Bartering like the pirates

So I saw something somewhere else on the net that actualyy had a bartering systemn for gents and ladies (maybe skme of you have seen) Thats right, arggggg. So it just got me to thinking hmmm...what would I trade for me booty (pun intended). I know most of you ladies do dates for rates wam bam. But hypothetically in fantasy would you barter your goods for stuff? (NOT HAGGLING RATES IM TALKING GOODS AND SERVICES HERE) And if so, what would it be. Gents what would you have to offer?

I'll go first in place of the almighty dollar, I would tit for tat for electronics. New laptop, tablet, flat screen tv, cell phone etc. Oh and lingerie. Buy me lots and lots of new lingerie Emphasis on NEW for both categoriess.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
I'm actually surprised no one had any input to share...this thread blew up on NR
Yea but this forum is pretty much dead. That's why I spend most of my time in the National or Texas forums lol. There is another bartering thread here somewhere and it is HUGE my got it's actually a sticky at the top of one of the regional areasss
Secret_Amore's Avatar
Random fact I dyed my hair PURPLE! >: D

I couldn't help it I was missing the purple too much

also I think i have seen the bartering sticky....might seen if anyone will barter for fixing my car.....
Ahahaha lol. The purple is a part of you. I feel like now I can't even imagine you without itt ughh I wanna color my hair sooo baddd lol. Like a deep auburn red or something
Secret_Amore's Avatar
lol I know I've been rockin the purple for so long like 4yrs off an on that some people don't recognize me unless my hair Is purple. you should totally do a like burgundy/arburn it would go well with your pics in red you could do something spicy like have all burgundy with like off set red ends