Former CNN Anchor After Self-Defense Shooting: “If you don’t want to carry please don’t. Then, shut the f--- up about it.”
Last week we shared the harrowing story of former CNN Headline News anchor Lynne Russell and husband Chuck de Caro, who exercised their right to armed self-defense to stop a gun-wielding robber who forced his way into their Albuquerque, N.M. motel room. Espousing a straightforward logic that even gun control supporters should be able to grasp, Russell stated, “If you don’t want to carry please don’t. Then, shut the f--k up about it. Make your own decisions.” Both Russell and de Caro are Right-to-Carry permit holders, and in an interview with Fox News following the shooting Russell had some choice words for anyone that would deprive them of the right to bear arms.
Espousing a straightforward logic that even gun control supporters should be able to grasp, Russell stated, “If you don’t want to carry please don’t. Then, shut the f--k up about it. Make your own decisions.”
Russell elaborated on her pro-gun position stating, “The discussion over the debate to own a gun is just ridiculous. As Americans we have the right to bear arms and as humans the right to protect ourselves. I’m sure that the man who shot my husband did not have a gun permit. Criminals will always have guns. The rest of us legally obtain our gun permits.”
While some might find a portion of Russell’s vehement defense of gun rights a little inartful, considering the tenor and accuracy of Second Amendment “reporting” on the “Worldwide Leader in News,” we hope that CNN considers re-employing Russell to provide an honest and diverse viewpoint.