The Course of the Delta Variant Might Alter My Expectation for a Political Solution

Chung Tran's Avatar
US cases dramatically increasing over the past 4 weeks. But data offered by ''Republicans'' suggests India and England are turning the corner recently, cases dropping after a huge spike that occurred over a 40-45 day span.

We have had a recent mini-surge in vaccinations in response to our case surge. But it takes 6 weeks for that group to be fully vaccinated and protected.

The data analysts predict peak surge in the US in the next 1-2 weeks, followed by a sharp noticeable decline, as they say happened in India and England in a comparable time period.

If cases do show that predicted decline, in the, say, August 24 to September 3 period, that would fit the analysis, and in my mind preclude the idea that the recent vaccine uptick is responsible for the case decline. If, however, the decline shows around September 8 and later (if it does at all), vaccines can be declared to have stymied the virus.

Yeah, I know. What about those 5 unaccounted for days? Inconclusive, I believe.
texassapper's Avatar
Cases... but deaths?
  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2021, 07:28 AM
Sad about loss of teh lockdown and Control Pretext - DPST's????
Your now politicized CDC/fiden cabal will find another
given flip flop Fauci and the blatant politicization of teh CDC - it is no longer a trustable entity to Americans.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Right THATS the difference """ case's""" is the new go to word to scare and deceive
And whats gonna happen now vaccine up so by the science the ""Case's "" should go down Hmm ?
US cases dramatically increasing over the past 4 weeks. ....

. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Any prediction is doomful, any increase is a surge. Haven't you tired of it?

Cases... but deaths? Originally Posted by texassapper
Few. Report the percentages, not raw number because its scarier.

Sad about loss of teh lockdown and Control Pretext - DPST's????
Your now politicized CDC/fiden cabal will find another
given flip flop Fauci and the blatant politicization of teh CDC - it is no longer a trustable entity to Americans. Originally Posted by oeb11
TRUST! Fauci no longer has it.

On my FB feed, my IT worker friends are complaining about having to go back into the office. They complain about Vaxxxes and masks but really they are complaining about traffic.
We will know soon enough whether the cycle of a surge goes as expected. The models they have been using and that has been pretty accurate thus far say the spike should end around October and begin its decline thereafter. Sadly hospitalization and death lag behind so we will see an increase in deaths run though mid to late October. In fact deaths are increasing currently as hospitalizations have increased to the breaking point in the south mostly at this point.

I wonder if there’s any correlation between southern states being vastly Republican and anti vax and masks and the sharp continuous uptick in cases, hospitalization and soon deaths. Nah I’m sure it’s a coincidence.
bambino's Avatar
I thought viruses surge in the fall and winter, never the summer.
Is that what occurred last year?

Didn’t Trump say the same thing as the virus was spreading uncontrolled through the US last year.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I thought viruses surge in the fall and winter, never the summer. Originally Posted by bambino
No. Depends on your location. The heat drives Southerners indoors during the Summer, which mirrors the surge that is largely contained to the Deep South at present.

We will know soon enough whether the cycle of a surge goes as expected. The models they have been using and that has been pretty accurate thus far say the spike should end around October and begin its decline thereafter.

I wonder if there’s any correlation between southern states being vastly Republican and anti vax and masks and the sharp continuous uptick in cases, hospitalization and soon deaths. Nah I’m sure it’s a coincidence. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yes, coincidence no doubt

The ''Republican'' model I mentioned, says the leveling off is imminent, and the downtick begins by Labor Day, with the Delta virtually disappearing by October.

Quite different. and bold. Big props if they are right. If not, I hope they will stop complaining about political measures aimed at preserving health. Their ''freedom'' stance is wearing thin.

The gov made mask mandates illegal. Now his state is paying a high price. He is trying to get a law he signed rescinded since in hindsight it was a stupid political move aimed at limiting the power of local govt. now with school starting and this spike in hospitalization they are seeing the error of their ways.

Gotta love Republicans. They believe in nonexistent fraud and doubt provable science.
Chung Tran's Avatar
The Court blocked the enforcement of the law. Had they not done that, the Arkansas Egghead probably would be just as dug in as Abbott and Desantis.

These folks are a queer lot. They lost control of the Federal Government because of Neanderthal responses to Covid, and they react by doubling down and saying Trump won in a Landslide
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I hope they will stop complaining about political measures aimed at preserving health. Their ''freedom'' stance is wearing thin. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
My freedom stance is incapable of wearing thin, it’s vastly more important than covid.
texassapper's Avatar
In fact deaths are increasing currently as hospitalizations have increased to the breaking point in the south mostly at this point. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Source? I mean lets see the raw data... not your interpretation... ah hell, who am I kidding, you're not capable of the analysis... Just tell us where you read it.
texassapper's Avatar
US cases dramatically increasing over the past 4 weeks. But data offered by ''Republicans'' suggests India and England are turning the corner recently, cases dropping after a huge spike that occurred over a 40-45 day span. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Look we should all treat this EXACTLY as Obama did... ie, ignore the panic porn.

We will know soon enough whether the cycle of a surge goes as expected. The models they have been using and that has been pretty accurate thus far say the spike should end around October and begin its decline thereafter. Sadly hospitalization and death lag behind so we will see an increase in deaths run though mid to late October. In fact deaths are increasing currently as hospitalizations have increased to the breaking point in the south mostly at this point.

I wonder if there’s any correlation between southern states being vastly Republican and anti vax and masks and the sharp continuous uptick in cases, hospitalization and soon deaths. Nah I’m sure it’s a coincidence. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Uncontrolled? Didn't every area have lockdowns and masks? What about the vaccine that came out at years end?

What about the surge AT THE BORDER where we let in hundreds of thousands of COVID positive and unvaxxed folks?

You're blaming "the south?" What about the huge numbers of deaths in the NYC area? The dirty secret that nobody wants to say out loud is the largest unvaxxed group percent wise is black americans. You know, the group supposedly that more susceptible to COVID because it was racist. Thems dems.

Is that what occurred last year?

Didn’t Trump say the same thing as the virus was spreading uncontrolled through the US last year. Originally Posted by 1blackman1