
Doug4343's Avatar
Mamasan says she doesn’t work at Jade anymore, she is in Vegas. Hope that isn’t true and she pops up someplace else!
PeterBota's Avatar
Do the math. 7X15 = 105. I’d lleave jade too if my pussy got beat up 105 times a week.
Anyone know if she's working in Vegas?

I'll be there in Jan and was just wondering about the possibility of seeing her.
She lives in Vegas, doesn’t work when she goes back
Check again sometime after the Korean New Year’s Day.
I doubt I'll ever feel heartache as much as on the day I hear that Joy retires. She is the ultimate sweetheart and I can't imagine that anyone who has spent any amount of time with her doesn't feel some attachment to her uncharacteristic of 99 out of 100 other providers. I guarantee anyone who has a negative view of women in her line of work—busybodies, disgruntled mongers, misogynist trolls—has never experienced Joy.

I'm not a currently active hobbyist. I've moved to a city where the entertainment, talent, and (especially) the "damage" are all completely different from the scene in Dallas. I'm also back in school and my financial priorities have changed for the time being. But a few years back a Reddit thread got me fascinated in what I would come to understand as the "sub-AMP" experience. I popped in a spa in Arlington one late summer Sunday afternoon, and found myself back in that same spa the next Sunday afternoon. Within a month it was habitual.

Halloween weekend I was in Dallas with cancelled plans and an AMP itch. I showed up to Jade a walk-in, a place let's-just-say-different from the unassuming suburban massage joints with its metal screen door, red lights, and KISS FM playing over the speakers. MMS showed me to a room where I disrobed, laid face down on the bed draped in a towel, and gazed curiously at the "this spa does NOT offer massage services" sign on the wall. A leggy, tattooed Korean girl in a bikini, Sam, answered the door and giggled at me for ostensibly expecting a back rub. If I had shown up at Jade a Cooper Street boy, I left a Market Center Blvd man.

That same night, following that encounter, I became a lurker of this board. One provider immediately became the ultimate object of my lust from reading reviews: Joy at Jade. I guess, being my first, I had a fondness for that spa, and I developed a sort-of crush on its superstar. And for me, an "ass man before everyone was an ass man", Joy's butt may as well have have been the Ark of the Covenant to me. I was not worthy to touch it. I distinctly remember waking up from a dream about Joy before ever even seeing her.

Around Christmas that year I came back to Jade to revisit my first, Sam. At the end of our time together, we spent a good 15 minutes cuddling and chatting. Sam is talkative, playful, and not coy to steer topic of conversation away from the weather. "So," she asked me, "have you met other girls in Dallas? Have you met anyone else here?" I told her without giving detail that I had visited two other places in Dallas, but that she had been the only one I saw at Jade. Sam opened up about Jade and trying to be welcoming to the girls there, telling stories about some of them. She mentioned a "Spanish girl". "Spanish girl?" Perceiving my interest to be piqued, she joked that she was glad I hadn't known about the Spanish girl and that I had seen her instead. "So you haven't seen my friend Joy?" I casually mentioned in response that I had heard of her, but not seen her. She seemed not to believe at first. "You would like Joy," assuring me with an inescapable air of jealousy in her voice, "everyone likes Joy." Sam further built the myth of Joy in my mind.

Joy went MIA that December, before we had ever met. I became a PA member of ECCIE around that time to keep up with AMP intel. I awaited the day my crush's name would pop up in the topics again. That time came in June, when I was on vacation in California: an unconfirmed rumor that Joy was coming back the following week. The day after I got home, I left the house towards Dallas, crossed my fingers, and made a phone call to Jade, lucking into an appointment with Joy that evening.

Perhaps because I had grown accustomed to the AMP experience, I didn't have any memorable special feeling when Joy walked in the door and we were introduced, nor any significant impression from the TS that followed. In fact, the alphabet soup of activities that followed, while consistently superb in her case, aren't typically what I recall (a large part of why I've never been much of a reviewer on this board).

What does stick with me is that, when I showed up to our first meeting with mini bottles of Patron, she suggested off the bat that we take shots together, trying to fight off a grimace as it went down while white lying that she loves drinking liquor straight. Every time I've seen her she has made eye contact as we've talked and reminded me that she likes the way my voice sounds. She's comfortable making out like teenagers sitting side by side, and then out of nowhere starts giving my lips goofy pecks and laughing. Once when I came to Jade to visit Sam, she waited in the kitchen to give me a kiss on the cheek and tell me to come see her soon. And when I came to Jade to see Emily and got her by mistake (not a bad mistake!) she further demonstrated how sweet she could be by giving her comrade nothing but the highest praise to me and encouraging me to see her instead (I saw both, separately).

When the sunlight hits my eyes in the Jade parking lot and I probably end up back at the Denny's next door, it occurs to me that the special feeling Joy gives isn't uniquely for me and that she can, and does, probably make the most pathetic man feel the most admired. If you've read this far, you've probably had your ego stroked by Joy as well, so don't take my disclosures to come from a place of personal pride, just a place of lasting memories. I have the utmost respect for her and her job. She has truly brought joy to many, for the average person an accomplishment unfathomable. When she decides to hang up her waist belt, it will be bittersweet.

If this year is like in years past, she could be back for the summer. My first time meeting her she had come off a ~5 month hiatus splitting time between Korea and Las Vegas. But in the meantime, my reason for writing all this: do you have an experience with Joy that "activities" doesn't cover, or may have been omitted from "ROS", but remains meaningful to you? I wish there were more of that on here. And just as my first day on this board, I can never read enough Joy.
one of the best catholic girls around