Why Discuss SO's???

Guest091314's Avatar
Hi Everyone, this was just a random topic off my head and didnt want to feel like i was talking to myself LOL!

Why must we pry into the "SO" topic BCD???

This is the most unsexy thing when your getting hot and heavy "So what does your baby daddy think about you doing this?"

What if i asked in return "what does your wife think about you doing this?" My guess would be you would walk out the door, possibly?

There are guys that get off to that thought but at least warn me LOL!

My hobby life and personal life are kept separate as they should be.

Lets leave that to friendly convo and out of our little hobby please.

**No Bashing and as usual Happy Screwing**
as far as i am concerned, you are all virgins!!!!...and i want to keep it that way.
can you say "immaculate conception"?
true_whatever's Avatar
I guess it's like you said, some guys probably get off on that stuff. WALDT Some things are a bit gray in terms of what is flirtatious/naughty vs just plain crude or mood-killing. I personally try to be careful around questionable topics, but I also don't want to bore the lady so she lapses into auto-pilot mode!

Certain conversational topics, just like certain BCD activities, are real turn ons for some and turn offs for others. Your post has informed current and potential new clients of how you view this particular topic so anyone doing their research should know to avoid it with you from now on.


This is the most unsexy thing when your getting hot and heavy "So what does your baby daddy think about you doing this?"

Originally Posted by alecia
I was trying to think of something clever to say but I am without words (yes me without words) the gentleman who said that is no gentleman he is a cad. Some people seem either to delight in making others uncomfortable or to be charitable, they lack any "social filter" on what comes out of their mouths. Recently a woman said something so cruel to me, my jaw must have bounced on the floor. At least I thought she was cruel then I realized she had no idea how her words hurt me.
Hercules's Avatar
I've had SEVERAL women ask me; "Ya married? Yer wife know you do this"?

I'm tempted to say "Yup! Even told her when and with who. So if a crazy woman shows up here with a gun you know who she is"!
Guest091314's Avatar

I actually had someone that had the nerve to ask me
"So since your preggo, does that mean we can BB?"
Hellllll NO!

People are funny, I can understand questions out of curiosity. I myself am a curious person but geez!
Guest062512's Avatar
I actually had someone that had the nerve to ask me
"So since your preggo, does that mean we can BB?"
Hellllll NO! Originally Posted by alecia
I would never ask to BB, but before I go to visit a pregnant provider, I want to know if that baby is her SO's or a "hobby accident." Pregnant means she had BB with SOMEone. If it was a hobbiest, I'm not gonna go there.

...but I would never wait 'til the "moment of truth" to ask the question?
Guest091314's Avatar
Cross, I actually agree with you on that, did not think of it that way LOL! Thanks for educating me on that answer. Just for the record it was not a hobbiest if that puts minds at ease. But yes it was complete horrible timing that he asked that!
rachet3375's Avatar
You can't fix stupid
Sleepy363's Avatar
These are about as bad as the idiots that show up at the ladies incall or home unannounced.

Some people just can't understand DISCRETION.
elgato111's Avatar
As I remember, I hobby for fun BCD, not to chat about my SO or hers. If she is someone I see on a regular basis then of course we have things we talk about that is of interest to both, but my SO or her SO is not one of those topics.
Hercules's Avatar
I want to know if that baby is her SO's or a "hobby accident." Pregnant means she had BB with SOMEone. If it was a hobbiest, I'm not gonna go there. Originally Posted by Crossroads
Gotta disagree. Still nobody's business who the father is.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Like the age old question, "What does an old lady taste like?" The answer is, "Depends".

I tend to see few ladies, but have seen them more than once, so I've mentioned this or that about the family, including the SO. And I usually ask how the ladies children are if she has any. Hell, I've often sat down with providers and looked at each other's photos of the kids (and grandkids in my case). If I can schedule it, I've even promised one of my favorites that I'd photograph her youngster for her, this isn't espionage, we're all just regular folks, IMHO.

Everyone is different, but, typically, when I'm comfortable enough to see a lady, I pretty much visit with her just like I would the lady who cuts my hair (after the BCD fun of course).
Sleepy363's Avatar

Everyone is different, but, typically, when I'm comfortable enough to see a lady, I pretty much visit with her just like I would the lady who cuts my hair (after the BCD fun of course). Originally Posted by Iaintliein
So since it's just like the lady who cuts your hair, would you also approach her if you saw her in public? Or just show up at her place of business when you need a "haircut"?

I think this is part of the problem... people get comfortable with each other and forget about discretion.
Iaintliein's Avatar
So since it's just like the lady who cuts your hair, would you also approach her if you saw her in public? Or just show up at her place of business when you need a "haircut"?

I think this is part of the problem... people get comfortable with each other and forget about discretion. Originally Posted by still-asleep
Obviously not. Considering the context of my statement, ie "visit with her just like I would the lady who cuts my hair (after the BCD fun of course)."

So, the only way your leap lands on solid ground is if I have BCD with her in public, as for "just showing up," I guess you mistake me for someone else.

I'm not sure I'm "part of the problem" as you put it, in fact, the only "problem" I see is the rude behavior the OP made specific reference to.