Unreal: Atlanta Elementary School Allegedly Segregated Students by Race

  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 07:37 AM

It may be 2021 but one elementary in Atlanta is acting like it’s the Jim Crow era based on the principal's policy of segregating children in classrooms based on race.
A black mother whose child attends the Mary Lin Elementary School was shocked to find out the principal implemented this policy last year. She only discovered it was happening when she asked to place her child with a teacher she thought would be a better fit.
"[The principal] said that’s not one of the Black classes, and I immediately said, ‘What does that mean?’ I was confused. I asked for more clarification. I was like, ‘We have those in the school?’ And she proceeded to say, ‘Yes. I have decided that I’m going to place all of the Black students in two classes,’" mother Kila Posey told WSB-TV, according to Fox News, recalling her conversation with the principal.
"We've lost sleep like trying to figure out why would a person do this," Posey said. "First, it was just disbelief that I was having this conversation in 2020 with a person that looks just like me — a Black woman. It's segregating classrooms. You cannot segregate classrooms. You can't do it."
PolitiFact Gets Taken to the Woodshed Over Fact Check About Texas Democrats Being Subject to Arrest Matt Vespa

Posey has filed a federal discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights against the school.
"Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 says that you cannot treat one group of people differently based upon race, and that is what is going on at Mary Lin," said Posey’s lawyer, Sharese Shields.
Atlanta Public Schools said it “does not condone the assigning of students to classrooms based on race” and has since taken “appropriate actions.”

Comments on teh 'New Segregation" of DPST, CRT, and Plantation politics of teh Democrt party????
What would MLK Jr. say from his pulpit about this- the diametric opposite of everything He worked for , and achieved. ???
HedonistForever's Avatar

It may be 2021 but one elementary in Atlanta is acting like it’s the Jim Crow era based on the principal's policy of segregating children in classrooms based on race.
A black mother whose child attends the Mary Lin Elementary School was shocked to find out the principal implemented this policy last year. She only discovered it was happening when she asked to place her child with a teacher she thought would be a better fit.
"[The principal] said that’s not one of the Black classes, and I immediately said, ‘What does that mean?’ I was confused. I asked for more clarification. I was like, ‘We have those in the school?’ And she proceeded to say, ‘Yes. I have decided that I’m going to place all of the Black students in two classes,’" mother Kila Posey told WSB-TV, according to Fox News, recalling her conversation with the principal.
"We've lost sleep like trying to figure out why would a person do this," Posey said. "First, it was just disbelief that I was having this conversation in 2020 with a person that looks just like me — a Black woman. It's segregating classrooms. You cannot segregate classrooms. You can't do it."
PolitiFact Gets Taken to the Woodshed Over Fact Check About Texas Democrats Being Subject to Arrest Matt Vespa

Posey has filed a federal discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights against the school.
"Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 says that you cannot treat one group of people differently based upon race, and that is what is going on at Mary Lin," said Posey’s lawyer, Sharese Shields.
Atlanta Public Schools said it “does not condone the assigning of students to classrooms based on race” and has since taken “appropriate actions.”

Comments on teh 'New Segregation" of DPST, CRT, and Plantation politics of teh Democrt party????
What would MLK Jr. say from his pulpit about this- the diametric opposite of everything He worked for , and achieved. ??? Originally Posted by oeb11

Mr. Skeptical assures me it's all lies I tell you! There is no CRT teaching in school!!!! Yeah, right.
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 11:57 AM
HF - perhaps we should all go ask Randi Weingarten
surely she will speak/write/communicate teh truth???????
That's what democrats do. Are the white students forced to wear hoods, er, masks?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This is called anit-fascism. Authoritarianism = Anti-fascism in modern day North Korea, I mean USA.
texassapper's Avatar
How else are those kids gonna focus on their rap and instagram careers?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Woah, bro. That was RACIST.

Send him to the Gulag!
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 03:04 PM
And - where are the liberals????
howling in outrage at the exposing of the Racist segregaation at their Behest!

No One is supposed to KNOW Yet!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Liberals and our dangerous divide push by Puddens pop and Nancy / Chuckie show
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 11:44 AM
Not a communist DPST to touch their precious CRT and Segregation topic

Oh where, Oh where , have the Communist DPST's Gone????