Back on the scene

burkalini's Avatar
Hey gang I will be making more comments and soon more reviews. I broke up with my SO and am now on the prowl again. I havn't been on the scene in awhile so give me some good info so i can get the motor going again
Aww, sorry sweetie. I was hoping it was going to last for ya.

I hate saying these words.....but, welcome back.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Good to have you back full time Burk!! Sorry you relationship didnt work.. but like MsElena said... Welcome Back!!
lakecat's Avatar
Sorry to hear it didn't work out, but it's good to have your experience and input again. You've really helped me a few times in the past. Happy hunting!
Yes, sorry to hear of the misfortune circumstance. Hopefully we can all help each other out for the happy hunting season.
Glad another hobbyist has seen the light. Definitely believe in the "3" F's theory"; If it fly's, floats or fucks, you rent it. Looking forward to reading about your future escapades.
poprod's Avatar
Looking forward to some of your readings as well Burk. BTW, I've never heard of the "3"F's Nash. Lol!
Glad another hobbyist has seen the light. Definitely believe in the "3" F's theory"; If it fly's, floats or fucks, you rent it. Looking forward to reading about your future escapades. Originally Posted by nashluv69 need a spanking.
Burk, Do you have a number for that X-SO? If she was good enough to give up the hobby for she might be worth a try. Welcome back
kendra kayy's Avatar
Burk, Do you have a number for that X-SO? If she was good enough to give up the hobby for she might be worth a try. Welcome back Originally Posted by nightrider1960

... are too much nightrider!!
burkalini's Avatar
Burk, Do you have a number for that X-SO? If she was good enough to give up the hobby for she might be worth a try. Welcome back Originally Posted by nightrider1960

Not a chance nightrider. lol
Brasky's Avatar
Burk, welcome back and sorry didnt work out. What's the old saying, dont get attached to anything you cant leave in 30 seconds. LOL
Welcome back sorry about your break up I hope you guys will still be friends at least, must have been a heck of a woman! Any chance of you two working it out and getting back together?
burkalini's Avatar
Welcome back sorry about your break up I hope you guys will still be friends at least, must have been a heck of a woman! Any chance of you two working it out and getting back together? Originally Posted by Classy Raina

Not a chance. All bridges are broken. Hey life goes on. I will say life is full of users though. lol
Omahan's Avatar
Sorry to hear that Burk. Not sorry to have you back though.