Royals getting rid of Sanchez...

KenMonk's Avatar

Wooohoo!!! Worst trade EVER!
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Oh, hell yes Ken!
Definitely a terrible trade, but the Dirty Sanchez' reign of terror is over.
KenMonk's Avatar
if 31 teams say no to him he can opt to go to triple or double A... I just hope he doesn't and goes the fuck away forever.
bp6570's Avatar
I hope he spends the rest of his career in double A or price chopper bagging groceries
Royals are famous for bad trades...
how about we get rid of our owner. that would be the first step in the right direction
David Cone for Ed Hearn might have been a worse trade. One of the top starting pitchers of the late 80's and early 90's for a catcher with a bad back that played in less than 15 games in 2 years. *cough*
The Royals made a good move by getting rid of Sanchez but they need to make more moves but there isn't nobody in the farm ready to come up. Frenchy is average, Getz, Dyson,Pena.Holland and Broxton need to go along with our Mr Glass!
the royals aint going to be any better till glass sells.he is the problem
Agreed and we get an owner that wants to spend $$$$$$
and win
problem we have is glass is making a lot of money off the royals, sadly he will never sell them.