Rachel Reid -DESIRED DAY PART POLL....help me out guys!!

Ok Houston,

It has been awhile so I am doing research in order to be prepared when I visit you guys...
Please remind / assist me....I really need to know what kind of fun and spontaneous gentlemen I am working with in Houston these days. This poll is to find out what day part works for you as far as meeting up. NOT the time of day you like to have "that momemt" cause we may not be able to assist at that time...lol. Between work, home, errands, etc. What works? Swing by simply means you may be out running errands and want to swing by for ten to fifteen minutes like you would a studio. What day part is the most efficient with meeting your time restraints ? Feel free to also post comments regarding your preference. Help ME to help YOU!!!

Thanks in advance,

This is weekdays only, what is your preference?

Morning-6am -10am
Lunchtime-11am -2pm
Afternoon- 2pm-8pm
Evening- 8pm -2am
Swing by-last minute /anytime.
john353's Avatar
For me, it's weekday evenings around 7pm or later...or weekends.

Some of us don't have the luxury to do a morning session or a nooner. I have to take care of playtime after work.
Morning and early afternoon work best for me. Can't wait til you come back. Count me in for sure. Look forward to seeing you.
Mornings are usually best for me..... Usually free anytime before 3 or so.
After the sun goes down.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 03-26-2011, 07:43 AM
morning or evening. already got too much to do and not enough time to do it in the afternoon
JohnMacnab's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
"...what day part works for you as far as meeting up. .... Help ME to help YOU!!! Originally Posted by Rachel Reid
... the "day part" that "works for you"!
AshrDashr's Avatar
Most guys have a preference on when, but in the end, if they want to see someone they will make time for it.

But, definitely a good idea to get an idea of your schedule before you travel.
ICU 812's Avatar
When I am with a long-time partner, I like it in the morning after waking up.

When schedualing a hobby session, I like to make it "lunch time (10-1).
Evenings have always worked best for me. Plenty of time to clean up before meeting and let the stress of the day wash away. Days tend to be hectic with constant changes for me.
Is this the same girl Rachel Reid from back in the day? Blonde?
john353's Avatar
Is this the same girl Rachel Reid from back in the day? Blonde? Originally Posted by chrome1996
Dude...the one and the same.