Appointments & Negotiations

Lillygirl's Avatar
Ok I have a little rant... Since I have been in the hobby I have had 3 no call no shows... If you can't make it to your appointment you need to let me know instead of letting me waste my time waiting on you. Time is money and I don't have a lot of time. There is a saying that was drilled into my head in the military and I quote," If you are early you are on time; if you are on time you are late; and if you are late you are dead." And another thing, if you are looking for a cheap dick fix and can't afford any of these beautiful women on this site that means you don't need it!!! Stop trying to negotiate us down on our donations, its rude and unprofessional. If you are wanting cheap go to a hooker, escorts are the expensive pretty and not trashy version. I'm not trying to be rude but all of us women are escorting for a reason. We have bills to pay and some have children to take care of... Please have some class and dignity when dealing with any beautiful woman especially an escort!!!! Thank you very much
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Judging by the low-ball rates some of the ladies here have (not all...SOME) I don't see why guys need to negotiate. Just don't eat lunch that day and you'll afford them.

NCNS comes with the business on both sides. People don't feel the need to keep appointments for whatever reason. It's the nature of the beast, and it won't stop. Sure, there are people that never have to deal with NCNS, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Treat your business like a business and you'll have less headaches.
What I don't understand is if you are getting references on these guys then how is it they continue to ncns and why are these guys getting good references from you girls, I have never ncns and I have had one very popular lady here ncns but it was an accident that was made up for the same day,
Danielle Reid's Avatar
References are just a fraction of the screening process. For some girls [not all] (and I'm about to drop the ball on this one...if you're offended then I guess the shoe fits) a bad reference doesn't equal DNS. It just means "maybe he won't do it to me". Honestly, if someone says "He's shit, don't see him. Flaked out 2x on me. Big time waster" then I won't see the guy. Time is money, and I don't have time to waste.

It's up to the provider herself to take the time to screen the men she sees. You can't put all your eggs in one basket. Maybe he didn't flake on girl #1 and 2 but decided to use 1 and 2 as references to flake on #3. Unless his car exploded (which isn't a valid excuse IMO)
Lillygirl's Avatar
I'm not saying everyone flakes out, what I'm saying is please respect our time... We aren't here to sit and wait like a dog in heat.
I know you had 3