Racism should be at least hidden

I understand that everyone has personal preference. However, if a provider doesn't want to see a certain race or is suspicious about them, she should just say I don't see them. I was speaking to a provider and she mentioned that given my accent, She will stereotype me. This means that references from recent providers isn't enough, and she needs my ID and email sent from my work email. "Because I might rob her" Isn't that sad, and for sure I won't feel safe giving my info to a person like that. What do y'all think
Text them! lol
That's a good strategy
If your references are well-known/credible, and she would have most likely taken them from anyone else; yes, that is some bs.

Either way she should just say no I wont see you, I don't think we are a good match and happy hunting.

You were smart not to be all desperate to see her. Hell, with your ID she might rob you!

Though I don't practice discriminating on clients for race, age, or weight; I am and always have been a proponent for ladies not seeing whoever they don't feel comfortable seeing. However, there is no need be nasty and creepy about it.

Pretty sad.

Plenty of other great ladies to see so you should be fine.
I understand that everyone has personal preference. However, if a provider doesn't want to see a certain race or is suspicious about them, she should just say I don't see them. I was speaking to a provider and she mentioned that given my accent, She will stereotype me. This means that references from recent providers isn't enough, and she needs my ID and email sent from my work email. "Because I might rob her" Isn't that sad, and for sure I won't feel safe giving my info to a person like that. What do y'all think Originally Posted by fbsm07
I would personally rather know the idiot is an idiot. Be thankful you didn't waste your time with her.
Little Monster's Avatar
Well if you're Middle Eastern or Hispanic, given the lack of reviews from reputable providers, and how new your handle is, that might explain a bit. In case you are not aware there is a nuisance on the board that would fit your description. and every time he slips through the cracks he comes on here and beats his chest. If you are some other race, then that's just the way it goes, some providers stereotype by age bracket others stereotype by ethnicity.
fun2come's Avatar
You need to find the ones that have this fantasy of hearing an accent or a different language - BCD.

Might even get you a discount

I am in the process of learning FUCK, FUCK ME, FUCK YOU, and OH GOD in 10 different languages, IJS
gleemonex's Avatar
Not to be an asshole, but well, you wouldn't be the first to tell me I am if you do...

First, I will agree that racism in and of itself is a scourge on our society. It hinders the nation as a whole and it is founded in nothing but ignorance and fear.

That said, who says a provider is racist for not seeing clients of a certain race? In theory, she is only hurting herself as that is in theory that clientele group that she is missing out on. And she is doing it for whatever reason, and whatever the reason, you aren't going to be able to change that regardless of what she is doing. Perhaps she has had bad experiences with or has heard enough stories about bad experiences with members of that race, so it is an issue of safety. No amount of "proof" on your part is going to change that. Perhaps she really is racist, well, fuck her then, there are plenty of other fish in this sea.

Plus, I'm gonna guess there are body types, races, ages, hair colors, shapes, whatever that you prefer in a provider. Does that mean you are racist, ageist, size-ist, whatever else? No, it just means you have your preferences. Providers can't have preferences too and perhaps base their clientele on those preferences?

Does that mean that all of them do? No. But I am sure there are some that do, and I won't fault them for it, even if it means that stunningly attractive, tall-ish, HWP, white guys in their mid 30s are on their no go list. It just means they won't get my money, or the joy of being with me!

If you want to out her, out her and blast her, call her out and tell us what race you are to let others of your race know to avoid her. But I would suggest you just tell her to go fuck herself and find one of the other lovely ladies here who would be happy to see you.
Not to be an asshole, but well, you wouldn't be the first to tell me I am if you do...

First, I will agree that racism in and of itself is a scourge on our society. It hinders the nation as a whole and it is founded in nothing but ignorance and fear.

That said, who says a provider is racist for not seeing clients of a certain race? In theory, she is only hurting herself as that is in theory that clientele group that she is missing out on. And she is doing it for whatever reason, and whatever the reason, you aren't going to be able to change that regardless of what she is doing. Perhaps she has had bad experiences with or has heard enough stories about bad experiences with members of that race, so it is an issue of safety. No amount of "proof" on your part is going to change that. Perhaps she really is racist, well, fuck her then, there are plenty of other fish in this sea.

Plus, I'm gonna guess there are body types, races, ages, hair colors, shapes, whatever that you prefer in a provider. Does that mean you are racist, ageist, size-ist, whatever else? No, it just means you have your preferences. Providers can't have preferences too and perhaps base their clientele on those preferences?

Does that mean that all of them do? No. But I am sure there are some that do, and I won't fault them for it, even if it means that stunningly attractive, tall-ish, HWP, white guys in their mid 30s are on their no go list. It just means they won't get my money, or the joy of being with me!

