Hunting mistakes

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-22-2013, 07:34 AM
I suspect most of us have heard some form of the joke about the city slicker on a hunting trip who comes back all puffed up about bagging an elk. Until the farmer informs him that the "elk" was actually a goat.

Well it looks like we might soon have the reverse:

How long before Billy Bob gets his drone hunting license and shoots down an airliner? I'm sure these same wackos also think the 2nd amendment should allow them to have a ZSU-23-4 in their personal collection.

And just as soon as they get a big enough slingshot I bet they will push for satellite hunting licenses as well.
thisguy23's Avatar
I suspect most of us have heard some form of the joke about the city slicker on a hunting trip who comes back all puffed up about bagging an elk. Until the farmer informs him that the "elk" was actually a goat.

Well it looks like we might soon have the reverse:

How long before Billy Bob gets his drone hunting license and shoots down an airliner? I'm sure these same wackos also think the 2nd amendment should allow them to have a ZSU-23-4 in their personal collection.

And just as soon as they get a big enough slingshot I bet they will push for satellite hunting licenses as well. Originally Posted by Old-T

When you say ''Billy Bob'' I take it you are making a general statement about someone who doesn't live in a large metro area or one of the coast. After that its a short step to talking about watermelon and chicken. Grow up.
When you say ''Billy Bob'' I take it you are making a general statement about someone who doesn't live in a large metro area or one of the coast. After that its a short step to talking about watermelon and chicken. Grow up. Originally Posted by thisguy23
Ut oh, somebody woke up this mornin' with their panties in a wad!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-22-2013, 08:46 AM
Let's take your comments piece by piece, shall we?

When you say ''Billy Bob'' I take it you are making a general statement about someone who doesn't live in a large metro area
What was the clue? The fact that I contrasted it to the city slicker joke I opened the post with? Of course I am referring to many--certainly not all-folks who live in rural areas. It wasn't me who decided to vote on this in a SMALL RURAL area (population under 600 according to the web site I found). I haven't seen anything about open drone season being proposed in big cities, have you? Most the times I see guys get apoplectic about their right to shoot stuff it tends to be guys driving pickups with gun racks on the back in the rural parts of the country.

or one of the coast.
You are wrong on this one. There are a lot of "Billy Bobs" along the coast of VA, FL, GA, MD, etc. Ever been to Tangier island?

After that its a short step to talking about watermelon and chicken. Grow up.
Come now, did Gonad train you? I made absolutely NO racial comment--which I am 99%+ certain your comment is. Check your census numbers--it ain't like every person in rural areas is black. Or white. Or any particular race. So how was my comment "a short step" from a RACIAL stereotype? And since I really did have chicken for dinner last night (though not fried), and I really did have melon (though not watermelon) what race does than make me?

You want to accuse me of being less than sensitive about the rural Billy Bob mentality in many folks, go ahead. Guilty as charged. But I really don't give a damn what race they are, or what state they are in. It's a mindset that can infect any race and any geography. Originally Posted by thisguy23
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think it was BillyBob.

why do the goobers get pissed off when other people make fun of gooberism?

maybe if they renounced gooberism, like Terror Baby Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship (once someone brought it up.).
thisguy23's Avatar
Let's take your comments piece by piece, shall we? Originally Posted by Old-T

A belief that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that ones own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

Just replace the idea a where you live with race in the above definition.

I didn't say you made a racial comment, I said you were one step away.
thisguy23's Avatar
I think it was BillyBob.

why do the goobers get pissed off when other people make fun of gooberism?

maybe if they renounced gooberism, like Terror Baby Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship (once someone brought it up.). Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I would guess the same reason black people get pissed off when people make fun of them for being black. Do you think black people should also renounce being black.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-22-2013, 09:25 AM
I would guess the same reason black people get pissed off when people make fun of them for being black. Do you think black should also renounce being black. Originally Posted by thisguy23

that you Earl Ray ?
Most of the droning comes from the right let then hunt.
I suspect most of us have heard some form of the joke about the city slicker on a hunting trip who comes back all puffed up about bagging an elk. Until the farmer informs him that the "elk" was actually a goat.

