Now Is When The Busses Should Be Full and Heading North.

So, the news is that many major Liberal Blue State Cities are overwhelmed with illegal l immigrants. Their “Sanctuary City” status is proving to be a not so palatable idea.

This I when the Governors of all the Border States who have been on the receiving end of Biden’s asinine border policy should double down and send as many illegals to these Blue Utopians as possible.

Load the buses. Ship ‘em out. Let all of these liberal shit holes reap the benefits of Biden’s border policies.
oilfieldace's Avatar
They need bigger buses, I will have to check with that Georgia congressman if Manhattan would capsize if we loaded it down with to many of those criminals
I said in my headline “heading North”

Straight West should also be points of destination. California, Oregon, and Washington in particular.

Maybe Texas should simply build Bus stops on the Northern Bank of the Rio Grand. Have dry cloths and a meal ready. Load ‘em up and send them on their way.

Where ever they end up, that’s home.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Raw hi-i-i-de

Futt Buck 'em...
Well, this is the lead story on Fox affiliates.
The Governor of New York is at war with the Mayor of NY City over the total debacle of their “sanctuary status”.

I still ask. Why aren’t the buses being loaded. It is obvious that the cost of keeping these illegals in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, etc outweigh the costs of the busses.

Load ‘em up, ship ‘em out. Let these liberal shit holes enjoy the consequences of Joe Biden’s policies.

Remember that first week in office, when that senile stupid old bastard signed away every thing that President Trumps accomplished. They all cheered. Applauded.

Live with it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Send them up there in electric buses. Leave the buses and fly the driver back. Get rid of two problems at once. Regardless, it's a National problem and the rest of the Nation should live with it/them. I saw where another numb-nuts, Democrat (but I repeat myself) Mayor was asking the citizenry to house them in their homes, i.e. to literally live with it. I say BULLY! That should reduce the number of Demonicrats voting next round for crud like that, assuming they survive the spiraling crime.
Raw hi-i-i-de

Futt Buck 'em... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That was fun, lol.