Why the Hard Way?

JohnnyCap's Avatar
When a Newbie, or challenged fucktard, writes a bad review lacking in ROS or some other detail, why are the efforts to educate sent via PM? Why educate fucktards one at a time when, with very little effort, the message could reach a larger audience? Certainly there are cases where delicacy is needed, but in general to post a message saying 'check your pms' benefits at best one fucktard at a time, if that.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Mods please move this thread to questions for the mods where I meant for it to be.

I beg your pardon.
Highwayman64's Avatar
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Done Originally Posted by Highwayman64
Thanks. While I have you, have you any insight to the question?
Hold tight JC. DD will get right back to you with an answer .... by PM .... in July.

Seriously though, that might be one of those things that seems kind of obvious when you state it , but maybe nobody thought of it before. Traditions die slowly.
brutusbluto's Avatar
When a Newbie, or challenged fucktard, writes a bad review lacking in ROS or some other detail, why are the efforts to educate sent via PM? Why educate fucktards one at a time when, with very little effort, the message could reach a larger audience? Certainly there are cases where delicacy is needed, but in general to post a message saying 'check your pms' benefits at best one fucktard at a time, if that. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I remember when I was new, writing my first review was a challenge. I was grateful that my education was handled through the PM process. I preferred not being in front of all eyes to get educated. Plus there is no guarantee every newbie will read the thread if it were done in public. This hobby is scary enough to newbies.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I remember when I was new, writing my first review was a challenge. I was grateful that my education was handled through the PM process. I preferred not being in front of all eyes to get educated. Plus there is no guarantee every newbie will read the thread if it were done in public. This hobby is scary enough to newbies. Originally Posted by brutusbluto
I suppose that is one side. It is unfortunate that we cannot develop a mod that can explain how to write a review, which only involves providing a link to an already written thread, with sufficient delicacy to be done in public. Follow up could still be ensured through PM while sharing the good stuff with all.

I remember when I was new; I read a few threads and got the lay of the land before I posted the review. I know it's not in vogue, and I don't think I'm special for indulging in what I consider simple polite behavior, but it is an explorable option. I can't be grateful for the private education, because I'm not privy to it, much like the reasons for the last time I was pointed.

But it's your gig, thanks for hearing me out.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I remember when I was new, writing my first review was a challenge. I was grateful that my education was handled through the PM process. I preferred not being in front of all eyes to get educated. Plus there is no guarantee every newbie will read the thread if it were done in public. This hobby is scary enough to newbies. Originally Posted by brutusbluto
Matter of fact I call foul in this as lame ass bullshit! The only explanation DD gave for my last points was that I missed his instructions on the public portion of the board.

So which is it? Can you be sure fucktards see what is in the threads or can't you?

BB you have been responsive but your teammate DD is not playing by the rules you are putting forth.
Every time I created a new handle, I read the "How to write a Review" threads so I could make it sound like I was a noob....
elghund's Avatar
Every time I created a new handle, I read the "How to write a Review" threads so I could make it sound like I was a noob.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
You still sound like a boob......

Oops.... #fuckinnoobimean

DDarkness's Avatar

Its quite simple and BB was kind enough to explain it extremely well. The purpose for for the 'read your pm's' statement is two fold (1) the newbie receives the PM and the issues are addressed and they are given the opportunity to make corrections and (2) the statement alerts others and hopefully helps others avoid similar mistakes.

Thanks for the question!

JohnnyCap's Avatar
Plus there is no guarantee every newbie will read the thread if it were done in public. Originally Posted by brutusbluto
The only explanation DD gave for my last points was that I missed his instructions on the public portion of the board.

So which is it? Can you be sure fucktards see what is in the threads or can't you?

BB you have been responsive but your teammate DD is not playing by the rules you are putting forth. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

Its quite simple and BB was kind enough to explain it extremely well. The purpose for for the 'read your pm's' statement is two fold (1) the newbie receives the PM and the issues are addressed and they are given the opportunity to make corrections and (2) the statement alerts others and hopefully helps others avoid similar mistakes.

Thanks for the question!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness

Your welcome, and thank you for stepping up to the plate. In spite of your passive-aggressive sarcasm, I understood his extremely well put explanation and offered a different view because, though you aver to the contrary, the public posts usually say nothing about the corrections. So that part of your retort is falsehood and/or wishful thinking. It matters not.

But there is a subsequent question pending. BB clearly acknowledges not everyone can be guaranteed to have read the thread. I am sure you will, you certainly should, remember pointing me for no specific offense, with the only explanation being that if I missed your public warning, it was on me. Is it your assertion that we can't be sure people will get instructions that are posted publicly, but we can be sure they can be held accountable for postings you aren't sure they read?

I ask again, which is it?

Or just be human enough to admit you took an indefensible action. There was no offense and you acknowledged it. You made a mistake. Man up and fix it, please. I cannot tell you my attitude will change towards you but taking a step in the right direction by doing the right thing can't hurt.

brutusbluto's Avatar
Can you be sure fucktards see what is in the threads or can't you? Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
We do not have the ability to know who reads what threads, if that is what your asking.
Thanks for the question!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
Next question: do u fap?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
We do not have the ability to know who reads what threads, if that is what your asking. Originally Posted by brutusbluto
Then how can it be valid to issue points assuming I read a warning that was not issued in the thread or related to the post for which I was pointed?

That is exactly what DD did, as he said in a PM that I forwarded to all Upset Mods and RTM'd. I followed up with a question to you, and you played dumb. I'm not sure what your agenda was, or DD. That's the pending question that was private.

The public one, which you started to answer, is one step more clear for you: if you can't be sure who reads threads, how can you discipline folks for what is in the threads? We have guidelines we agree to, but the points in question were given without any violation of any guideline occurring. DD's words himself.