Giving yall the facts so yall can stop the rumors

The title was supposed to say "Giving yall the facts so yall can stop the rumors" but i accidently posted when I was trying to finish it.* If a MOD wouldn't mind fixing it for me, that would be great!

Ok guys!*

I have several issues right now that I am not happy about at all, to say the very least! I am going to clear them up here, if you choose not to believe anything I say then so be it but you all need to stop spreading RUMORS!*

1. I have NOT let myself go or gained weight, in fact, I have lost about 20 lbs in the last 6 or 8 months. I also used to drink quiet a bit pretty much every day before I "retired".. I no longer drink other than maybe having 1 beer very rarely in social settings... So, I have improved in several areas. I am not old either or trying to make anyone believe I am younger than I am.. I have it posted that I am 30, I very recently turned 30 and I do not even look that old.*

2. My pictures are recent and NOT several years old. I just had them done this past December and now am even smaller than I was in the pics. I need to have new ones done since I am smaller now but it's not like I'm keeping old pics up to benefit me in any way. I do not have any old pics posted anywhere due to number 3....

3. The reason for my name change, new accounts and new pics (with tats edited out) was that someone had convinced me that a good friend of mine was trying to get me into trouble. I have recently learned that was not the case and that's when I started linking my new handle with my old one. It is not because I got into any trouble or for any type of maliscious reasons.*

4. I am NOT managed and never have been!*

5. PSE dates are my favorite... If you do not tell me that's what you are wanting or make any move in that direction then I have no way of knowing that's what you want because most of you want GFE... *The same thing goes for LFK and DFK... If you never make any move towards it then I will assume that you have no interest in that and then y'all want to complain that I do not do it when that is not the case at all. *I am very open minded and not at all old fashioned in many ways, but I am very old fashioned in other ways... I am in the way that I will always wait for the man to take the lead. If you do not ask about something, don't go around telling people that I don't do it. I almost lost a PSE appointment because someone said that you shouldn't expect a PSE experience from me.

6. Many of you who saw me when I first started back in 2009, know about my earpiece that I used to wear... Someone has decided to start a rumor that I used that to let someone listen in to my dates. This really makes me very mad. I explained to everyone why I wore it and everyone told me there was not a problem with it. One client asked me to take it out and I did. My son who was very little at the time (born in late 2008) had several medical issues when he was a baby. I wore the earpiece because I turn my phone on silent for all dates and if I left it in, I could hear my phone ring through the earpiece and I could check my phone as soon as it was convenient without it having to be an interruption.*

These are rumors that are getting back to me from all kinds of places.. I have been completely shocked to hear them. They have gone from clients to providers and everywhere in between and then back to me... That means that there are way too many of you out there doing way too much talking.*

I never ask any of you about other ladies or talk about them myself... There is no reason for anyone to be discussing any of my biz with other providers or clients whether it is true or not.*

Many of my clients enjoy that I am a real person who talks to them and has a real conversation but those of you spreading rumors and talking about me to others are ruining that for everyone else because I will stop talking to any of you if this continues to happen. I am nicely asking everyone to just please keep my name out of your mouth completely when talking to others from now on.. I would really appreciate it.*

I know this got a little lengthy and I apologize for that but I feel like getting everything out there and explaining it the best I can, will help to stop all these rumors. I do not like drama, I don't want it around me and I don't even want my name involved in it in any way.

I'm sorry that your having a problem with careless rumors. I've met with you on one occasion, and our time was most delightful. I received exactly what I asked for and nothing more or nothing less. Your not a newbie, you know the business and I respect you. I hope that this will not deter you from being the quality provider that you have always been. Everyone needs to "chill" and lets get back to what we do best, HOBBY.
Thank you! Yes, I really do wish everyone would just "chill"... I'm trying to have fun here, the hobby is SUPPOSED to be fun!
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 04-23-2012, 04:47 PM
I 2nd that motion people should chilly or use the golden rule. I am not WK, in for Addison. I have seen her back in the day when she first started blue tooth, and all even seen her once out InWally world . I for one thought she was looking hotter than she did first tiound. And you Addison I think you showed great self control in not just try to bash and throw names out in public like most would and have donehave will do in the future
Just goes to show what [B]A CLASS ACT Addison really is[/B 2 thumbs up Addison
Thank you GMTA!

