Jewish Billionaires in the United States

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Did you realize that 1/3 of all billionaires in the United States are Jewish? Think of the level of creativity, productivity, intelligence and hustle required from a population that represents only 2% of the population of this country. It is a gift from God's chosen people to the people of the United States. Perhaps, it is a repayment since you saved us from destruction at the hands of Adolph Hitler. We thank you!

Now, since I get only one post per month in the National Sandbox, which kind of morphed into the Political Forum, I have to add this addendum to my pro-Jewish post of the month.
It is a testimony to the low level of intelligence of the average liberal that they are salivating over the idea that I'm either "Uncle Han", a brilliant poster, or "BearJew1948" , who is a far leftist, by his own admission. Once they latch on to an idea, with no evidence and only a whiff of possibility, they promote it like they are brilliant and have discovered some great and spectacular truth which proves their own smug sense of superiority. In reality, it proves how bad their reasoning and intelligence is. To prove it, I place before you the following offer to show proof.
If any of you "geniuses" can prove I'm "Uncle Han" or "BearJew1948", or that I even know them in any capacity that I'm aware of outside this board, or direct them to post at my direction, I will meet you at Love Field in Dallas and hand you $5000 in cash. The moderators of this site may also collect on it, since they have the ability to check IP's along with postings. In fact, I beg the moderators to investigate to see if I'm using either of those handles, because I obviously know that I'm not and I'm anxious to show the world what our liberals credibility is - very low. You guys have stepped in the shit on this one and made yourselves look ignorant - I'm proving it now.

P.S. I'm not insulting you and nixing my apology - I'm just stating the truth.
JCM800's Avatar
If any of you "geniuses" can prove I'm "Uncle Han" or "BearJew1948", or that I even know them in any capacity that I'm aware of outside this board, or direct them to post at my direction, I will meet you at Love Field in Dallas and hand you $5000 in cash. The moderators of this site may also collect on it, since they have the ability to check IP's along with postings. In fact, I beg the moderators to investigate to see if I'm using either of those handles, because I obviously know that I'm not and I'm anxious to show the world what our liberals credibility is - very low Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
i'm sure the mods are assembling a team right this second to solve this one.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not sure of the point of this post unless it is to demonstrate the superiority of the Jewish people. There are 403 billionaires in the U.S. (according to Forbes) and you say 1/3 are Jewish. Michael Bloomberg (shithead), George Soros (royal shithead), and Mark Zuckerberg (total asshole) are near the top of the list. Are you claiming them too? I would hold off about the claims of superiority.
A really big


cptjohnstone's Avatar
As stated, I am in the meat business and 90% of the wholesalers,distributors and traders are own by Jews, they very very good with their money

That being said, 90% of the Jews I have work for have screw me
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well that took a week, homo.

What a hypocritical piece of shit you are Uncle Lawyer. How much MONEY do you need to get you out of this forum, too?

I find this topic, as well as some of the responses, to be distasteful and anti-American. Do you realize that half to the Jews who routinely post in this forum are fuckwads?

NEWS FLASH --- it ain't me!

Go away, schmuck, before you get every Klansman in the forum howling for your obnoxious head!

BTW , I will delight in watching you horseshit posts drop like a rock. Nobody gives a fuck about your worthless racist rants, and I seriously doubt anybody here give a fuck about you and the slaves you fuck on Harry Hines.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
As stated, I am in the meat business and 90% of the wholesalers,distributors and traders are own by Jews, they very very good with their money

That being said, 90% of the Jews I have work for have screw me Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not sure of the point of this post unless it is to demonstrate the superiority of the Jewish people. There are 403 billionaires in the U.S. (according to Forbes) and you say 1/3 are Jewish. Michael Bloomberg (shithead), George Soros (royal shithead), and Mark Zuckerberg (total asshole) are near the top of the list. Are you claiming them too? I would hold off about the claims of superiority. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I'd say anybody with a complete brain and a dry chin is superior to you.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Sry mate; but I'm bearjew1948: character played by eli roth & year eretz yisrael was a country.
I'm not in anyway jewishlawyer...
Although I am a barrister (attorney). I'm from the uk but a dual citz. And I love both countries. Yes, I freely admit I'm a socialist. I don't know jewishlawyer in any capacity. He is a fellow MOT and that is where our relationship ends. For you gentiles/goys just google it.. .
I'm only here to have fun and get a release.....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Teddy Ballgame?

IF YOU ARE NOT THAT AWFUL WANKER, THEN YOU -- AND EVERYBODY ELSE -- stop posting in his shameful hate posts.

He'll sink into the morass, where he belongs.

