Smirnov lied

winn dixie's Avatar
Smirnov lied. Hmmmmm what was his motivation for lying?
Trace the money back to trumpf and cronies indeed!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet it didn’t take anything but his outright lies to send Trump and his gullible MAGA cult into a frenzy.

If I were the Bides I would sue Trump for defamation. Those suits are easy to win.

Trump should spend the rest of his life penniless and in prison.
winn dixie's Avatar
The investigation on why he lied should start asap
Yet it didn’t take anything but his outright lies to send Trump and his gullible MAGA cult into a frenzy.

If I were the Bides I would sue Trump for defamation. Those suits are easy to win.

Trump should spend the rest of his life penniless and in prison. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... You mean a lawsuit from the same Joe Biden who
cooked up the "Trump/Russia Collusion" with OBama and the CIA?
THAT Joe Biden?

... And getting back to the FBI informant alleged "lying"
- we have onley the FBI's word on that.
You'd think that the FBI would be better at investigating
things - such-as whether one of their informants is
being truthful or not...

#### Salty
They did investigate it. That's why the informant is being charged with lying. Evidently, they didn't just take his word. It was Comer Grassley and Jordan that pushed for the full of lies interview to be made public, not the FBI.
eyecu2's Avatar
oops - I think Comer is literally the dumbest hillbilly sack of shit that ever got elected to congress. He is nothing but a fucktarded moron who can't count to ten using both hands and toes. But given enough time and rope, he'll hang himself. The whole investigation and Tony Bubalinski facade is a sham too. Tonys' got more involvement with TRUMP than the Bidens'.

Tony Bobulinski is a “deadly witness,” conservatives say. But past transactions—and ties to Trump World—call his credibility into question.Bobulinski’s overt ties to Donald Trump—and his own shady dealings, as revealed in court records obtained, call his credibility into question, revealing a man who has chased down monetary sums of all sizes from his former business associates via legal action.

n July 2020, China Branding Group, a liquidated entertainment company, sued Bobulinski after he claimed he was entitled, per the terms of his loan agreement, to 2.5 times the original investment he made in the company between 2015 and 2016. During China Branding’s liquidation proceedings in 2017, Bobulinski presented a “proof of debt,” claiming a total entitlement of $1,765,000. Court-appointed liquidators in the Cayman Islands determined that he was only entitled to recoup his original $650,000 investment.

In 2021, the U.S. District Court in Central California ruled in favor of China Branding Group, effectively upholding a ruling that had previously come out of the Cayman Islands judicial system, siding with the company and ruling that Bobulinski had to pay the company more than $662,000, plus the costs of the suit.

Bobulinski then attempted to appeal that verdict, but he lost that bid as well, after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of China Branding Group in January. The court, however, shaved off about 25 percent, ordering the businessman to pay more than $494,000, plus the cost of the lawsuit.

and on and on.

Essentially this guy gets into bed with businesses and then goes to court to shake them down. He's like the Donald Trump of Typhoid Mary's when it comes to spreading his interest in businesses, and then sueing ppl for shits and giggles,. Similar to Diaper Donnie -

And about that tie to TRUMP.

Bobulinski’s story on Biden becomes more questionable in light of his connections to the Trump campaign.

Bobulinski first raised allegations of Biden corruption in October 2020, just days away from the presidential election, as part of what The New York Times called a “desperate rescue mission” by Team Trump. The allegation was that Joe Biden profited from a Chinese oil venture with his son.

Bobulinski tried pitching the story to The Wall Street Journal, with the help of three people close to Trump: Arthur Schwartz, a New York–based P.R. professional and friend of Donald Trump Jr.; Eric Herschmann, then a Trump White House lawyer; and Stefan Passantino, a former deputy Trump White House counsel. But even the Journal wasn’t interested, due to the lack of verifiable facts.
Precious_b's Avatar
Just like a donny supporter. Go for the slimmest, most contorted, twisted viewpoint that on a thousandth percent chance that meets your corrupted belief system and run with it.

Totally ignore any and all facts that are counter to your view point.

...this is what you get putting your faith in a person who fails even the most basic standared in being a paid snitch.