Dem congress to vote Wed. To hold Barr in contempt.

The self-awareness of the left knows no bounds...the just don't know when to stop digging!!
I can't wait till this blows up in their face also...what a train wreck they are.
The self-awareness of the left knows no bounds...the just don't know when to stop digging!!
I can't wait till this blows up in their face also...what a train wreck they are. Originally Posted by bb1961
It will be interesting to see the comparative votes.

Attorney General Eric Holder was held in criminal contempt of Congress on Thursday on a 255 to 67 vote. Holder is the first Attorney General in U.S. history to be held in contempt by a full house vote. On a separate vote, members of Congress voted 258 to 95 to approve a civil contempt charge against Holder.
Holder set the initial "BARR" so to speak.
Fuck 'em. Saw an article faulting the Republicans for driving the Democrats to insanity simply by pushing back on their demands. You can't make this shit up!
Fuck 'em. Saw an article faulting the Republicans for driving the Democrats to insanity Originally Posted by gnadfly
Short trip...
LexusLover's Avatar article faulting the Republicans for driving the Democrats to insanity .... Originally Posted by gnadfly
.... that began with a bottle of good wine broken while smashing a perfectly good hotel TV ... roughly 2 1/2 years ago .... with symptoms surfacing as declarations of imminent victory danced in their heads on Election Night before the polls WERE CLOSED! They just thought "the fix" was in!!!!!!!!! Studying history avoids repeating failures.
Fuck 'em. Saw an article faulting the Republicans for driving the Democrats to insanity simply by pushing back on their demands. You can't make this shit up! Originally Posted by gnadfly
They don't care for self defense - with or without a gun - when it is an old white man.
lustylad's Avatar
Lemme get this straight... so the dimotards are threatening to hold Barr in contempt for what? For not breaking the law?

That is nutty and irrational on so many levels I don't know how to respond - except to say it makes me view dimotards with "contempt".
Hotrod511's Avatar
Lemme get this straight... so the dimotards are threatening to hold Barr in contempt for what? For not breaking the law?

That is nutty and irrational on so many levels I don't know how to respond - except to say it makes me view dimotards with "contempt". Originally Posted by lustylad
and this guy was going to bring everyone together
Lemme get this straight... so the dimotards are threatening to hold Barr in contempt for what? For not breaking the law?

That is nutty and irrational on so many levels I don't know how to respond - except to say it makes me view dimotards with "contempt". Originally Posted by lustylad
Thats what I say, "for what". They don't even know the law. They'll make something up and hope it plays out. These Democrats are the biggest idiots on the planet. I pity the fool who goes up against Trump in the 2020 Presidential Debates. It's going to be like an 85 Chicago Bear Defensive guy going after Quarterbacks, lol.
bambino's Avatar
I don’t think Barr’s losing any sleep.
I don’t think Barr’s losing any sleep. Originally Posted by bambino
He's not losing any weight either. Which means he's not stressing over any of this School Yard Bullying tactics from the Left, lol.
This a just a stall tactic...they know the investigation on the genesis of the political coup attempt is going to make Watergate like a pewee league operation.
LexusLover's Avatar
Lemme get this straight... so the dimotards are threatening to hold Barr in contempt for what? For not breaking the law? Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes, and if you do some research on the topics .....

... you will more than likely discover that CONGRESS PASSED THE LAWS HE IS RESPECTING!!!!

Following is the text of Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, which establishes rules for grand jury secrecy.
Recording and Disclosure of Proceedings.

(1) Recording of Proceedings. All proceedings, except when the grand jury is deliberating or voting, shall be recorded stenographically or by an electronic recording device. An unintentional failure of any recording to reproduce all or any portion of a proceeding shall not affect the validity of the prosecution. The recording or reporter's notes or any transcript prepared therefrom shall remain in the custody or control of the attorney for the government unless otherwise ordered by the court in a particular case.

(2) General Rule of Secrecy. A grand juror, an interpreter, a stenographer, an operator of a recording device, a typist who transcribes recorded testimony, an attorney for the government, or any person to whom disclosure is made under paragraph (3)(A)(ii) of this subdivision shall not disclose matters occurring before the grand jury, except as otherwise provided for in these rules. No obligation of secrecy may be imposed on any person except in accordance with this rule. A knowing violation of Rule 6 may be punished as a contempt of court.

(3) Exceptions.

(A) Disclosure otherwise prohibited by this rule of matters occurring before the grand jury, other than its deliberations and the vote of any grand juror, may be made to -
(i) an attorney for the government for use in the performance of such attorney's duty; and
(ii) such government personnel (including personnel of a state or subdivision of a state) as are deemed necessary by an attorney for the government to assist an attorney for the government in the performance of such attorney's duty to enforce federal criminal law.

(B) Any person to whom matters are disclosed under subparagraph (A)(ii) of this paragraph shall not utilize that grand jury material for any purpose other than assisting the attorney for the government in the performance of such attorney's duty to enforce federal criminal law. An attorney for the government shall promptly provide the district court, before which was impaneled the grand jury whose material has been so disclosed, with the names of the persons to whom such disclosure has been made, and shall certify that the attorney has advised such persons of their obligation of secrecy under this rule.

(C) Disclosure otherwise prohibited by this rule of matters occurring before the grand jury may also be made -

(i) when so directed by a court preliminarily to or in connection with a judicial proceeding;
(ii) when permitted by a court at the request of the defendant, upon a showing that grounds may exist for a motion to dismiss the indictment because of matters occurring before the grand jury;

(iii) when the disclosure is made by an attorney for the government to another federal grand jury; or

(iv) when permitted by a court at the request of an attorney for the government, upon a showing that such matters may disclose a violation of state criminal law, to an appropriate official of a state or subdivision of a state for the purpose of enforcing such law.

If the court orders disclosure of matters occurring before the grand jury, the disclosure shall be made in such manner, at such time, and under such conditions as the court may direct.

(D) A petition for disclosure pursuant to subdivision (e)(3)(C)(i) shall be filed in the district where the grand jury convened. Unless the hearing is ex parte, which it may be when the petitioner is the government, the petitioner shall serve written notice of the petition upon (i) the attorney for the government, (ii) the parties to the judicial proceeding if disclosure is sought in connection with such a proceeding, and (iii) such other persons as the court may direct. The court shall afford those persons a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard.
(E) If the judicial proceeding giving rise to the petition is in a federal district court in another district, the court shall transfer the matter to that court unless it can reasonably obtain sufficient knowledge of the proceeding to determine whether disclosure is proper. The court shall order transmitted to the court to which the matter is transferred the material sought to be disclosed, if feasible, and a written evaluation of the need for continued grand jury secrecy. The court to which the matter is transferred shall afford the aforementioned persons a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard.

(4) Sealed Indictments. The federal magistrate judge to whom an indictment is returned may direct that the indictment be kept secret until the defendant is in custody or has been released pending trial. Thereupon the clerk shall seal the indictment and no person shall disclose the return of the indictment except when necessary for the issuance and execution of a warrant or summons.
(5) Closed Hearing. Subject to any right to an open hearing in contempt proceedings, the court shall order a hearing on matters affecting a grand jury proceeding to be closed to the extent necessary to prevent disclosure of matters occurring before a grand jury.

(6) Sealed Records. Records, orders and subpoenas relating to grand jury proceedings shall be kept under seal to the extent and for such time as is necessary to prevent disclosure of matters occurring before a grand jury.
A good fiction writer couldn't make this shit up. Those LOONS are a bunch of lawless Do-Nothings!
Isn't that a prerequisites of ANY Dimtard in Gumment??
Is the committee going to vote or the full house?