with herpes to have a false negative result.

So why use us then?

We believe that people in this arena have a right to ask and receive proof that, at the very least, their partner has been tested recently and is not passing anything on, knowingly or otherwise.

Plus, condoms do NOT effectively prevent against STD's transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Namely, herpes and syphilis.

Here's an article from cdc.gov (website for the US government Center for Disease Control and Prevention) discussing this issue:


In our view, CheckMyMate is much safer and much more preferable to the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' status quo in effect at present. That is exactly what allows people who know they are infected with something, to continue to play and put other people at risk. Statistically speaking, it's not just an outside chance that this happens - it's definite.

Of course, none of this means that the site will not be exploited by those who favor unsafe practices. However, we feel that the risks are such that any intelligent person educated about STD transmission will stick with the common sense approach, and play safe. The people who won't, are the people who are already having BBFS anyway, test results or no test results. But we'd be curious to hear the opinions of others on this topic We anticipate that it will be hotly debated.

A few of you have signed up already and we are very grateful for your support. We hope that more people continue to check us out. We are excited about the opportunity to serve your community.
CheckMyMate's Avatar
Partially due to your feedback, we have implemented a One-View, One-Time access to our site, in addition to our yearly subscription.

The fee is $15.99 per view. With a One-View, One-Time access, you will be able to view exactly one STD report, one time.

You may view any member's STD report for which you have been issued a Permission (on our site, STD reports are only viewable only when expressly permitted by the concerned party, see our site for more info). Access will expire after you have viewed ONE STD Report.

We're always grateful for suggestions. We want to make the site as helpful as possible for our members. Please let us know any additional feedback/ideas/concerns, here or via email (support(at)checkmymate(dot)or g).

CheckMyMate Admin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Check_My_Mate

Have fun and play safe!
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Hi Eccie members!

We're really excited to bring you a brand-new web application, CheckMyMate! We feel that it addresses a need in your community, to facilitate the sharing of STD status while also safeguarding your privacy.

Have you ever wished for reassurance that your partners bear no unwanted gifts? Have you ever been asked to provide your STD test results, but were unwilling to show a medical record containing your full name and address?

CheckMyMate (https://www.checkmymate.org) is a new site that addresses your situation. We developed our services for those who have a vested interest in knowing a partner's STD status, and who are also deeply concerned about privacy.

For any clients who (might) read this, our site offers the same advantages to you. Visit us and see what we're all about!

How It Works:

Our members' STD test results are sent to us from a doctor's office or lab. We create an anonymous online STD report, identified only by a Member ID and containing status (Positive, Negative, or Not Tested) for 9 common STD's. Members control who can see their STD reports by issuing Permissions (more about Permissions below).

The following is a sample STD report as it would appear to a CheckMyMate member (please visit https://www.checkmymate.org/sample_report.php for a live example):

Member ID: Username123

Most Recent Test: AUGUST 8, 2012

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 NEGATIVE
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 NEGATIVE
Chlamydia NEGATIVE
Gonorrhea (genital) NEGATIVE
Gonorrhea (throat) NOT TESTED
Hepatitis B NEGATIVE
Hepatitis C NEGATIVE


A member can't look you up unless you specifically grant permission to him/her (if they don't have a Permission, and try, they'll get a bland error message - it won't tell them if you have an account, or any other information, just that their query was unsuccessful).

If you want to let someone see your STD report, you must log in and issue that person a Permission. You must do this separately for each person to whom you want to issue a Permission.

If no Permission is issued, no information will be viewable. Nobody will even be able to tell that you have an account, unless you decide to divulge that information.

Your Privacy

Members will have to sign up with their full legal name if they wish to post results on our site. This is so that we can match the medical records we receive to the correct account. However, we keep the information encrypted in our database and it is never used on the site in any form. Basically, when you send us the results, we encrypt our query and look for a name/address or name/date of birth match in our system. From then on, we identify you by your Member ID.

Members always have the option to remove their information from our site, or to revoke the authorization they gave allowing us to post their STD report. We are very concerned that the information on our site stays completely private, and we have taken appropriate measures to ensure that.

Please feel free to contact us with questions by posting here, or emailing support@checkmymate.org . We are absolutely open to suggestions as well. We are very interested in your opinions and feedback.

