The Hunt

  • Tiny
  • 03-06-2021, 11:28 PM
Hollywood movies tend to have a leftist slant. Well there's one out now that breaks the mold. It's called The Hunt. A group of liberal East Coast elitists kidnap "Deplorables" who support conservative views and the President, transport them to Croatia, turn them loose and hunt them down and kill them. It's kind of a cross between Kill Bill and one of Sistine Chapel's wet dreams. You can see it on HBO.
Sounds like a comedy because it's funny to think leftist would do anything that would involve danger, since they are so concerned with safety and safe places. By the way are they wearing surgical masks? Because I am sure the deplorables are infected with Covid-19, lol.
I don't subscribe to HBO or HBO Max even though I can get HBO Max for "free".

Should watch "I Care A Lot" about a woman who runs a nursing home scam to drain old folks of their money and personal freedom. She uses the law and a bunch of fiduciary folks to enable her scam- until she grabs the mother of a Russian mobster.
  • Tiny
  • 03-07-2021, 09:15 AM
Sounds like a comedy because it's funny to think leftist would do anything that would involve danger, since they are so concerned with safety and safe places. By the way are they wearing surgical masks? Because I am sure the deplorables are infected with Covid-19, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The protagonist, an attractive female Afghan war veteran kidnapped from Mississippi, ends up killing all the wealthy liberal elitists. That’s one of the reasons I think the movie has some similarities to Kill Bill. And yes, some of the elitists were wearing gas masks, mainly to protect themselves from poison gas but I’m sure they would have worked against Covid too.
its seems a take off, in a foundational way, on h.g. wells' book and a movie of the same name, the island of dr. moreau

there have been other movies down through the years about hunting humans

I recall the trashy but somewhat alluring movie from the mid seventies, race with the devil

or the movie surviving the game

the difference i guess is it has a political slant

which brings us full circle to "elitists" thinking americans are animals and huntable and to h.g. wells, altho the island of dr. moreau isn't quite about hunting

just looked up hunting humans and movies, interesting movie perhaps, although very low budget, is the woman hunt

based on a 1924 short story, the most dangerous game

in this, the op's movie's case, without having seen the movie, and only guessing, it is refreshing, to at least half the populace, to have a Rambo-esque table turning on leftists

and to have a movie that recognizes in the open, the distain held by idiots thinking themselves elitists, when what many leftists really are, are prisoners in a stockholm syndrome world
HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't subscribe to HBO or HBO Max even though I can get HBO Max for "free".

Should watch "I Care A Lot" about a woman who runs a nursing home scam to drain old folks of their money and personal freedom. She uses the law and a bunch of fiduciary folks to enable her scam- until she grabs the mother of a Russian mobster. Originally Posted by gnadfly

I wouldn't go so far as to say you "should" but I watched it and thought is was very good, good enough to win Rosamund Pike and Emmy. She also did an excellent job in "Gone Girl". She is a very good actress in my opinion.
Rosamund Pike is so freaking hot, but she always takes roles that have a demeanor that make me want to punch her in the face.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Rosamund Pike is so freaking hot, but she always takes roles that have a demeanor that make me want to punch her in the face. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
That made me laugh.

Yeah, she is one of those women who elicit many different opinions. It's a "she could be hot if" kinda thing with me. There is no question she is an attractive woman but is she in the beautiful, sexy category. I can't make up my mind but I do like looking at her even if I can't define her.

Cate Blanchett is another one like that. Not a classic beauty but there is something there that is attractive and I would have to personally put her in the top 3 best actresses today.
LexusLover's Avatar
... make me want to punch her in the face. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Does she do it while lying on her back with her head over the table end?

Or the bed end is ok, but it's usually a little lower.

HedonistForever's Avatar
OK, OK, I'd do her!
  • oeb11
  • 03-07-2021, 03:27 PM
Tiny - my memory is teh 'HUNT" was planned and introduced - but withdrawn a year or so ago due to outcry from the liberals who did not like their portrayal.
DPST's are dong the same thing now in both Houses of Congress.

Elitist Tyrants object to facts and truth.
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WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2021, 05:51 AM
The protagonist, an attractive female Afghan war veteran kidnapped from Mississippi, ends up killing all the wealthy liberal elitists. That’s one of the reasons I think the movie has some similarities to Kill Bill. And yes, some of the elitists were wearing gas masks, mainly to protect themselves from poison gas but I’m sure they would have worked against Covid too. Originally Posted by Tiny
Should have called it "The Cunt"
Should have called it "The Cunt" Originally Posted by WTF
Nah, that's sexist.

Her crime isn't that she's a woman, her crime is that she's white and has wrongthink.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2021, 07:10 AM
Nah, that's sexist.
Originally Posted by GastonGlock
I'm a sexist Pig.

I like the idea of hunting fact it should take the place of say deer hunting. How chicken shit is that....

Wouldn't that be great if the hunt you proclaimed so much love for....could actually shoot back!