Rating System for Threads

There is a star system where someone can rate a thread from excellent down to terrible. I have been noticing that it is not being used effectively. Every single time I post a review, someone is rating my reviews with a one star or in otherwords, ''terrible''. I have asked in open forum to let me know what I can do improve my reviews, however I am determined at this point it is a rather annoying group of trolls down rating my reviews on purpose. I constantly receive high praise from the community for my review writing efforts, and always get 10 or more comments which is pretty high for my local market while also usually get over 1,000 views per review while on average someone might be lucky to get 500.

For example, I can see if someone attempted to write a review but forgot to put a link to the member, didn't include their email if it's posted, no rest of story included, and if it was just half ass done. I can understand then by someone giving that review a ''terrible'' score.

So I must ask this, why even have the system in the first place? Not only do the same people troll my reviews, but they are targeting a select group of individuals while also down rating threads in coed that otherwise should be imo rated even a three or a four. Comments can speak volumes to the validity of how good a thread is, so why the ranking system? It's a disservice to the ladies most of all when someone comes in and rates the thread/review poorly when really there is no issue at all. I'd ask that this system be removed. It does no good on these boards when people don't use it correctly for it's intended use.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I doubt anyone pays attention to those.
It's a forum of people paying girls to fuck. Why care?
It's a useless tool imo. Why care, why not? I'd hope to see it removed personally as it doesn't serve a meaningful purpose other than as a disservice to those the threads are about.
Meaningless? Agree wholeheartedly.

Ditto on your speculation about trolls at work. I suspect they've tampered with a few of my own threads. Don't know what they think they're gaining -- other than annoying us, perhaps. Simple means for simple minds.

Disservice to the ladies? Doubt it -- even if you take it seriously (I do not), it's a commentary on the thread itself, not subject lady.

I'd like to hear the ladies' thoughts on the topic: Do you think the "star" rating system can really help or hurt your business?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-12-2015, 07:14 AM
I hardly ever notice the ratings. As you point out, they are meaningless. They likely come along with the shell software they use and it is too much trouble to remove. Don't let the trolls get to you, they aren't worth it.
ck1942's Avatar
Although the stars are rather meaningless, imho a one star hit probably draws as much or more attention as a five star blast.

More important: view count!


Remember, please, that only actual members can rate a thread, whether by a well known or a virtually unknown O.P.

Whereas an higher view count to me indicates something worth reading.

If the trolls would forego their temptation to star or to view most threads would fade away overcome by succeeding thread starts.

But the troll cannot resist.

Ditto the like button is rather obscure.

Fact of the matter is that some of the well known trolls can generate stars, thread view counts, and likes merely by starting a thread with virtually zero controversy because all the viewers passing by will keep looking just to when the venom will be let loose.

Now, if there were to be a dislike button...

Or if only all star hits were visible to the thread starter and all the views were defined as well!

Probably a lot fewer star hits.

And, don't overlook the report this post hits, either.

System is what it is.

= = = =

O-T - you are correct, the stars, likes etc are built into the shell but these can be easily turned off when a forum is built or by restricting which member class can vote.

For example, stars are not allowed in the ad forums.
Disservice to the ladies? I don't think any guy makes a decision to see a provider based on thread ratings lol!!
Guest010619's Avatar
Reviewing a thread serves no purpose. Assuming the OP is being rated for grammar and punctuation. For that reason, I've never seen a ratings system for articles on people.com or other tabloid journalism.
Most postings have a very short life span but there are a few that hit the right button and therefore continue after several years.
Many well known posters get lots of traffic for who they are and are well liked and respected, the comments left behind give tribute to that. No need to add another layer to that.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
On a site like this the rating system is pretty useless. Now on something like Reddit where the highest rated stuff gets on the front page and default sorting is "hot", that is again the highest rated newer content shows up first on every subreddit, then ratings come into play.

At the end of the day they're all fake internet points anyway, who cares who has the biggest epeen and who's stroking it on here. As long and you have someone stroke your real peen there isn't much more to ask for.