We hope that some of you will find the site useful in the years to come. We hope that it gives you an added peace of mind as you go about your endeavors. We also hope that it truly helps to keep you safe from harm.


CheckMyMate Administrator

Have Fun and Play Safe! Originally Posted by CheckMyMate
So how do you know the member id the person supplied is that person, it totally concievable that a person can set up a profile then sell their member id to people needing a clean profile.

This doesn't work unless you can positively match the person to the profile, like in the adult entertainment industry, you know the persons real name (always have a copy of their photo id) when your hiring them for work and you can access their test results that way and they carry their card with them, also whoever uses the service would need to update their profile monthly, so you would have to make that a requirement for people using your services. and the people using the service to be safe should only be seeing people that also have recent test results, if not there's no point too much af a wild card variable.

Your service is great for people looking for a more inclusive, one on one type of relationship , but in this line of work, that's certainly not the case.
CheckMyMate's Avatar
Yes, while we do keep track of IP's and monitor for such activity, there is always the possibility of a Member ID being shared. Just like p411, Date-Check, and whitelisted TER handles. Is it perfect? No. Is it better than nothing? Absolutely.

We delete test results from our database after 3 months, for privacy reasons, and also because tests older than 3 months are no longer considered accurate. We have no requirement for frequency of testing. However, some members have asked about this. Our response: we encourage all members to keep tests as current as possible. If you are not comfortable with a member's last tested date, you may decline to engage with that person, or wait until they post more current results. And, always keep in mind that no STD test is 100% accurate, regardless of the test date.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Yes, while we do keep track of IP's and monitor for such activity, there is always the possibility of a Member ID being shared. Just like p411, Date-Check, and whitelisted TER handles. Is it perfect? No. Is it better than nothing? Absolutely.

We delete test results from our database after 3 months, for privacy reasons, and also because tests older than 3 months are no longer considered accurate. We have no requirement for frequency of testing. However, some members have asked about this. Our response: we encourage all members to keep tests as current as possible. If you are not comfortable with a member's last tested date, you may decline to engage with that person, or wait until they post more current results. And, always keep in mind that no STD test is 100% accurate, regardless of the test date. Originally Posted by CheckMyMate
But wouldn't the monitoring of the IP's only give you the IP of the person wanting the information, since many of these ladies travel alot you'll be getting inquires from all over. so how would you know if the id was being sold. and how can a client be sure the id matches the provider since no one knows the other real name, and a lot of the ladies and none of the guys are showing pictures, if the lady was to check up on the guy, how does she know she getting the real deal or that of a ringer.

test results over one month aren't accurate, how many of the clients here would submit to having their test results entered on your site and keep them updated, much less give you their real info.

Yes it will give people the warm and fuzzies, will it really protect them, I have my doubts,
these ladies see way too many clients in a month for this to be workable, your average pornstar (one who doesn't escort) doesn't work with as many guys in a month as some provider here see in a couple of days and they test constantly both the female and male talent. it a requirement to work for the reputable companies.

Not trying to bust your balls here, just trying to use a little logic

Like i say this would be great for a relationship type dating or personal site, here, no so much.
CheckMyMate's Avatar
It's difficult but possible to monitor suspicious activity. Most mainstream servers have options to register details about every single visitor to a site - not only IP, but details down to screen resolution, browser type, and operating system. There are numerous ways to track any visitor who visits or logs into our site aside from this, including cookies. Those same issues - possible sharing of Member ID, authenticating users - are shared by screening sites of all types, not just us.

You are completely correct that results over 1 month are not accurate - results over 1 hour are not accurate. But it's better than knowing nothing - at least you can know that, at the last tested date (which you will be able to see) - your partner tested negative -meaning, that he/she had no detectable current infections, or antibodies from AIDS or herpes (meaning that at some recent point he/she was free of those diseases). Given the realities of this lifestyle, and STD statistics, it's certainly preferable to knowing nothing at all about your partners' status.

