Multi-hour pricing

Texas Playboy's Avatar
I have been in this hobby off and on for a few years, and I have an observation I think is worthy of discussion ... perhaps because I am way off-base on this, or perhaps because the ladies need to hear a contrasting opinion from time to time.

No longer being a young, flat-bellied whippersnapper, the hobby is not a quest for jackhammering opportunities. It might have been years back, but nowadays for me it's every bit as much about the companionship and kindnesses as it is about the acronyms. So I much prefer fewer, longer appointments than more frequent, shorter ones.

Now, realizing as we all do that we do not pay for specific activities, but rather we pay for the provider's time -- and by the way, guys I would urge you all to take that literally and not just with a wink. I've found the mileage is way better when the chemistry is great, because I allowed the provider to decide what (if anything) we were going to do BCD. I have had a few dates that involved zero BCD and in those instances it was just fine with me.

So here's my point: ladies, you should consider what you are communicating with your pricing vs. time strategies. For example, if you charge 100 for 30 minutes, 200 for 60 minutes and 300 for 90 minutes, don't complain when you become a high volume provider and you don't get many 60 or 90 minute appointments. You are telling guys that you are a one-act specialist. Just do me and leave. That is what it appears you want.

Those who took economics in college will recall the concept of declining marginal utility. Remember that if you are dying of thirst, the first glass of water might be worth $1,000 to you. Each succeeding glass of water becomes less and less valuable as you become less and less thirsty. Eventually the nth glass of water is worth zero, or even less than zero when you consider you have to store it if you aren't going to consume it right away. This principle most definitely comes into play in this hobby.

I like multi-hour arrangements. If you want to encourage me, you should create a pricing structure that declines in price at the margin. For example, 200 for the first hour, 150 for the second hour, 100 additional for every additional hour up to the fifth hour, and 50 for every additional hour up to the twelfth hour. Now that encourages guys who value quality dates and communicates that you are a lower volume provider. And it gets you to an overnight rate of 1000, for 12 hrs. Using the same logic, the 24 hour rate should be something like 1500, and the weekly rate should be something like 5000. That's how a businesswoman would think if she wants to be a lower volume provider, dealing with increasingly well-to-do clients.

I also see pricing incongruities because obviously some providers have never thought of this. Guys, we've all seen them. For example, 150 for 30 minutes, 225 for 60 minutes, 350 for 90 minutes, 500 for 120 minutes. Broken down, that means the first 30 is worth 150, the next is worth 75, the third is worth 125, and the fourth is worth 150 again. Kinda silly, but you see stuff like that all the time. In this example, the hobbyist will conclude that you want 60 minute appointments. You are pricing to avoid the longer ones.

I know, this is an esoteric point. I should just take advantage of the weaknesses in each provider's pricing structure. Certainly the guys who are still in the jackhammering business are doing that.

But I guess the economist in me wants to teach providers the concept of diminishing returns .... and when you consider us older hobbyists and our physical limitations ... aren't the longer appointments what you really want?

Just my $0.02.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Not to poke a hole in your logic but, I'm just gonna point out the overnight point. Quite a few ladies could make the same/more in 4-6 hrs on three johns as the one lady putting in 8-10 hrs on an overnight by your scale. Though she does get to sleep so that's a plus.

& I thought we were paying em to leave. Anything over 2hrs & I believe most would be like "Oh, you're still here..."

I'm not even gonna go on about how trying to teach economics would be a fail, since $60 BNG's will make you a philanthropic legend.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
There are many smart providers who actually understand your post and have their pricing on a very decreasing scale. Others offer these lower rates to select clients. The providers whose pricing is all over the place.....who cares.

Then there are the providers who, sometimes justifiably, charge a premium for outcalls, especially when there is a real drive. I understand the first hour being a higher price, but why are subsequent hours also higher?

Again, who could ever understand (or care) about provider math.
I read about this topic elsewhere, and I was able to work out a good business structure for myself. When I first introduced this new idea and I was contacted about it for the first time, I made sure I filled that 3 hours with lots of activities. But having had a few more experiences with this new idea, I also learned it isn't always about every second being filled activity. There is still plenty of fun to be had, but its also enjoying some pillow talk and for some, its simply being able to hold a woman in his arms and feel some closeness. I have read reviews where the lady was robotic in her session and that makes me scratch my head. If she dislikes being in the hobby, then why do it? I already know what some answers to that might be, but personally, if I ever start to feel robotic or if I am SEEN as being robotic, I'll have to apply for a job as a greeter at Wally World!
Texas Playboy's Avatar
Not to poke a hole in your logic but, I'm just gonna point out the overnight point. Quite a few ladies could make the same/more in 4-6 hrs on three johns as the one lady putting in 8-10 hrs on an overnight by your scale. Though she does get to sleep so that's a plus. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
If a lady would rather make $1,200 in a day with six clients, versus $1,000 in a day with say two clients, well, that's totally up to her. My point is, and I guess I didn't make it so well, sometimes the providers say they want to be low volume but their pricing scheme doesn't encourage it. Because they've never really thought about it. Because they didn't take Econ 101 I guess.