If you want to out her, out her and blast her, call her out and tell us what race you are to let others of your race know to avoid her. But I would suggest you just tell her to go fuck herself and find one of the other lovely ladies here who would be happy to see you. Originally Posted by gleemonex

I think he would have let it go if she just said not I wont see you.
She really did herself in and it would be good info so others can avoid her and the ones she likes can flock to her.

Please feel free to tell us who she is. She's got some sketchy behavior anyway..... requesting your id sent from you work email ????

Also, if you mention her name we might get a response from her and can possibly gather what the hell is really going on 'round here!
Well if you're Middle Eastern or Hispanic, given the lack of reviews from reputable providers, and how new your handle is, that might explain a bit. In case you are not aware there is a nuisance on the board that would fit your description. and every time he slips through the cracks he comes on here and beats his chest. If you are some other race, then that's just the way it goes, some providers stereotype by age bracket others stereotype by ethnicity. Originally Posted by Little Monster
If her behavior was a reflection of fear from the alerted Tman/slinky/all his other 5 handles, she is also doing herself a disservice. And insulting potentially good clients in the mean time.

Some people are just newbies.
Let me clarify, I believe I did a bad job naming this thread. I didn't mean to say the provider is racist, I just meant to say that if you don't want to see someone for whatever reasons do it, but don't say words that might imply bad things. I can't judge anyone and I don't like to as well. Also, I am not going to mention the provider name, so please stop asking or mentioning that.
gleemonex's Avatar
Let me clarify, I believe I did a bad job naming this thread. I didn't mean to say the provider is racist, I just meant to say that if you don't want to see someone for whatever reasons do it, but don't say words that might imply bad things. I can't judge anyone and I don't like to as well. Also, I am not going to mention the provider name, so please stop asking or mentioning that. Originally Posted by fbsm07
Sorry, I wasn't trying to suggest you should out her, I was suggesting that if you were outraged and wanted to bitch, that would be a better approach. If you look though, I was saying "I would suggest you just tell her to go fuck herself and find someone else."
Let me clarify, I believe I did a bad job naming this thread. I didn't mean to say the provider is racist, I just meant to say that if you don't want to see someone for whatever reasons do it, but don't say words that might imply bad things. I can't judge anyone and I don't like to as well. Originally Posted by fbsm07
+1 up to the part about "I can't judge anyone and I don't like to as well."

Not sure what you mean by you "can't judge."

And this may not be what you meant (probably isn't), but when people say they don't judge or ask not to be judged, it's just bullshit.

Like it or not, we all judge, 24/7/365. There is no stopping it. It is an innate human response to external stimuli (man, that sounds smart!). We judge the safety of situations, we judge the looks of people we see on the street, we judge the character of people we meet, and we judge ourselves, too.

What this bit of sophistry really means, IMO, is "don't judge negatively."

No one objects to being judged as wonderful or pretty/handsome, do they? Have you ever seen or read this:

Jane: you're a very smart and handsome person

Of course not.

Now, expressing negative judgments when it isn't necessary is an altogether different thing. Only a nut stops their car on S Congress to tell someone, "you know, you'd be much more attractive if only you'd...." At the same time, expressing a positive judgment isn't always smart. Only a nut starts telling a woman how beautiful she is and then graphically details what he'd like to do bcd when her undefeated Ultimate Fighting Champion husband is standing next to her.

On the boards, as in real life, it comes down to propriety. What to say when. And when to say nothing. Most people need to learn (I admit it took me long enough) that every thought in your head doesn't need to leave your mouth.

The OP reveals a distinct lack of propriety by the provider who did not have to get into any reasons why she declined, least of all expressing fear of being robbed. That sure sounds like it could be racist, but who knows? That's a charge that becomes more and more meaningless by the day (thanks, PC Left!). As others have mentioned, the recent drama with Li'l Shameboy (kingman) could be the reason. I still don't think that is a good enough excuse to say dumb shit.
She has every right to not see certain races but giving the reason "you might rob me" is just rude.
I think it comes down to the actual context of the interaction between you two.

The Austin provider community is on full alert that Kingman is on the prowl for his next victim. Not might be. He IS hunting.

Her response could very likely have been based upon your accent needing some form of proof that you are not Kingman who would indeed have every intention to rob her. Thus her request for e-mail/ID which has been passed around. Also you've recently joined.

She didn't turn you down. She asked for your ID as you stated. It really sucks but I fully understand her position if this is the case.
She is doing what she needs to do to feel safe. That is primary and takes priority over the risk of offending a newbie.

This is assuming your accent is either Hispanic or Middle Eastern. While there may be grammar and slang differences I've never heard of an Afro American accent.