Impressed or horrified, maybe a little of both?

If you haven't met allow me to introduce you to Mlle Zahia Dehar.

Let's summarize: a very well compensated companion to quite known sports names at ages 16-18, now debuting a lingerie line at Paris's couture fashion week, look book done by Lagerfield, portfolios in WWD and the Italian Vanity Fair.....all at the ripe old age of 19.

I'm assuming, based on her conversations with the media she was not forced into these lines of work. One does wonder where her family might be, regardless. So, did a clever pretty girl find a way to make quite a little pile of cash, in European traditions stretching back hundreds of years? Or, did a somewhat clever pretty girl grow up far to soon, learn some high mileage life lessons too early, and ruin any chance of further functional career or family?

Or, perhaps a bit of both?

She doesn't know it yet, but her life is ruined.

She was, is, and will always be viewed as a teenage whore. She isn't famous, she is infamous.

She has ZERO chance of finding a decent guy.

Think I'm exaggerating? Google "Monica Lewinsky" and see how her life has turned out. More than 15 years after giving Bill Clinton some BJs, she finds herself unable to find a man to date. She left the US in 2005 to go to London and escape the spotlight. What are the odds of Monica ending up happy?

Years ago, I thought she was a contemptible skank. Now, I feel sorry for her. She did something at 22 that has ruined her life.

I think this French girl is in the same boat. Right now, she is being used by degenerate fashion designers. But once she hits 30 and her looks start to go (and maybe even sooner), they will all move on to some new infamous tart and leave her to her own devices.
You are forgetting 1 very important point.....Monica Lewinski is butt ugly, Zahia Dehar is not......and society is typically very accepting, forgiving and rewarding to beautiful women.
Naomi4u's Avatar
She doesn't know it yet, but her life is ruined.

She was, is, and will always be viewed as a teenage whore. She isn't famous, she is infamous.

She has ZERO chance of finding a decent guy.

Think I'm exaggerating? Google "Monica Lewinsky" and see how her life has turned out. More than 15 years after giving Bill Clinton some BJs, she finds herself unable to find a man to date. She left the US in 2005 to go to London and escape the spotlight. What are the odds of Monica ending up happy?

Years ago, I thought she was a contemptible skank. Now, I feel sorry for her. She did something at 22 that has ruined her life.

I think this French girl is in the same boat. Right now, she is being used by degenerate fashion designers. But once she hits 30 and her looks start to go (and maybe even sooner), they will all move on to some new infamous tart and leave her to her own devices. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You are forgetting 1 very important point.....Monica Lewinski is butt ugly, Zahia Dehar is not......and society is typically very accepting, forgiving and rewarding to beautiful women. Originally Posted by Longshot
Two very smart men here. Well said.
pyramider's Avatar
You are forgetting 1 very important point.....Monica Lewinski is butt ugly, Zahia Dehar is not......and society is typically very accepting, forgiving and rewarding to beautiful women. Originally Posted by Longshot
But that does not mean she is not fucked up. She may get a couple of free passes but after a while the passes run out. She better bank on her notoriety now because it will not last.

She seems to be doing just fine banking on her notoriety.

Also, most everyone is fucked up to some degree.....who are any of us to judge. Having 6500 posts on an internet escort board would be considered "very fucked up" to many people.
She doesn't know it yet, but her life is ruined.

She was, is, and will always be viewed as a teenage whore. She isn't famous, she is infamous.

She has ZERO chance of finding a decent guy.

Think I'm exaggerating? Google "Monica Lewinsky" and see how her life has turned out. More than 15 years after giving Bill Clinton some BJs, she finds herself unable to find a man to date. She left the US in 2005 to go to London and escape the spotlight. What are the odds of Monica ending up happy?

Years ago, I thought she was a contemptible skank. Now, I feel sorry for her. She did something at 22 that has ruined her life.

I think this French girl is in the same boat. Right now, she is being used by degenerate fashion designers. But once she hits 30 and her looks start to go (and maybe even sooner), they will all move on to some new infamous tart and leave her to her own devices. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Wait: are you mad because she outed the footballers?