Well it looks like we might soon have the reverse:

How long before Billy Bob gets his drone hunting license and shoots down an airliner? I'm sure these same wackos also think the 2nd amendment should allow them to have a ZSU-23-4 in their personal collection.

And just as soon as they get a big enough slingshot I bet they will push for satellite hunting licenses as well. Originally Posted by Old-T
Actually, I kind of like the idea. Don't think it will happen, but I like the idea.

I don't buy your arguments about shooting down planes, etc. People shoot into the sky all the time, especially bird hunters. When is the lst time you heard of a hunter bring down a plane?

This pertains to drones under 1000 feet. If it is any higher than that you won't be able to hit it and may not even be able to see it if it is a small, personal drone.

I am sure there will be plenty of perverts and control freaks in every town who will want to buy their own personal drone in order to spy on neighbors and harass people they don't like. It would be nice to see such people lose several hundred dollars every time they spy in the bedroom windows or backyards of people in their neighborhood.

Hit 'em where it counts. In the checkbook.
I'm sure some electronics whiz kid will soon come up with some type of jamming device that will screw with a Drone's microchip technology. Probably sell it at Radio Shack.

The Chinese probably already have it.

Heck, they probably have the technology to cripple all of our latest fighter jet's and bomber's sophisticated electronic packages that allow them to fly and do all of the facinating things they do.

If it goes brain dead, it's going down.

As Scotty said on Star Trek. "The more complicated you make the plumbing, the easier it is to stop it up".
thisguy23's Avatar
I'm sure some electronics whiz kid will soon come up with some type of jamming device that will screw with a Drone's microchip technology. Probably sell it at Radio Shack.

The Chinese probably already have it.

Heck, they probably have the technology to cripple all of our latest fighter jet's and bomber's sophisticated electronic packages that allow them to fly and do all of the facinating things they do.

If it goes brain dead, it's going down.

As Scotty said on Star Trek. "The more complicated you make the plumbing, the easier it is to stop it up". Originally Posted by Jackie S

They already have it, its called an EMP.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm sure some electronics whiz kid will soon come up with some type of jamming device that will screw with a Drone's microchip technology. Probably sell it at Radio Shack.

The Chinese probably already have it.

Heck, they probably have the technology to cripple all of our latest fighter jet's and bomber's sophisticated electronic packages that allow them to fly and do all of the facinating things they do.

If it goes brain dead, it's going down.

As Scotty said on Star Trek. "The more complicated you make the plumbing, the easier it is to stop it up". Originally Posted by Jackie S
The only way the Chinese would have it is if they stole it from us. They aren't very creative, it is the Achilles's heel of the Orientals.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-22-2013, 12:07 PM
The only way the Chinese would have it is if they stole it from us. They aren't very creative, it is the Achilles's heel of the Orientals. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

naw, the Chinks don't have any creative skills at all.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-22-2013, 02:44 PM
A belief that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that ones own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

Just replace the idea a where you live with race in the above definition.

I didn't say you made a racial comment, I said you were one step away. Originally Posted by thisguy23
I would guess the same reason black people get pissed off when people make fun of them for being black. Do you think black people should also renounce being black. Originally Posted by thisguy23
No, not at all the same. I do NOT believe the color of one's skin determines their cultural of academic achievement. Or their success, or their being a good or bad person.

I DO believe that the Billy Bob mindset--not the same as where you live--DOES severely limit a person's options for achievement and success. Not for being good/bad. And in no way did I ever say that urban folks should "rule" the Billy Bobs of the world.

The other big difference between being Black and being Billy Bob, is one CAN--if they work hard--usually renounce and grow out of being a Billy Bob. At least in theory. It doesn't mean they have to stop loving Blue Grass music (though what anyone sees in that I will never understand--it's almost as hard on the ears as Rap), or give up their Dodge pick-up and gun racks. But it probably does mean they need to aspire to something more than being the next "Step-son of Duck Nation" or whatever it's called. They DO need to take what steps they can to finish grade school, learn how to do long division, and write a sentence that other people outside their immediate wide spot in the road can understand.

Again, if Billy Bob is content with his life style that doesn't make him (or her, there are Billie Bobbies too) a "bad person", just one that likely provides very little to the country as a whole.