Here, kitty kitty!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
For those who wish to see their two-legged kittens look very cute:


P.S. I snagged this site from another topic on this website. Still, thought it would be very fitting for this group.

Those collars are BEAUTIFUL!! I'm a collector of them and am thrilled you posted this link! THANK YOU!
London Rayne's Avatar
Well I can't tell if they are clothes for your pet or some freaky thing you are supposed to play with lol.

On a side note...Lauren, you are brave as hell coming to New Orleans on Halloween lmao. I normally skip town and go to the Myrtles Plantation.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Those collars are BEAUTIFUL!! I'm a collector of them and am thrilled you posted this link! THANK YOU! Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
I have a confession to make. I was actually thinking about you when I posted the link. I thought that it would be right up your alley (pun intended!).

I had really wanted to meet you while you are in Dallas. But the weather is so horrendous, and I've already been in a few bad situations in the snow and ice, that I'm not getting out again for now unless I REALLY have to!!!

Wishing you very good times in Dallas, though. Hope that you're able to come back!

I have a confession to make. I was actually thinking about you when I posted the link. I thought that it would be right up your alley (pun intended!).

I had really wanted to meet you while you are in Dallas. But the weather is so horrendous, and I've already been in a few bad situations in the snow and ice, that I'm not getting out again for now unless I REALLY have to!!!

Wishing you very good times in Dallas, though. Hope that you're able to come back!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I had no clue you were in Dallas!! It seems I'll have to make a return trip just to indulge in your aura
Ooh, how fun! Thanks for posting this, Elisabeth.
awl4knot's Avatar

Thanks for the link. It has opened new vistas of play that I ould never have imagined. But wouldn't the clink/clank of a bell collar drive you batty after a bit?

And leashes, shouldn't there be matching leashes? You can't herd cats but you can lead them, right?

And just imagine the looks if the TSA goons pulled this stuff out during a bag search. Priceless.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Thanks for the link. It has opened new vistas of play that I ould never have imagined. But wouldn't the clink/clank of a bell collar drive you batty after a bit?

And leashes, shouldn't there be matching leashes? You can't herd cats but you can lead them, right?

And just imagine the looks if the TSA goons pulled this stuff out during a bag search. Priceless.

Awl4knot Originally Posted by awl4knot
I assure you that the TSA guys have seen a LOT of stuff in luggage growing through security. Generally, they don't even giggle. Sometimes? They do. Shrug. (They always check me and well, I'm familiar with that drill.)

But yes. The whole "puppy play" and people finding their inner kitty is something that is relatively new to me as well. But it's out there.

The matching leashes? I could only handle one kitten in my household!!!
