Running into a Provider in Public

AtomicHawk's Avatar
As the years go by, I am slowly getting my bucket list complete.

Best BBBJTC in my LIFE? Check...

Anal with someone who REALLY wants it? Check

Walked in on with a provider by a family member who didn't know she was Providing? Check...

Run into a Provider in Public? Check...

Not many other items related to Hobbying that I ever want to have happen. But I finally realize that even though Austin is a BIG city, over the years, you will eventually run into people you have met from the Hobbying world in a civilian environment.

For me it was Best Buy, in the Customer Service lane. And the whole reason I even went to the store this evening was MOOT. But as I was almost done with my business, I looked up, and there was someone I had seen in their birthday suit.

Nothing was awkward, and while she did notice me looking at her, I am really going to have to assume she didn't recognize ME, but may have noticed that I new her face from somewhere.

If I hadn't had someone with me, I would have happily walked over and said Hi. But I think that still would have been the wrong move really.

All is all...small world.
Agree strongly it is a small world. Been there done that with a couple of providers. They played it off as did I. Most providers honestly try to keep this separate from there personal life although some are very intimate encounters a lot lie not all but some do about there problems there life etc. some have boyfriends or even husbands that don't know they do this but it's there alter ego and not really them. Lol women make the best actresses.

I Have Run Into MANY A Client Out In Public!!!

I Generally Will Catch Eye Contact With Him When

No One Is Looking - Give Him A Wink - And Then

Go About My Business!!!

All that being said, Austin is one of the 'smallest' big towns I have ever lived in...if that makes sense. I just smile and nod or wink when no one is looking and move on. Maybe a pm or something in private later but even that is rare.

FastWheels's Avatar
I guess I'm still to new at this (even after a year) and have not run in to anyone I have met BCD in the RW... It will happen eventually though. If they are alone and so am I will say "hi" at the very least if not strike up a casual conversation. If I have their number I will definitely PM them later. I am normally very outgoing anyway and talk to anyone in line with me at any store...
  • Logic
  • 06-15-2013, 03:33 PM
Happend to me twice...Once at HEB with the family, she was with her family...we just smiled at each other and kept walking...Second time was at a resturaunt, ATF was on a date i had the family we were sitting at tables right next to eachother...We texted the whole time..I was telling her how badly i wanted to be inside her etc was a huge turn on. We actually met by the restrooms and shared a very passionate kiss.
fun2come's Avatar
We had the following thread in Feb with some good posts in it:
Funny that i just saw a provider and actually recognized her that she is friend of someone i am friends with her. Since it was private session I did tell her that i knew who she was real world and her secret was safe.
Funny, several providers have seen Trees in public. Regrettably Trees did not see them! But would be nice. If any provider who knows Trees gets a visual at Central Market or wherever, come by and say hello. Maybe we can share a peach or nectarine or anything delicious that grows on Trees. Unplanned situational meet could lead to encounter.

In the produce department?

manuatu's Avatar
It has happened twice to me. I just wink, smile and move on.
I just keep moving and pretend not to notice them. I'm not in a relationship, but I like to keep the two worlds separate, and I usually just assume that the ladies feel the same way.
I once saw a provider I regularly see at the bookstore and she was with a man that I can only assume was her bf or pimp, so naturally I did not try to make eye contact or acknowledge her. Not sure if she saw me or not.
Pimps taking girls to bookstores? This makes me laugh simply because I used to study and hangout with a dear friend a lot in a bookstores after-hours and he's about as far from the pimp archetype as it gets. Is there a pimp archetype? I need to dust off my Jung and report back.
fun2come's Avatar
I need to dust off my Jung and report back. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Not THE C.G. Jung and please tell me you did NOT read it in the original language written, if so we need to meet (at least virtually).
Synchronizität, Akausalität und Okkultismus.
Not THE C.G. Jung and please tell me you did NOT read it in the original language written, if so we need to meet (at least virtually).
Synchronizität, Akausalität und Okkultismus. Originally Posted by fun2come
Yeah, that guy, and no, I do not read/write/speak German. I did have a little German in me once, but that's neither here nor there. I forgot how much he'll mess with my dreams, so I might need to rethink my reading hours.

And to address the initial topic, I'm not in Austin often, but when I am I am always paranoid that I'll bump into a ghost or two. I only answer to the name Jenn BCD. She doesn't exist beyond that, so there's no need to ask how she's doing.