Question for us all?

I dont know how many times as a provider I have been asked to provide bareback sessions. I would like to know how many men actually would want this and if done with verifiable screenings from doctors how many providers would provide this service with a substanial upcharge?

Ok before anyone flips out, I was just curious if it was offered would anyone take the chance?

I know with the right tools anything could be possible but its a risk. Knowing myself, that is a show of extreme trust and in the lifestyle we all lead I am not sure I would even for more money and a garantee from Dr. of no disease at the time of visit.

Your thoughts Dallas?
OldGrump's Avatar
Even if recent tests are negative, how would you know they abstained from risky behavior since testing? Surely no one in the hobby would lie about it? Or would they...?

Russian roulette anyone?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Interesting. I've never asked a lady about bit, but The Don has tried to make an appearance many times over the course of my hobbying career -- in other words, it's always been the woman who's disregarded safe-hobbying protocol.

To answer the question, no amount of money and screenings would entice me to participate.

As Ragnar once said, BBFS is a lot more common than either side of the transaction will admit. There are two reasons I can think of why a guy might engage in BBFS. One is he prefers the physical sensation; the other is that it makes him feel "special" when a woman permits something to him that (he believes) isn't allowed to everyone else. (The fact that he believes that she's not doing it with everyone may influence his decision to allow The Don to proceed.)

The former, I suspect, usually incurs at his instigation, and that's what we usually wind up discussing here. The latter, it seems to me, would sometimes, if not more frequently, occur at her instigation. In such cases, it would be interesting to know what it is that prompts her to allow it. In other words, and not to try to hijack this thread with a question that we all know won't be answered in public, what prompts a lady to offer BBFS?
Testing sounds good in theory but honestly you can't trust many people. Crap we can barely trust our SO if we have one.

If there ever comes a day that there is a vaccine for EVERYTHING you can catch sexually then maybe, MAYBE, it would be a possibility. I would still be incredibly picky and it would cost, and it's just a theory because there isn't a vaccine so I don't really know how I would feel at that point.

But for how it is right now in this day and age, I don't want any cooties. I just don't trust tests 100%, and I don't trust what someone would do between the time they were tested and the time they wanted to come play.

I wonder how those in the porn industry deal with this? The ones that do everything BB anyway. Even with the regular tests and all...

If you wanna BB me you better put a giant diamond on my ring finger, and no I am not signing pre-nup
elgato111's Avatar
Testing on a regular basis is good, but it does not guarantee that between the test and your visit with a client he has not dipped his stick in another honey hole.

I loved BB back in the olden days before all the STDs appeared. But now doing it with a provider, and even sometimes the SO, is like putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger hoping it misfires. Way too much risk for a pleasure that could end up killing you.

For the ladies that offer BB for added charge, if you really think the extra money will protect you, think again, if won't. A life is more dear than any amount of money.
latin6pack's Avatar
Interesting thread, Brittney, short answer, hell no. Has never entered my mind to ask for BBFS, never will. That said, SL, you hit this one right on the head my man. Have had 3 seperate providers recently, in the heat of the moment, suggest BBFS. As you state, all those thoughts went thru my head in a flash; wow i'm special, i'm the only one, she's into me, errrrrrrrrrrr. NO. Tough call my brotha at that second, but, cooler heads have prevailed. I too would be curious to know, what would prompt a lady to offer BBFS????
HELL NO! Would a guy really have fun daty if they knew this provider perhaps did bb just hours before? eww. Plus i am just too ocd when it comes to clean.. infact when i screen a guy, I read reviews (as much as I am allowed) and if I read he has been involved in BB... its just a deal breaker for me.
Interesting responses so far,

I agree totally. I personally have a child to raise on my own and why I dont offer this service. Maybe we will get some girls responses soon. I would never offer this, I am married to a woman at this moment and I dont want either of us to catch any std or other disease out there. Our family to me is the most important thing in the world.

I just not seen anyone bring this topic up and its funny how many times I have been asked. I personally believe its individual choice. I obviously had a husband because I have a child and we didnt but then again, he straid. So thus I divorced amd married my best girlfriend. But thats real life with emotional ties. Not to say I dont have same ties in the hobby just not the same depth that I am willing to take that risk from my end.
oldmarine's Avatar
Latin6pack I don't know where you are finding the providers offering you BBFS but I have never had that happen. Must be a YMMV thing. Would I accept it if offered? Hell no. Not knowing who or how many had been there before me makes it totally out of the question. And LuciousLacy got it right: DATY would be unthinkable.

Would it make me feel special? Hell no for the simple reason that it is a job for her and at my age I have no illusions about being special. I would have no way of knowing if I am the only "special" one and I certainly would not take her word for it.

Do I like BB? Hell yes but only with someone I know very well and trust implicitly. In other words an SO. Since I don't have one of those right now it is strictly CFS for me.
latin6pack's Avatar
...definitely YMMV, hell, at least i hope that is the case...ditto all your comments OldMarine... in my case, even though these were ladies I had visited on numerous occasions (non dfw), the thought of who else has been here BBFS was front and center... again, would be curious to know what prompts a lady to offer BBFS...
I have had guys ask this from time to time. One gave the excuse his diabetes kept him from getting hard with a condom. Another just tried to enter without covering (not sneaky as he thought). The "best" was a hobbyist simply looking for free pussy, and thought since we were both "fixed" we could play uncovered. Neither free or bb happened.

There are lots of cooties around, and I want to be around for a while.
I've never done bbfs in hobby or personal life but it's tempting for sure but at the same time the risk is there however small it may be. And I've read even if the person is HIV positive, the chances are very small, but they are there nonetheless. There is no price for peace of mind.