I also learned it isn't always about every second being filled activity. There is still plenty of fun to be had, but its also enjoying some pillow talk and for some, its simply being able to hold a woman in his arms and feel some closeness. Originally Posted by Nicolet
"That's a Bingo." -- SS Col. Hans Landa
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-12-2013, 02:14 PM
I'm not even gonna go on about how trying to teach economics would be a fail, since $60 BNG's will make you a philanthropic legend. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
LMMFAO. Now, THAT is funny right there.

D_G, you crack me up.
I read about this topic elsewhere, and I was able to work out a good business structure for myself. When I first introduced this new idea and I was contacted about it for the first time, I made sure I filled that 3 hours with lots of activities. But having had a few more experiences with this new idea, I also learned it isn't always about every second being filled activity. There is still plenty of fun to be had, but its also enjoying some pillow talk and for some, its simply being able to hold a woman in his arms and feel some closeness. I have read reviews where the lady was robotic in her session and that makes me scratch my head. If she dislikes being in the hobby, then why do it? I already know what some answers to that might be, but personally, if I ever start to feel robotic or if I am SEEN as being robotic, I'll have to apply for a job as a greeter at Wally World! Originally Posted by Nicolet
I agree Nicolet. Playpals can tell you're not really that into it with robotic behavior. The best sessions ( for me ) are laid back, and entirely intimate - meaning intimate, stimulating convo, intimate gazing, and intimacy without immediate sex that seems rehearsed. Besides, any guy can have a drunken one night stand (raunchy,rushed,ravishing), I really enjoy gents who want an experience different than this. My goal is to make you feel you're not sleeping with a hooker (and hell, I don't want to feel like one ALL the time hehehe), I want my gentlemen caller to feel as he is on a date with an exciting, thought-provoking friend with whom he'll spend heated moments of passion with. I know it sounds like a Connie Mason romance novel with Fabio on the cover, but my objective is to give the gent what he misses at home, or either an alternative to what he has.

And another thing...some providers have to take what they can get, those using the hobby as their sole income. I'm sure all providers would prefer a 4 hour session over fucking 20 thousand guys for the same amount. These are the hustlers in the hobby game - sessions are fast-paced and rushed with no feeling. At the end of the day, she feels used and tired to pay her bills, and over time she becomes numb to it, and eventually proud. It seems to me and my experience, there is a greater demand for quickies, than these coveted, extended evenings of passion.
infopower's Avatar
I had this structure worked out with Carmela L when she was here. And, we spent very happy time, eventhough those hours are not filled with lot of activities (exactly as suggested by Nicolet).

TexasPlayboy, I am not sure why most of these otherwise intelligent providers don't see your (our) point of view. They should and they should be the ones who need to bring this up rather than us. But, as DG and CB put it, they have their own math obviously.
pyramider's Avatar

I like multi-hour arrangements. If you want to encourage me, you should create a pricing structure that declines in price at the margin. For example, 200 for the first hour, 150 for the second hour, 100 additional for every additional hour up to the fifth hour, and 50 for every additional hour up to the twelfth hour. Now that encourages guys who value quality dates and communicates that you are a lower volume provider. And it gets you to an overnight rate of 1000, for 12 hrs. Using the same logic, the 24 hour rate should be something like 1500, and the weekly rate should be something like 5000. That's how a businesswoman would think if she wants to be a lower volume provider, dealing with increasingly well-to-do clients.
Originally Posted by Texas Playboy
Your hypothesis loses focus on the longer appointments. How many ladies really want to be with us more than a couple of hours? My guess would be not many. The reasons ranging from "holy Tebow, this fucktard is still here," to "geez, leave already." Remember the ladies have lives, too. The kids come home from school. Grocery shopping. Running to Walgreens to pick up a script. To dealing with plumbers and maintenance people. These things require someone to be present.

Many ladies state an overnite is $2500 to discourage tards from booking those sessions. Any extended session should be between people who have been together several times and where there is a comfort level established.
You had me at marginal utility. Didn't expect that in an Eccie thread. (BS in Economics)
Thankfully not ALL providers think that way, of course I speak for myself. I enjoy a gentleman's company, very much. I'm very lucky to have met some wonderful men in the hobby and to still be in touch with them.
Overnights should definitely be between 2 people who have established a comfort level, I'm with you on that!
I don't pay attention to a ladies stated overnight rates for several reasons, not the least of which is there are very, VERY few providers I want to spend more than 2 hours with. Additionally, the few times that I've actually wanted an overnight, it was with a lady I'd already seen a few times. We just talked about it. She pitched a rate based on the amount of time, I countered, we came to an agreement which was alot lower than her posted rate. Am I special? I don't think so. Overnights are rare, so there's no such thing as a "set rate".
I don't pay attention to a ladies stated overnight rates for several reasons, not the least of which is there are very, VERY few providers I want to spend more than 2 hours with. Additionally, the few times that I've actually wanted an overnight, it was with a lady I'd already seen a few times. We just talked about it. She pitched a rate based on the amount of time, I countered, we came to an agreement which was alot lower than her posted rate. Am I special? I don't think so. Overnights are rare, so there's no such thing as a "set rate". Originally Posted by enderwiggin

Ive been doing this for five years...not one overnight, so likely my advertised rate will be compromised.