We provide services not only to escorts, but to swingers and other groups with alternative interests. So far, feedback is mixed. Some people have embraced the idea, others hate it. It's definitely not for everyone. We do feel that it's important for people to understand that nothing - even a same-day test result verified with photo ID - is 100% accurate. What our site, or any test result for that matter, is, is simply a guarantee that at some recent point a partner was healthy (assuming that, as you pointed out, there is no funny business with selling clean accounts. About that, we can only do our best to monitor for suspicious activity).
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
So how do you know if the test data they send you is really their own, is their a cross check with the testing facilites. or are you going on the honestly of the person providing the data.

I guess you can feel this is better than none at all chances wise

but so is Russian Roullette, and IMHO anyone doing any BBFS is playing that game

You know some adult companies won't hire people who are escorts that do anything BB, too dicely
Remember your test data is only as good as the next person you fuck BB with.
CheckMyMate's Avatar
The paperwork they send must contain full name. Most medical records contain full name, address, and date of birth. The paperwork is sent straight from the doctor's office or lab - we do not allow members to send us that information themselves.

We don't encourage BBFS at all. Even with recent test results, it's always best to play safe. There is no 100% guarantee that anyone is safe, no matter how recent the test results, and no matter how few partners each person has.

We do believe that out site has value for those who play safe. Condoms can fail, and even BBBJ has risks. Condoms offer limited protection against STDs transmitted through skin-to-skin contact (herpes and syphilis).

Even when condoms are used, NOBODY wants to have sex with someone infected with any STD.
  • Blaze
  • 11-03-2012, 10:50 PM
I think the "hopes" of the site is good. While nothing but abstinence keeps you 100% safe, every step you take to keep your self clean is a good thing. Most reputable providers take most precautionary measures to keep themselves clean where civies do not. There are men and women who are doing background checks on people who they want to date. Why not medical too? Novel idea! This is something I am interested in and may check it out at a later time...

Personal note, I recently went to my first swingers party. I took my covers with me, but still had mental issues of the what ifs and my mind flooded with, have they been with numerous people without protection? My racing thoughts became my straight jacket. I did like being a voyeur though...
Hi Calista,

Yes, we were completely expecting this reaction. However, our site offers many advantages to those who engage in safe sex each time, every time, which we will explain below. We do not recommend BBFS, or believe that our site should be used to encourage BBFS, for the following reasons:

1) Window periods.

2) Test results from, say, two weeks ago are not necessarily accurate if one party or both has had multiple encounters since

3) False negatives. Very common with herpes to have a false negative result.

So why use us then?

We believe that people in this arena have a right to ask and receive proof that, at the very least, their partner has been tested recently and is not passing anything on, knowingly or otherwise.

Plus, condoms do NOT effectively prevent against STD's transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Namely, herpes and syphilis.

Here's an article from cdc.gov (website for the US government Center for Disease Control and Prevention) discussing this issue:


In our view, CheckMyMate is much safer and much more preferable to the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' status quo in effect at present. That is exactly what allows people who know they are infected with something, to continue to play and put other people at risk. Statistically speaking, it's not just an outside chance that this happens - it's definite.

Of course, none of this means that the site will not be exploited by those who favor unsafe practices. However, we feel that the risks are such that any intelligent person educated about STD transmission will stick with the common sense approach, and play safe. The people who won't, are the people who are already having BBFS anyway, test results or no test results. But we'd be curious to hear the opinions of others on this topic We anticipate that it will be hotly debated.

A few of you have signed up already and we are very grateful for your support. We hope that more people continue to check us out. We are excited about the opportunity to serve your community. Originally Posted by CheckMyMate
Just one second here, while reading about your site and services is interesting, and I commend you for being truthful on incubation periods and such, and not pushing BB services.. I must clarify your claims. You mention that condoms don't protect against Syphilis and Herpes, this is only partially correct. Both these diseases are spread through the excretion of the sores that erupt from having it. (with the exception of HSV-2 which can be transferred from skin that doesn't have a sore, and is why prudent gents should choose their playmates wisely) So, you could engage in protected sex with a person who has either, as long as there are no sores, and not contract it. The link you provided is a general STD fact sheet, below you will find specific links to the STDs in question. Please, be mindful of the medical info you throw around. I don't see *any* provider or hobbiest continuing a session if anything resembling these sores are present, and saying condoms won't protect against them is a veiled lie.