03Belle Conned Me - Twice...

First of all before everyone tells me that I should have known better and all that I already know... I knew I better but still allowed her to take advantage of my kindness.

When i was back in town, I the first week of December, I setup with her an overnight session.... Well she told me that she had to pay her mom to babysit for the night, or she could not do it.... We spent a some time working out the details, It came down to I would stop on my way through and give her to money to pay her mom, then I would have her come to my house so she did not have to pay for a room for the night, We met at the Whataburger on I35 and Regal, I gave her the money to pay her mom, stupid me I gave her the rest of the money as well... She stayed in contact with me for the next hour, then informed me she was having a fight with her mom, but an hour later she texted me that she was on her way, but never showed....

I out of the kindness of my heart sent her a note wishing her a merry Christmas, and got reply back apologizing and asking me if I would be willing to start over that she was sorry... She just did not know what do do when her mom took the money and refused to babysit.... I was supposed to have met her today... I got a call from her late this morning crying because she had set a 2 hour appointment and the guy put down the envelope and at the end of the time she found it was full of magazine clip outs... and had to take a child to a specialist later in the afternoon, but could not pay for it... (Intentionally left general as person details not important)

Like a sucker who has a soft spot for children, worked it out to get he the money for her child.... Once again as soon as she had cash in hand she disappeared... I honestly have no idea if she really has kids or a mom who has to be paid to babysit... But the fact is she played me twice, so I am now posting this....
Chung Tran's Avatar
fool me once, shame on you.. fool me twice.. oh fuck, it you know that.

wow.. I guess P.T. Barnum was right.. you know that too.. sorry about your bad fortune.. this doesn't sound like a he said-she said.. I doubt we will hear the other side.. how could she possibly spin this?

she must be a good actress to cry during the clipped papers in envelope story.
Isn't this girl an ex-relax girl who was initially introduced to this business by Relax? The protection of no writing any negativity about her is now out the window. Need I say more?
boomvang's Avatar
I feel you pain dude. Don't let this keep you from being a good and compassionate person. Good job on not having a public meltdown too.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You even avoided the "fussy, old man fussy public admonishing from Chung Tran. LOL What difference a year can make.[/PRIVATE] Originally Posted by boomvang

Happy New Year boomvang
Chung Tran's Avatar
she has 2 posts total, the second being in her own review this morning, complaining the price paid was not accurate (it was)..

did you really give her a Grand as you listed in your faux review of her? Man!
I see she logged out of ECCIE right before this charge against her.. my Private Eye sense wants to link the events somehow.
The fact of that she came from an agency or where she worked with in the past has nothing to do with her current choices.... The fact that she chose to take advantage of my kindness is still on her current and her past... The fact is her past history was all long before I was a member of this board or even in a resident of Texas...
Yes, I did give her 1000, the first time was 600 + 40 for gas, as she was going to come to my house near McKinney, today I sent her 370 (200 for the kid and 170 to pay off mom) She was going to do an over night to make up for the last time as well....
Chung Tran's Avatar

the money is gone, but I suppose there's still a chance of her offering an overnight session as repayment of a sort.. problem with that is, how could one possibly enjoy that after what transpired? I would be worried about items disappearing, my wallet, whatever, anything but moving a session along.
I feel you pain dude. Don't let this keep you from being a good and compassionate person. Good job on not having a public meltdown too. Originally Posted by boomvang

No man, learn from this, if you dont give people the chance to screw you then they cant screw you. The road to hell is paved with good intentions...
My bigger problem is the fact that I am tired of being used and cheated because I am a kind soul that wants to think the best in people.... but every time this happens I really just want to approach seeing people an I am going to get mine and who cares about them... but that is not who I am.... I do care about people.... That is why this kills me.... and I did not post it the first time, but had no chose now....
Well you can still be who you are, just cautious, like dont give her the money first, if she provides the services you requested then you give her the money, you dont get screwed and you get to help her. You have to realize who you are dealing with here, you are not dealing with the best citizens of society here.
mrredcat43's Avatar
If you do an overnight, make sure you have both kidneys in the morning
She contacted me, I was over zellous in my alert... She is having family issues.... I will be asking to have the later removed... as it was not the case as I thought...
She contacted me, I was over zellous in my alert... She is having family issues.... I will be asking to have the later removed... as it was not the case as I thought... Originally Posted by Jean_Valjean
A. This is not an alert
B. She didn't take advantage of your kindness, she took advantage of your gullibilityity.
C. How about you just send her your atm/credit card and asked that she bring back to you when she spent all of your cash and decides show up for this overnighter you so desperately want with her.

I hate to sound so harsh and unsympathetic, but you can't be this damn naive.