Now, realizing as we all do that we do not pay for specific activities, but rather we pay for the provider's time -- and by the way, guys I would urge you all to take that literally and not just with a wink.

Appreciate your point of view...however, you will find that you are a very small part of the market. Most hobbiests are not there for the lady's time.
They are there for her services...otherwise, she likely would not advertise them.

I've found the mileage is way better when the chemistry is great, because I allowed the provider to decide what (if anything) we were going to do BCD. I have had a few dates that involved zero BCD and in those instances it was just fine with me.
Yep..!! This really shows you are a small part of the hobby market.


Those who took economics in college will recall the concept of declining marginal utility. Remember that if you are dying of thirst, the first glass of water might be worth $1,000 to you. Each succeeding glass of water becomes less and less valuable as you become less and less thirsty.
If this were functional in the hobby, rates would be much lower...
There is no shortage of services in Houston...

Eventually the nth glass of water is worth zero, or even less than zero when you consider you have to store it if you aren't going to consume it right away. This principle most definitely comes into play in this hobby. we should all be looking at very low rates...Gee, you can call 20 different providers on any day...thats a large storehouse.

I like multi-hour arrangements. If you want to encourage me, you should create a pricing structure that declines in price at the margin.
Sorry to say, most are not seeking to encourage you.
They are seeking enough money to pay the bills in as short a time as possible and by paying 200/hr, you are it.
Just think...1 days work...maybe 2 days...16hrs and the entire month is paid for with shopping and entertainment thrown in.

For example, 200 for the first hour, 150 for the second hour, 100 additional for every additional hour up to the fifth hour, and 50 for every additional hour up to the twelfth hour. Now that encourages guys who value quality dates and communicates that you are a lower volume provider. And it gets you to an overnight rate of 1000, for 12 hrs. Using the same logic, the 24 hour rate should be something like 1500, and the weekly rate should be something like 5000. That's how a businesswoman would think if she wants to be a lower volume provider, dealing with increasingly well-to-do clients.
Sorry to disagree here.
Her position is to make as much as possible, as quick as possible, with as little work as possible.
Her perspective is...I spent 3 hrs with this guy I should have cleared 600 plus tips and I am down 150... with no tips...this is not working...

I also see pricing incongruities because obviously some providers have never thought of this. Guys, we've all seen them. For example, 150 for 30 minutes, 225 for 60 minutes, 350 for 90 minutes, 500 for 120 minutes. Broken down, that means the first 30 is worth 150, the next is worth 75, the third is worth 125, and the fourth is worth 150 again. Kinda silly, but you see stuff like that all the time. In this example, the hobbyist will conclude that you want 60 minute appointments. You are pricing to avoid the longer ones. are right...they did not go to college or have a degree in Econ...
Some are smart, but uneducated...some are not.
Few are both smart and educated...even fewer that could learn really want to learn.

I know, this is an esoteric point. I should just take advantage of the weaknesses in each provider's pricing structure. Certainly the guys who are still in the jackhammering business are doing that.
But I guess the economist in me wants to teach providers the concept of diminishing returns ....
Never try to teach a pig to sing...

and when you consider us older hobbyists and our physical limitations ... aren't the longer appointments what you really want?
Uhhh...probably not...
They likely will hit the young attractive guys faster and get screwed by them... in various ways...ripped off, beat up,..generally abused and then they will answer your call and tell you the whole story for 200/hr.
Go to any SC and there is at least 1 dancer paying for her broke dicked boyfriend to sit on the couch and watch TV smokin' weed.

Just my $0.02. Originally Posted by Texas Playboy
If a lady would rather make $1,200 in a day with six clients, versus $1,000 in a day with say two clients, well, that's totally up to her. My point is, and I guess I didn't make it so well, sometimes the providers say they want to be low volume but their pricing scheme doesn't encourage it. Because they've never really thought about it. Because they didn't take Econ 101 I guess.
Your Econ premises are valid, but focused in the wrong market.
What she wants is to meet more guys that will spend 500 each and do 6 of them in 4 hrs. Most guys are done in 45 mins. max anyway...And they know that.!!

They ALL want to be LOW VOLUME...
That doesn't mean spending more time hobbying...or seeing fewer guys.
That means getting more money for less time and work.

These girls are young, strong, healthy and ready to play...if you think they can't handle 3-5 serious fucks each day...try to recall back when you were twenty and polevaulted out of bed after a 2 day drunk to go to work at 6AM.

They ain't as delicate as you may think...and they are in it to win it...not to help you...although there are some good ones out there than make it hard to tell.

If you do want a long term provider relationship...they are not unknown...but often end in disaster.
Originally Posted by Texas Playboy
This is just what I have seen in the years I have been hobbying.
No intention of disparagement or any other type of attack, dismissal, derogatory statement or dissin' of any kind was intending in this post.
Dorian Gray's Avatar