Why is SEX like a SNOWSTORM?

Prowordsmith's Avatar
Because you never know how many inches you're going to ge or how long it's gonna last!
tia travels's Avatar
Sex is ALSO like a snowstorm in the way that it can be very wet and packable! There can be drifting too...from one position to the next.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
With me, it's like snowstorm because it is never as big or as hard as it was predicted to be.

tia travels's Avatar
Sex is like a snowstorm in the way that it often keeps you tucked away in a warm place for hours!
tia travels's Avatar
Or THIS old one refurbished: Sex is like a snowstorm in the way that some men like to drop their pants cuz they hear a snowblower is coming---hopefully female!"
DallasRain's Avatar