OH2 not working april 13

Sherry of DFW's Avatar
Tp the guys--OH2 still not working as of April 13, , but PLENTY of girls to choose from here on eccie--just search reviews forum to find your choice
kologero's Avatar
what about coivd19 though sherry aren't you afraid?
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
from Sherry--my reply to kologero--
In my opinion, the news media has CREATED this FALSE covid 19 scare.
According to the CDC official statistics, last year 61,000 people in US DIED FROM REGULAR FLU
but NOT a word in the news about flu deaths
---now, with covid, 22,000 deaths as of April 13 2020 and entire country shut down--
unnecessary OVER REACTION to deaths that happen EVERY YEAR
politicians trying to make it seem as if they are "saving"American lives
while entire economy sliding quickly toward depression
38,000 Americans DIED in 2019 from car crashes, but cars have not been outlawed
Most of those who died from covid were old or in terrible health in the first place
the covid just finally did them in--THEY WERE GOING TO DIE ANYWAY
As of April 13,2020 dallas county has population of about 2.8 million but only 31 deaths
so 2.8 million have to suffer because of 38--STUPID POLITICIANS DECISIONS
kologero's Avatar
sherry, are you comparing car accidents to an infectious disease?
mrredcat43's Avatar
Shut up you crazy bat!!! Sherry, the broken record
Precious_b's Avatar
Haven't been following her post.
But skimmed over her last one on this thread.
She makes no mention that there is no cure for CoVid.
Since there is no cure, she states regular flu is 60K deaths. She didn't say a year. So, if we follow her 22K, assuming 3 month period, *AND NOT DOING EXPONENTIAL FACTORING*, that would be 88K dead at a VERY conservative figure for the year.

Take note, this is just me spitballing figures.
They should give sherry her own section
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
I like Sherry
She lives her life.
No one goes to see her unless they want to.
Reviews still being written in the review section
Are they going to get the lecture

If your scared stay home
I do.
But what’s the difference between a provider , take out and or wall mart
Nothing. Both are dangerous
hdanish's Avatar
There's another part of this. You may have the virus sans symptoms. You blow a load in the mouth of a 77 year old and you cause her to get the virus and die.

I saw her once, very nice lady, very smart and articulate and gave a good BJ. I don't want to doing anything to cause her (or anyone else) harm.
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
hdanish--I am still vising with old friends-
--despite the fact that certain posters on eccie MIGHT wish I get the virus and die, I think it is highly unlikely....
=I obey all the require precautions when in public, just don't think
one-on-one meetings are that dangerous
as of April 13, dallas county has population of 2.8 million-
-only 1,788 cases, 32 deaths --still think shut down is OVER REACION to such small numbers--- we are NOT New York City
mrredcat43's Avatar
There's more cases out there, we aren't doing enough testing, that's why
Sleepy363's Avatar
They should give sherry her own section Originally Posted by cage196

Call it "The Padded Room"
Lucas McCain's Avatar
--despite the fact that certain posters on eccie MIGHT wish I get the virus and die, I think it is highly unlikely.... Originally Posted by Sherry of DFW
Nobody wishes that would happen to you. It's just that many people take this virus seriously unlike you and get annoyed with your constant dismissal of it. Healthcare workers are risking their lives because of careless people like you who think they are immune because of whatever crazy justifications they can think of regardless of the facts. See below from today and get with reality.


And: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mu...cid=spartandhp
Precious_b's Avatar
Sherry, I didn't solicit you for an PM here.
I'm not going to open it.
You can post here what you sent so everyone can see it.
I'll RTM any future ones.
mrredcat43's Avatar
The pm goes into detail on how she's the best at a BJ. Even went as far as offering one as a freebie, a couple years ago. I declined, glad I did. I've had my fair share of fruitcakes