I think that is definitely wrong to say her life is ruined because men wouldn't want to marry her. That's your opinion. You are not Nostradamus, or a psychic so who are you to predict what this woman's life will turn out to be?

Secondly, to compare this lusciously beautiful woman to a very average woman like Lewinsky (I wouldn't call her butt ugly) is daft. Lewinsky would have had a hard time getting married even if she hadn't sabotaged Bill Clinton's presidency.

Look at Superhead. She has outed more than a few stars in her books. This woman is NOT single. Even though her suitors all know that they could potentially be mentioned in her next tell-all, she is not single.

I think it's great that she can go from being a child having to sell her body to a woman with an amazing profitable talent. It should be a testament to the saavy of women. You should be proud of her.
You are forgetting 1 very important point.....Monica Lewinski is butt ugly, Zahia Dehar is not......and society is typically very accepting, forgiving and rewarding to beautiful women. Originally Posted by Longshot
No, I'm not forgetting anything. But I think you missed my point about what happens when she loses her looks.

She may be enjoying the spotlight now, because she is still hot. Do you think she will still have that ass when she is 35?

There will be no acceptance, forgiveness, or reward once the cellulite sets in.

She just be forgotten by the people who are making money off her now.

She seems to be doing just fine banking on her notoriety. Originally Posted by Longshot
I'm not sure what that nonsensical video proves. I don't see how she can make much money from it. Would you pay a dime to watch it?

But ultimately you are missing my point about the long run versus the short run. Sure she is famous/infamous NOW. Sure she is getting a lot of attention NOW.

But I have a hard time believing that a 19 year old, former child prostitute is making sound financial decisions on how to save/invest her money.

When she is no longer cute and novel (and that is not far off), she won't be making much legitimate money. So, does she go back into prostitution and start touring the way porn stars do? And how often does that turn out well?

She has 2 chances at long-term happiness: slim and none.
Wait: are you mad because she outed the footballers? Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Who said I'm mad? I couldn't care less about the soccer players. The lady who started the thread wanted opinions, I gave mine. Anger has nothing to do with it.

I think that is definitely wrong to say her life is ruined because men wouldn't want to marry her. That's your opinion. You are not Nostradamus, or a psychic so who are you to predict what this woman's life will turn out to be? Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Yes! That is my opinion. And - in case you missed it - that is the POINT of this thread.

Katherine wanted to know what we thought: Horrified? Or impressed? Having an opinion necessarily entails making some kind of prediction about how this will turn out for her - particularly if you say you are horrified.

So, no, I'm not Nostradomus. I don't claim to be a psychic. I just have an opinion.

Look at Superhead. She has outed more than a few stars in her books. This woman is NOT single. Even though her suitors all know that they could potentially be mentioned in her next tell-all, she is not single. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
What does "NOT single" mean? Because she isn't married or even living with a guy. That must be the most ridiculous use of the word "suitors" I have ever read. She appears to be getting passed around by a bunch of rappers. I'm sure the line of guys waiting for blow jobs is long. But that isn't exactly a happy life.

And, even you refer to her as "Superhead". As if a real name (Karrine Steffans) is not necessary for her.

I recently saw an HBO (or Showtime?) special about her. Her life has NOT turned out well. At one point she was living out of a car - and that was AFTER she wrote her books.

Why exactly did you use her as an example of things turning out well? I sure can't figure it out.

It should be a testament to the savvy of women. You should be proud of her. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Seriously? "Proud" of her?

Am I her dad or something? And if I was her father, wouldn't I be horrified?
Monica Lewinsky is American, blew an American president in...America.
Zahia is part French (has lived there since she was 10), had sex with high profile French France.
How these acts are perceived in each country are massively different.
Zahia will not be hung out to dry either personally or professionally for her past in France like Lewinsky was here. Not even close. Even if she had been 19 when this happened.
Who said I'm mad? I couldn't care less about the soccer players. The lady who started the thread wanted opinions, I gave mine. Anger has nothing to do with it.

Yes! That is my opinion. And - in case you missed it - that is the POINT of this thread.

