What would You Do

Helicopter206's Avatar
So I had an appointment with the provider, she was an hour late, then it took an hour to find a hotel, that was the first meeting .
Then on our second meeting we met at her place, within 10 minutes of my two hour meeting she fell asleep with her head on my chest, when she awoke, she was crying and said this has never happened before. I was getting dressed to leave. (stupid me I felt sorry for her, and gave her the donation, because she said her car payment was due)
She said, she would make it up to me, and I would not be disappointed, if I would schedule with her again. (So I did right there that night)
So now we're at the third meeting, and we're at her house, just setting on the couch, we hear someone knocking at the door, and it's very loud knocking,we don't move, the knocking continues, so I go to look, it's the police.
She was very embarrassed, again she stated she would double my time, and make it up to me.
As of today I have not written a review, and I'm waiting for her to respond.
Did, I say it's been two weeks.
I know she isn't in Jail.
I have been waiting patiently for her to respond to my text messages.
What would you do !!!!
As of right now, I will not give out her handle.
Always drama with this dude...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well copter:
There's Texas gals in town now. In addition, there's Nebraska gals arriving this weekend. Let's see, Chicago, Calif, and more.
And I think there just might be a few Missouri and Kansas gals around as well.
What would I do? Tease you of course.
And then go on a date of my own.
Move on
zeejoe's Avatar
I personally would not have paid good money to just watch a bitch take a nap, but that's just me.
Don't change a thing.
You're a sweetheart.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
What would I do mmmmmmm
does she snore ? edit add: how loud and how soon after falling asleep ??
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
So cute! The Piņata hung itself and is ready for a swing. Too easy, jeezus.

You let her sleep.....Copter. You made that choice.
Then a cop comes over to ???? Deliver something and you left, now she owes you double? Goodluck with that.
Even if you share her handle...um..still something you brought upon thyself. Tell you what, there are guys with that fetish, bucket list item, plain old just would bone the lady while she pretended to humm...sleep.
I'd laugh my ass off at your expense, just like I'm doing right now, Copter!!!!! Please don't ever quit this forum, you really make my day!!!!
Frankly, I'd write a full review.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 05-01-2015, 07:40 AM
You should not "out" her because of your own stupidity. I mean no disrespect sir but those are the cold hard facts. The ladies here offer a service. They are compensated for that service. When you give money to one of them for anything other than services rendered, you are doing exactly that, giving! Do not expect anything in return as you'll find yourself waiting patiently two weeks with only a promise(and possibly your little buddy) in your hand. I think this is the second rule of the hobby???
FrankieP's Avatar
While I (unlike many on this board) understand giving a provider some slack when things might be difficult for them, this may be taking that to the extreme. If you know she isn't in jail and she is ignoring your messages, and it's been two weeks (2 fucking weeks??) she doesn't plan on making good on her promise. I would write the review and move on. If she comes through you can post another review as a retraction.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 05-01-2015, 09:00 AM
I respect your opinion Frankie as well as your right to voice it. However, the ladies here make it clear that this is their profession & I truly believe we should respect that. I do ask, when is the last time your job cut you a check to pay your rent, car payment, daycare costs, utilities, etc, without expecting you to clock in & do the work? This is about professionalism? As clients & providers, isn't part of what keeps us safe & enjoying this business, our ability to be professionals? Just the thoughts of this one idiot. I wish all well & for all to be safe & Enjoy! :-)
CaptainKaos's Avatar
I'm going to quote one of our best presidents.

"There's an old saying in Tennessee -I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me - um - twice - um - you can't get fooled again."
Grace Preston's Avatar
I personally would say to write it up. Be polite, professional, and direct and leave emotion out of it, including any anger. You got hustled. You let yourself get hustled, but you still got hustled none the less. In the event she does make good, then post the retraction. It happens all the time.
God damn, and I thought I was a nice guy.