MOSG During Half Hour Sessions

I wanted to get other providers opinion on half hour MSOG sessions.

Do you think providers should allow msog on during half hour session?

Why should guys even book a hour session if they can do MSOG on half's?

From my point of view if you allow MSOG during the half hour guys have no reason to book an hour.

**Today I had a client who demanded MSOG on a half hour session** Originally I had told him no because if I did allow that I wouldn't be able to see more clients later on today. I did change my mind 5 minutes later only because it was a slow day today. Then he said it was to late in the day and I told him not to worry about it because tomorrow would hopefully be a busier day. We kinda got into it and I told him to please leave me alone. He then threatened to have his "friends" on the board write bad reviews on me and ruin my reputation. If you read my reviews they are all good.
Personally I think you ladies need to make up your minds , either we're paying for time , or we're paying for the goal . I can schedule an hr , and you're going to get worked out for that hr , no MSOG . So if a guy that can't do that still has time , it's his time he payed for it . Or are you suggesting that if I pay for an hr , you're not going to give me an hr 1 shot ? Sounds like someone wants to make 160 hhr but doesn't really want to have to work for it . I make 16 hr imagine that instead ! Maybe BP is the better route for your goals .
sixxbach's Avatar
I wanted to get other providers opinion on half hour MSOG sessions.

Do you think providers should allow msog on during half hour session?

Why should guys even book a hour session if they can do MSOG on half's?

From my point of view if you allow MSOG during the half hour guys have no reason to book an hour.

**Today I had a client who demanded MSOG on a half hour session** Originally I had told him no because if I did allow that I wouldn't be able to see more clients later on today. I did change my mind 5 minutes later only because it was a slow day today. Then he said it was to late in the day and I told him not to worry about it because tomorrow would hopefully be a busier day. We kinda got into it and I told him to please leave me alone. He then threatened to have his "friends" on the board write bad reviews on me and ruin my reputation. If you read my reviews they are all good. Originally Posted by asian rose

Taking you at face value, you should call the guy out by handle IMO. I think one should communicate clearly what they are looking for. When I book a session, I always ask if they swallow, etc. If they don't, I may not book. I haven't looked at your showcase to see if you allow MSOG. I can't recall if that is even allowed.

There are gals who don't allow MSOG even for an hour. Some girls do provider MSOG on 30 min sessions. There is no real set way to do things. This is why COMMUNICATION is key. If you do screening, then discussing activities beforehand should be no problem.

capt_nemo35's Avatar the TRUTH of this matter is this:
I contacted this provider this afternoon and asked about rates and what area her incall was in. She responded with rates, but didn't state what area her incall was in. I asked if she allowed msog, because I tend to pop really fast the first time...and as Rover mentioned, we are supposed to be paying for 'time', therefore I simply don't visit providers that don't allow msog. She informed me that it was allowed up to 2 pops on the hour rate. Since I didn't have time for an hour appt., I simply responded and said ""sorry babe, I need msog in Hhr". So 15 minutes goes by and she replies and tells me "Try Backpage". I didnt bother to respond. Another 10 minutes goes by and she responds again and says "Fine. I will let u go twice but u cant put i let you go twice n review". At that point, I responded and let her know that it was too late into the day now, that my afternoon had changed and I wouldn't be able to see her, but that I was interesed in seeing her in the morning. I immediately get a response from her that states "Dont worry about it. To late". I told her that she didnt need to get pissy, it all works out and we can both go on with our evenings. She then proceeds to tell me how she's a quality girl with a good pussy and doesn't want to let a client "bang up her pussy so she can't see other clients". She then proceeds to send me multiple messages telling me that she's going to post negative shit about me (which she attempted to do here) and that quality girls stay away from hobbyists like me....when in fact, quality girls don't play these kinds of games. I have repeatedly told her to stop contacting me, let it go and move on with her night. This chic seems to be bat shit crazy. When I told her to go away and that I would respond to her post here, she told me she was going to text the mods? Text 'em whatever you gotta do, I'm just thankful it didnt cost me money to discover how manipulative and crazy you are. Thanks!
teyeger72's Avatar
Make sure expectations are clear up front. I understand the business reason for you making that particular decision - it's your business so be it. But make sure that all expectations are clear up front so that there is no misunderstanding of the expectations of the session on either person's part.

