
I am seeing more and more pics of providers with metal inserted into their faces. I don't mind the ears but I just can't handle the nose rings, the lip rings and the multiples of the ubiquitous studs (seemingly) randomly sticking out from what would be otherwise an attractive face. I don't have a problem with the more private (and normally covered in public) nip and vag metal.

Ladies, why do you do it? Is it in the name of art? Self expression?

Gents, what do you think? Are some places on the face OK while others are not?

Am I just getting cranky as I get older?


Whispers's Avatar
Gents, what do you think? Are some places on the face OK while others are not? Originally Posted by Gentleman

A gal better have an INCREDIBLY hot body, an incredibly great personality and willing attitude capable of overcoming it to get any of my money.

I routinely look right past a girl with any metal in her body outside of her ears and I find gauges to be a turnoff as well in the ears.

So something about her has to REALLY catch my attention BEFORE I know about a lip, nose or eyebrow piercing.

I did get past it with one young lady that used to hang out with a friend of mine.

She had a phenomenal body. But I would never spend more than a minute talking to her even though she would be at our table a lot in the club.

One day I DID end up in a conversation with her and ended up getting to know her.

For HER.

The Ink and metal combined with ill fitting unattractive glasses seemed to be a way to push attention away from her.

She was actually quite shy and did not care for a lot of attention. One of the wierdest dancers I met.'
blenderhead's Avatar
Not a fan of tattoos or piercings. It's not an automatic deal breaker, I just think 99% of girls look better without them.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I agree with all responses thus far. Piercings anywhere on the head other than the ears is a definite turn-off and more than likely a deal-breaker. As Gentleman stated, it could be age related and the "younger" guys might be more accepting of it.

Tattoos other than very discrete ones have been a deal-breaker for me in the past too.
Squarenot's Avatar
I am not a fan of ink or metal either. It seems like the younger girls have more of that and to me is driven by what they think younger guys like.
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
I like them both. It does depend on the girl though as to how much I like. Just another part of the fantasy for me!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
While I'm not a big fan of tats or facial piercing, I refuse to get on the old man ride to chastise, "you youngsters are crazy with your new-fangled face metal and tats!"

Remember when we were young and the old fogies were bitching at us about whatever it was we were doing at the time?

I take them as they come and make a decision each time. I'm seeing a girl with a (above) lip piercing, works for her, a soft spoken, lively girl with just the one stud (me, of course).

I will say that I would have a hard time adjusting to someone with enough piercings to remind me of:
harkontume's Avatar
As long as I don't get "poked in the eye"
I hate it when that happens!
sixxbach's Avatar
I don't mind the tats or piercings in my hobby life. However, for my civie life, that is a different story. I like a lady to look like a lady

John_Dough's Avatar
Not a fan of piercings where my mouth might be. It's like enjoying a good steak then biting into a bolt.
I love piercings on girls.As long as they don't get to crazy on the face I'm all for it.