Katherine wanted to know what we thought: Horrified? Or impressed? Having an opinion necessarily entails making some kind of prediction about how this will turn out for her - particularly if you say you are horrified.

So, no, I'm not Nostradomus. I don't claim to be a psychic. I just have an opinion.

What does "NOT single" mean? Because she isn't married or even living with a guy. That must be the most ridiculous use of the word "suitors" I have ever read. She appears to be getting passed around by a bunch of rappers. I'm sure the line of guys waiting for blow jobs is long. But that isn't exactly a happy life.

And, even you refer to her as "Superhead". As if a real name (Karrine Steffans) is not necessary for her.

I recently saw an HBO (or Showtime?) special about her. Her life has NOT turned out well. At one point she was living out of a car - and that was AFTER she wrote her books.

Why exactly did you use her as an example of things turning out well? I sure can't figure it out.

Seriously? "Proud" of her?

Am I her dad or something? And if I was her father, wouldn't I be horrified? Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, you're not her father, and I would guess that the definitions of ruined vary by the person. So would the definition of proud. If her life is predicated on what you think of her, maybe it is ruined. But in the case of most men, where they think with the wrong head, I don't agree with you. I'm pretty sure the hot blonde 19 year old French girl is not running to the chapel just yet, and will find a many cock to keep her satisfied until then.

I would say more, but you are entitled to your opinions. I just thought as a man who procures the services of whores you would have a better one. It says a great deal about how you feel about women in this idustry.

She may be enjoying the spotlight now, because she is still hot. Do you think she will still have that ass when she is 35?

There will be no acceptance, forgiveness, or reward once the cellulite sets in. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Based on that logic, I guess we should all go shoot ourselves in the head at 36.

She seems to be making the best of it and driving on with her life....good for her.
If you haven't met allow me to introduce you to Mlle Zahia Dehar.

Let's summarize: a very well compensated companion to quite known sports names at ages 16-18, now debuting a lingerie line at Paris's couture fashion week, look book done by Lagerfield, portfolios in WWD and the Italian Vanity Fair.....all at the ripe old age of 19.

I'm assuming, based on her conversations with the media she was not forced into these lines of work. One does wonder where her family might be, regardless. So, did a clever pretty girl find a way to make quite a little pile of cash, in European traditions stretching back hundreds of years? Or, did a somewhat clever pretty girl grow up far to soon, learn some high mileage life lessons too early, and ruin any chance of further functional career or family?

Or, perhaps a bit of both?

Katharine Originally Posted by Katharine Butler
On the board, we all express our opinions, as others lurk, as others don't care. Why do I express myself on this board? Because I DO! LOL, IMHO:

First, this lady has a long "traj" or trajectory. She is young, very beautiful by model standards, and entered arenas others dream they could (runway modeling is NOT easy-I know models, that is the only way I know, not by experience, LOL)
Why is her "traj" so important?
1. She has experienced so much at a young age, she is not naive
2. Contacts, the most valuable gain from this is contacts. No, the shelf-life for her current endeavors is short, but the gain is enormous
3. With her body form, and genetics, she is always going to be elegant, sexy, appealing and desired...unless she shipwrecks it with drugs and/or bad diet, her choice
4. Her notoriety is nothing new. One of my favorite porn stars as a child (yes, I've loved porn since I've been able to walk, LOL), has morphed into an excellent movie star, I mean excellent (when she did porn, she made out with Christy Canyon, OMG. That was my first Fem/Fem porn and OMGawd that was HOTTT). This young lady will do stated above by a fellow eccian, her beauty will allow us to "forgive" her and move on...YESSSS!

I have spoken my opinion. It's mine, and I'm sticking to it!
I'm personally impressed with her aptitude to make a way for herself. All too often women underage or not enter into the world of prostitution and go downhill from there. This woman started in an industry all of us are familiar with. She didn't get caught up in this, she made a sound business decision and transformed it into something that has the potential to make her lots more money in the long run. I'm sure she's going to get married. Outside of the pretentious realm of culture, perception and judgement some people are willing to look past ones history and realize you have more to offer than who you used to be.