Of course, kudos to the guy that is even capable of multiple pops in 30 minutes. It takes me 30 minutes to recover from the first...
Rover, we all know why guys pay for time legally. If you book a hour session with me you would not be dissappointed and you will get the whole hour!!
Sixxbach, your right I should have called the guy out by name but it wasnt my entenions to bash or start anything actually and that's why I didn't post a handle. In fact I only posted after he threatened to try to ruin my reputation and have his friend on the board post bad reviews which I saved the text to prove.
When i am done.. I am done. Be it 30 min.. 45 min.. or an hour
And capt.. I did explain to you clearly why I changed my mind from the original no to yes " because it was a slow day" and told you not to worry about it tomorrow because hopefully tomorrow would be a busier day (makes sense). As the original post stated I explained why I do not offer msog during the half sessions. Of course every guy wants the most bang for his bux but on our end guys know why we do this I think. And yes I did direct him to bp where the girls don't have as high standards. Generally most eccie guys are respectfu,l nice, and I love how they want to please me as I want to please them but we all have our limits on expectations. I did him a favor, lol... I have all the text from a to b if anybody wants to see them cause information is being left out.. He decided to get pissy when I told him I didn't like how he talked to me and to please leave me alone... And I was the very first person to ask him to leave me alone. Not to mention him threatening to try to ruin my reputation and have his friends post fake bad views which I can send to anybody as proof of his intensions.
Drama, Drama, Drama, in a he said she said everyone looks bad.

Can't answer your msog question for you. I agree with Rover, I think we should be paying for time not nut other wise I think the price should be 160-1 nut, 260-2 nuts rather then 160 hhr, 260 hr. If ladies are going to list time then the guy should be able to do your full menu for the entire time regardless of how many times he cums. I don't understand how him pounding you for the entire half hour until he cums once or cums twice is any different or effects your vagina for the rest of the day.
Rose it's nice of you to clear up the hr thing with me . I tend to be really blunt , gets me in trouble all the time . One problem I would have scheduling with you would be that I use p411 as a way of making my decisions . And when I see :

Reverse Body Rub FS GFE PSE
HJ LFK DFK Foot Fetish
DATO DATY Missionary Cowgirl
Reverse Cowgirl Doggie Style MSOG CBJ
BBBJ Sixty Nine Deep Throat BLS
Around the World Stripper Slide Submission PornStar

Maybe you could state somewhere on here that you don't do hhr MSOG ? And maybe on Eccie showcase under dislikes : hhr MSOG ? That way it would be clear to anyone before hand .
Im just wondering if it actually is Rose responding to this or Jay... Her "representation"
Rover, that is a great idea.. Seriously! Also any guy that ask I do tell then msog on hour only. Some guys get up and leave when they are done they first time and I always off another round on hour.
capt_nemo35's Avatar
Stick to the facts and stop making things up. You are pissed because when you didn't offer the service I was looking for, I moved on. You got pissy with me and I called you on it. You then went in to a bunch of drama and messages that are completely not needed. I don't want to see you, you don't want to see's that simple- we don't meet each other's needs in the transaction. I'm ok with that, you for some reason are not. I pop fast, but remain hard and can keep going. What does it matter if a guy gets one pop and fucks you for 20 minutes, or gets 2 pops and fucks you for 5 minutes the first time and 15 minutes the 2nd time? We are paying for time not pops. Too many providers want to cut time short once we pop and that's bullshit.

I have no idea where you're getting all this bullshit about threats and the other nonsense. I simply told you to not get pissy with me and to go away. I also told you that your attitude and actions would not help you and that it was a matter of time before you started getting negative reviews. Let's stick to the facts!

I look for a service, you didn't want to provide it until I took a pass on seeing you. I don't need games like that and I wont see providers that play them. I've repeatedly told you to go away, leave me alone, stop texting me and move on.....yet you insist on continuing to contact me and attempt to bash me with lies. Pull up your big girl panties and move on to clients that are willing to put up with your games and attitude. Now, thank you and have a great night!
No capt, I was pissed when you threatened to try to ruin my good name "my reviews prove that" and threatened to have your friends post bad reviews... I only respond to the text you send, grow up. If I'm lieing then I can post your threats.. I guess your gonna say that's not your number and I some how stole your phone since we never met. You only snapped when I asked you not to contact me because I didn't like the way you were talking to me. Now your trying to switch what happened to me like it happened to you.
Guess your gonna lie and deny these threats you made too... I don't play games and I explained why I changed my mind. I hate drama and bs. I didn't mention your name because I didn't want to start crap but only wanted to protect myself from your threats. You named yourself and made this go further when you kept texting me. Here's your text where you threatened me.
And your right.. You don't want to see me and I don't want to see you as well. I don't cut my time short with anybody. Once you pop you can spend the remaining time cuddling, talking, showering.... I do not cut time short. Playing games it NCNS, not providing, sending people to wrong address and I do not do any of that. I provide and I do it well as my reviews show. I'm the lier yet I have not lied once. Here's your threats you text me. On this note I protected myself from you trying ruin my reputation and people can judge for themselves.. If anybody doubts these text being "real" I will foward them to anybody who wants the truth...

(staff edit; picture of private communication removed; ztonk)