Should we bail out Detriot with our tax dollars?

I honestly feel a little bad for these people, but no way we should bail them out. I'm set to retire in a year and a half at age 55. Out of the blue last year, my company changed the retirement for everyone over 55 with 20 or more years service. We used to get a $500 a month bonus added to our checks until the age of 65. They took that away and increased our 401K from a 50% match, to a one hundred percent match for the first ten percent you contribute to your plan. Yeah, great for my 401K, but does nothing for me for the next nine years. As pissed as I am, and as sorry as I feel for these people, you get the leadership you elect.
boardman's Avatar
The recurring moral seems to be not to give the management of your assets over to people you don't know AND trust.
quickie's Avatar
I blame obama
I blame obama Originally Posted by quickie
Obama and his people blame President Bush.
quickie's Avatar
Obama and his people blame President Bush. Originally Posted by TheJudge69
Lol....u right
Solemate62's Avatar
If our tax dollars can go to help fucking Ukraine, without us voting on it, Yes, let's bail out an Anerican City!
Detroit has been on the decline before Obama Bush Clinton Bush Reagan Carter Ford Nixon etc. Let it be and let it just go away. It isn't always a good idea to preserve everything in our past. Just let the land and wildlife reclaim it, a lot has already. Its too fucking cold up there anyway. The remaining people will move away and it will become a memory like Babylon or Pompeii.
Solemate62's Avatar
Maybe eradicate the Detroit Lions, a perennial hapless NFL franchise (who did beat Dallas in a thriller last year) but I'm still for the city getting the so-called bailout! BTW, just on the news this morning, 'we' wrote out a check this morning to Ukraine for $58 million and that's just the beginning!
Detroit has been on the decline before Obama Bush Clinton Bush Reagan Carter Ford Nixon etc. Let it be and let it just go away. It isn't always a good idea to preserve everything in our past. Just let the land and wildlife reclaim it, a lot has already. Its too fucking cold up there anyway. The remaining people will move away and it will become a memory like Babylon or Pompeii. Originally Posted by ARCHmajor
This is a very good point. Everything in nature seeks its own solution. Grow, wither, terminal velocity, ....whatever.

A city that can't make it on its own should be allowed to collapse and a new equilibrium can be found. If it is self decay, so be it.
BigLouie's Avatar
Detroit has been on the decline before Obama Bush Clinton Bush Reagan Carter Ford Nixon etc. Let it be and let it just go away. It isn't always a good idea to preserve everything in our past. Just let the land and wildlife reclaim it, a lot has already. Its too fucking cold up there anyway. The remaining people will move away and it will become a memory like Babylon or Pompeii. Originally Posted by ARCHmajor
The decline of Detroit started about 1900 when the city authorities decided to build the city around making cars instead of a diverse city. Instead of upscale neighborhoods parks diverse business there are factories and train yards. The city was doomed to fail from the beginning
That is messed up too. Money going to foreign countries on a daily basis for their aid yet drive down to most intersections here and see beggars and homeless people needing food or money or just a place to stay. I'm sorry but fuck the rest of the world! This isn't "the united states of the world", freely throwing money at other countries yet when the debt ceiling comes up for vote, they blame the republicans for holding out and letting the govt default. This problem isn't about Dems or Reps, its the simple fact that neither can do anything to fix an already sinking ship. One party wants to plug up holes only on the right side of the hull while the other thinks that instead we should just add more water because the pressure and buoyancy will work itself out and we will stay afloat. WRONG. Both are sinking this ship and I say let it sink. As pessimistic as that sounds, its probably the best solution. Let the walls crumble and the torches burn out. Rome has fallen as its meant to be. Life will still go on and people will still have jobs, unless of course you work for the fed govt. But the local govts will continue and protect their own and the power of the people will be back in the peoples hands.
boardman's Avatar
That is messed up too. Money going to foreign countries on a daily basis for their aid yet drive down to most intersections here and see beggars and homeless people needing food or money or just a place to stay. I'm sorry but fuck the rest of the world! This isn't "the united states of the world", freely throwing money at other countries yet when the debt ceiling comes up for vote, they blame the republicans for holding out and letting the govt default. This problem isn't about Dems or Reps, its the simple fact that neither can do anything to fix an already sinking ship. One party wants to plug up holes only on the right side of the hull while the other thinks that instead we should just add more water because the pressure and buoyancy will work itself out and we will stay afloat. WRONG. Both are sinking this ship and I say let it sink. As pessimistic as that sounds, its probably the best solution. Let the walls crumble and the torches burn out. Rome has fallen as its meant to be. Life will still go on and people will still have jobs, unless of course you work for the fed govt. But the local govts will continue and protect their own and the power of the people will be back in the peoples hands. Originally Posted by ARCHmajor
I was howling this tune with TARP in 2008. If we would have just let the markets collapse and the weaklings fail we would be a much stronger economy now.
Survival of the fittest and natural selection seem to work pretty well in nature. Let those same principles run their course in economies as well. Rooting out the stupid and incompetent becomes fairly easy. The dangerous no longer have a feeding ground and the corrupt no longer have a play ground.
There are a handful(maybe) of Constitutional Conservatives that I would keep in DC right now but I'd sacrifice their asses if I knew it would get the whole lot thrown out.
We paid to "fix" New Orleans, a city that literally shouldn't exist considering its built underwater, so fuck it.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Detroit's been plundered by kleptocrats since Coleman Young's ascension in 1974. Kleptocracies always end badly when they finally run out of other people's money to rob. But that doesn't matter to even worse schmucks who can rob the whole nation and pass the plunder on to their cronies.

The kindest thing would be to ignore Detroit's financial'll get sorted out eventually after debridemont of the worthless. Dumping massive amounts of taxpayer money in there will only keep the parasites sucking away.
BigLouie's Avatar
Everyone thinks it started with Young but to say that is to totally misunderstand the root cause of the problem. The city just does not have the infrastructure to be a solvent city. Instead of a tax base, instead of diverse business you have urban blight that people were concern about in the 1950s! It's just a poorly designed city.