The end is near...Maybe ;)

Marcus78's Avatar
I ran across this ad on the news just now. A New York man has spent is entire savings (about $140,000) on taking out ads advertising the end of the world will come on May 21. I just can't help but think what he has to gain from this. If he's right, we are all dead. If he's wrong, he's flat broke! I don't see the attractiveness of his choice, but its his money to waste I suppose.

If I knew the end were coming, it would 24/7 gangbangs with me, and many of my favorite S.A. ladies! Let us hope that the world doesn't end on May 21st. I just got my car cleaned. It would be a shame to get it dirty again....
Rodram's Avatar
Oh shit I forgot about the religious zealots and their prediction for 5/21! It's gonna be non stop poon and booze for me I'm goin out with my boots on!
he's going to mad as hell when May 22 rolls by and he's homeless lol
"God's people will be resurrected. It is also the day that God stops saving anyone," he said. Fitzpatrick hopes that he is one of the chosen ones, but he could not be really certain..
What a blithering idiot!
Billboard in Abilene right now

and there was a full page ad in this past Friday's USA Today
I've apparently been out of the loop... Why do people think 5-21 is judgement day???
Maybe someone has a court date.
lots and lots of reading synderella..
you have way more important things to prepare for...
I can't read the whole thing without keeping a straight face.

I'll have to read this later so that I can mock it.
mirandalee's Avatar
In the bible it says to be prepred because god will come without warning, it could be today, tomrrow, no one knows but the man upstairs.... besides not all the tribulations have even occured before the end comes, all the seven signs has to occur first lol. I used to be a faithful church girl...
winner winner chicken dinner
Coolpops's Avatar
The bible clearly says: "No man knows the hour or the day
of judgement" The man is just seriously misguided.
JMcB's Avatar
  • JMcB
  • 05-15-2011, 09:11 PM
I hope that when May 22nd starts up and they are still here and nothing has happened that the would just STFU!!! Instead knowing these nutballs MO, they will move the goalposts and announce that they were mistaken, and the REAL day is ... <sigh!>
Marcus78's Avatar
I wish I knew where he lived and had access to tons of money. I would spend thousands to get explosives, jackhammers, and other things to shake the ground to rattle his home. He would run outside expecting to see the apocalypse only to find an asshole messing with his mind! I would find it very funny, and would be money much better spent then buying a bunch of fliers IMHO! I am a horrible person.
Slightly off-topic, but related: In the 1990's, some local yokel down the road from my town of residence had convinced a group of followers that at 12:00 Noon on a certain date, Jesus would appear at the corner of Main & (?) in -- of all places -- Tipp City, Ohio!

So, what does this have to do with the rest of the thread? Both these guys have the same level of credibility with me.

So...which of you providers wants to damn my soul before May 21?