Just like others have recently...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
FUCK YOU! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
just trying to get your post count up again?

it is no wonder
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Jewish Contributions to Society

Albert Einstein Physicist
Jonas Salk Created first Polio Vaccine.
Albert Sabin Developed the oral vaccine for Polio.
Galileo Discovered the speed of light
Selman Waksman Discovered Streptomycin. Coined the word 'antibiotic'.
Gabriel Lipmann Discovered color photography.
Baruch Blumberg Discovered origin and spread of infectious diseases.
G. Edelman Discovered chemical structure of antibodies.
Briton Epstein Identified first cancer virus.
Maria Meyer Structure of atomic nuclei.
Julius Mayer Discovered law of thermodynamics.
Sigmund Freud Father of Psychotherapy.
Christopher Columbus (Marano) Discovered the Americas.
Benjamin Disraeli Prime Minister of Great Britain 1804-1881
Isaac Singer Invented the sewing machine.
Levi Strauss Largest manufacturer of Denim Jeans.
Joseph Pulitzer Established 'Pulitzer Prize' for achievements in journalism, literature, music & art.

The above information is from -for more information:

Some observations about The Political Forum:

If CuteOldGuy had any ability to be likeable, about 90% of his posts contain factual gems that should sway people of any intelligence whatsoever to see the destruction of our once great country. Unfortunately, he is not likeable at all, everyone hates him, and occasionally he posts some stupid shit.

Whirlaway is a great poster and is not fully appreciated. He is smarter than any liberal on the board.

The funny thing about most liberals is that to Trayvon Martin, they would all look like "creepy ass crackers!!" Yet, most liberals find more to like about a black guy from the ghetto who smokes marijuana, dreams of being a thug, wasted his public education, and was destined to an unproductive life as a burden on the taxpayers than some old white guy like me, who has paid his taxes, worked a job for 40 years, and been a continuously contributing member of society. When half the country would rather take money from productive people and give it to losers, it's easy to understand why we are going down the shitter.

Gay marriage will prove to be a biological disaster for faggots. Since they no longer have to hide the fact they would rather suck another man's dick after he stuck it up their ass, or stick their own dick in another man's ass while sucking a third man's dick, than fuck a girl (amazing that they could be so fucked up but liberals like them better than straight people) they will no longer feel pressure to marry and produce children with their defective genetic imprinting, so over time, they will die off, unless of course the Muslims take over and kill them outright.

For the record, I have bet WTF $100 that Zimmerman will walk free after his current trial is over. He will be acquitted. I encourage others to bet with WTF. If enough of us bet with him and he loses, he won't be able to pay his illegal alien workforce! (although he hides behind the convenient fiction that they are subcontractors)

I apologize to Big Louie for calling him BigFatLouie, implying he is a fatso, or being condescending to him for his eating disorder. People of size have a problem, and we should feel sorry for them. However, he still posts stupid stuff and isn't very bright.

Long Live Texas. If the rest of the country doesn't like how we do stuff here, they should let us go - the whole state. We don't need you fuckers, anyway.
We have oil, agriculture, water, industry, English common law, and absolutely no need for you liberals to tell us how to live, or to take our lawfully obtained firearms.

It is wrong to call conservatives callous just because we don't want to take care of everyone else's kids on liberal terms. We will take care of orphans, but we expect them to become productive citizens someday. Some may disapprove of abortion (I'm not actually one of them) but that doesn't make them responsible for the kids someone else had. You get pregnant, you and the father should take care of the kid the way you think he or she should be raised. If you can't take care of your own kids, we get to raise them the way we see fit. If that means an orphanage with 100 other kids, sharing a large dorm room, and eating soup, and working each day to pay your own way, and learning the virtue of self reliance and yearning to improve yourself, and getting swats when you fuck up, that's the way it should be, life is tough, then you die. (Or if you are a liberal, life is tough, you fuck someone in the ass, then you die)

America was once a great country, and it is time we take care of our own people rather than fight wars around the world to install liberalism and excessive government control. The country that was great 50 years ago and hated by liberals who bombed the shit out of our institutions and opposed the wars has morphed into one loved by liberals, who are now the ones who fervently support the government that the conservatives oppose. It used to be conservatives who loved the country and liberals who hated the government. The government is so in control now that liberals actually call the opposition "unpatriotic and unAmerican". Conservatives are left with nothing much to conserve or love about America.

See you next month for my once a month posts in this forum. I post elsewhere freely.

America is now an experiment in wet dream liberalism and government control, and must change, or die.
LexusLover's Avatar
I thought JL wasn't going to post any more.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I thought JL wasn't going to post any more. Originally Posted by LexusLover
He's just UTR now.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-02-2013, 11:57 AM

For the record, I have bet WTF $100 that Zimmerman will walk free after his current trial is over. He will be acquitted. I encourage others to bet with WTF. If enough of us bet with him and he loses, he won't be able to pay his illegal alien workforce! (although he hides behind the convenient fiction that they are subcontractors)

. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
If you had any balls , you'd bet more and not go cry to others to carry your load.

Of course, I do not expect you to pay me so the amount does not really matter.