Need a New Website? I'm Available Now, but.....

chetmanly's Avatar
First off, for those of you in the storm's path - or for those who have family in the path - I certainly hope that all is well. I have a sister in Philly so I know how nerve-racking the past few days have been.

On to business....

I have received several emails of late from people wanting to know my availability to design and/or redesign their site. I figured it would much simpler to make everyone aware of my time here.

I am free for the next two weeks or so to design whatever you may need; whether it is a custom site or a WordPress layout. After that, I may not be free to assist you. I have a daughter that is due then and I am devoting my time to her and my wife.

So if anyone needs some design work, now is the time to get me.... After that, I will have my hands full of diapers and bottles! LOL!

For those of you that have not seen some of my work, you can view them at