I really do not like the bashing stuff I see going on and I want nothing to do with it. I was even a little reluctant to write this because I don't want to be viewed as one of those who are full of drama or who has to get the last word in or anything like that but I finally decided that what I needed to say was worth the risk.
par4's Avatar
  • par4
  • 04-24-2012, 07:36 AM
Well spoken Addison ! What most people do not realize is that a companion has to live a double life. One for public consumption and one that is her private world outside of public life. I remember meeting you in public when your son was still in diapers. It is a great responsibility and challenge to try and provide for a child and meet the demands of the public. I agree with GMTA about the Golden Rule. Sadly, today's society seems to have forgotten the importance of it's message. Rumors are one thing that can completely destroy people. It is so easy just to ask a question and get an answer rather than running around and spreading a plague of ignorance. Everything that you wrote above has rational merit. I truly hope that everyone will retreat and take a moment to think about things. You have been open with us and deserve the opportunity to be judged fairly. After all, it is not a perfect world and we should all admit that none of us are perfect either. I am sure that many of us wish you the best and thank you for your open commentary.
It is so easy just to ask a question and get an answer rather than running around and spreading a plague of ignorance. Originally Posted by par4
Couldn't have said it better!

Hahaha... I have to explain the story of us meeting in town w/ my little one.. It is actually one of the weirdest things that has happened to me.

I had never met Par.. I was at the AT&T store in Tyler and was changing my sons diaper in the back of my SUV in the parking lot, this guy drives behind me and stops and says.. Jordan?.. I turn around and, of course, do not recognize him and am a little freaked out that someone just called me by my work name. Come to find out, he recognized my long red hair and just knew it was me. We talked just a minute or 2 and we each went on our way. Par, I have never had anything like that happen to me before or since then. Lol
It is so easy just to ask a question and get an answer rather than running around and spreading a plague of ignorance. Originally Posted by par4
Actually, would you mind if I add that to my sig line?
ForeignPlaytoy's Avatar
I am so sorry darling....

We are not in middle school.
Everyone should stick to their own business and have fun when 2 (or more ;-) ) of us get together

Sinfully Yours
I have 1 more thing to add to my list, I wouldn't even bother since I'm hoping everyone will stop the rumors but this one needs to be cleared up. I just heard a new one...

Most of you know that I was married before I "retired".. I did not hide that at all. We are no longer together and haven't been for about a year now. I have just started hearing that he "pimped me out", beat me and forced me to see clients!


I don't know if someone is taking bits and pieces of what I actually did say and twisting it around or if they are just completely making it up. If anyone wants to say that I said anything like that, post it here.

He fully supported me and that was it. I told him once that sometimes I would turn down appointments because I wanted to do something else or just didn't really feel like it but then, if I would go ahead and take it, I would end up having a good time and was glad that I had taken it afterwards so... I ASKED HIM to push me sometimes into taking requests rather than going out to eat or something like that. He never, ever beat me or forced me to do anything I didn't want to do. All he ever did was try to talk me into taking an appointment instead of going to the mall (like I had asked him to do)... And if I still declined, that was that.

He was very supportive. A couple of regulars I had seen for a long period of time actually asked to meet him eventually and did. Sometimes he stayed home, ran our business in Tyler, took care of everything and gave me the freedom to travel. Sometimes he traveled with me, I opened up to most clients and told them he was in town with me but he was never around when I met anyone. He would drive so I could catch up on sleep on the way to the next city, he would keep me from getting lonely, he would run and grab my meals, razors, anything else I needed and didn't have time to get myself. He never did anything but be helpful to me in any way he could.

I needed to write this to clear his name for anyone who happens to know him or know of him but also to straighten out the story... I am a smart, strong, independent person. ( I was actually a Marine).. I would never allow anyone to treat me like some of you have been saying he did. If anyone ever did treat me that way or tried to take what I had worked for, they would be history before they could blink!
And just to clarify.. I'm no longer in a relationship at all. I am just enjoying single life and "the hobby" for now! I actually enjoy the hobby much more being single. Since I don't have a hubby at home to take care of my "needs"... I completely depend on you guys now... Lol!
I was in the Army and I would have treated those jar heads more nicely at the bars if they had looked like you

Those were the good ole days when you could whoop each others asses and then by each other a drink afterward. Respect

Lol.. Everyone was pretty nice to me but then there were the handful who would want everyone to believe that the "hot Female Marine" had slept with them and did all kinds of crazy things so some rumors started going around there. I think most knew those were just rumors but it was fun to keep telling the story anyways, so they did. It was really all just fun and games though w/ a bunch of guys who were actually quiet respectful. Those really were the good days, I miss it like crazy!