Trump Has A Choice: Lose Like Dukakis, or Like Goldwater

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

If the Republican nominee is defeated in a landslide, the party may be powerless to influence Clinton's agenda and administration.
The difference between a Goldwater and Dukakis outcome is the difference between holding a Republican majority in at least one chamber of Congress and a down-ballot deluge that would open the way to a new bout of Democratic legislative activism.

For conservatives, it is the difference between mitigating the excesses of the Affordable Care Act and driving onward to government-run health insurance; between another burst of tax increases and the opportunity to bargain for tax cuts; between influence over Supreme Court appointments and being powerless as the justices are replaced; between outright amnesty for immigrants who are in the country illegally and stopping people from coming over U.S. borders.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Keep dreaming. The House will remain in the control of the same corrupt bunch of criminals that they are now.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Trump can, and will, lose like Reagan. See you on inauguration day Dizzy.
bambino's Avatar
Clinton will lose like Dukakis. At least he was an honest person. Clinton deserves to loose.