How Do I Find Out Where I Am Suppose To Vote? I Can't Find My Voters Card Thingy Either... *sigh*
Chlorine's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
Republicans can vote at their local precinct.
Democrats are required to vote in Papua, New Guinea...LOL
I dont live in harris county but i found it not a democrat so im good ha
Stalion's Avatar
Democrats are encouraged to vote early Wed morning.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I dont live in harris county but i found it not a democrat so im good ha Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

You need to bring a government-issued picture ID...Your TDL or CHL will do.
Shouldn't this be in the Political Thread?

You need to bring a government-issued picture ID...Your TDL or CHL will do. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak

Thanks made it just in time yesturday
Wow.... how old are you?!
Brazos's Avatar
Two words - Early Voting
Oh - and if you don't know where - Google
Always have to have some rude people respond smh...
Not being rude sweety but come on you could have just googled the answer instead of making a post on eccie about it.
Oralist's Avatar
For next year. All they want is your D.L. Don't know why I carry a voter card anymore. Get on the web and find your find where you vote in about a minute.
Not being rude sweety but come on you could have just googled the answer instead of making a post on eccie about it. Originally Posted by Anna Rose
Just like every fucktard on this board who make multiple posts about shit thats already been discussed many times... When they simply could use the search but they dont... If you didnt like my question you didnt have to respond... Its simple.. I wasnt asking you anyways...

You just joined & your attitude is already crap ha your going to be so successful...
tbone77494's Avatar
Based on the replies I do wonder if the board is more of a red state than a blue state? It is a pure example of free enterprise, supply and demand setting price, desire for smaller government and low taxes.